Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

(how is this for a new thread?)

It is not the freshest news. But it is still breaking, people are still absorbing it ,and it all till needs context.

The filthy greedheads and the doomed can't have exclusive rights to this news territory. The insane and the loyal opposition must have their say as well.

My take - the Russian armada is going to bomb the living fuck out of Aleppo.  Not so much to help Assad as to show they can still break shit, and still matter in one of their few areas of influence outside of Russia. 

Sebostabol/Crimea alreadytaken and those pieces are swatted off the chess board.
Then they will pass through the Suez canal to a favorite area of contemporary interest - the south china sea, to dock at the "chinese" island. 
They will refit at Vizag (a top indian navy base), go hover around the "chinese" island in the spratleys, maybe some commando/fast boat/SEAL type training with the chinese there. then they go right by the senkaku islands on the way to vladivostick for winter.
just to show the world the BRICS aint nobody to fuck with. 
Turkish PM Erdogan just "cleaned house," by firing about 40,000 people in government and shooting a
few hundred security, military and intelligence staff accused of being Gulen supporters.  some probably were, some probably were not, and Gulen's infleunce is not as profound as the govt makes it out to be. but he just bought himself 5 more years of unchallengable rule. and the ability to flip turkey out of NATO into the BRICS. I think it is very possible and could happen suddenly if it does.
Then much of eastern europe NATO (esp former ussr/Warsaw Pact) all quit too - because it is a stupid antiquated instiution that has not had a rational strategic reason of existence since the fall of the Berlin wall.  nato is not world's army the blue hats in the UN are.
Timing - Putin put them at sea when he knew he would have a four month window of no real response from usa because of the  elections.
They will have proved they are back as a true blue sea navy, anf kicked some ass, and shored up crucial geostrategic along the way.
I feel no portence of WWIII but instead feel this is a macho country saying "we be back motherfucka!"
and the advanced cyber and ground/space/ship-to-shore warfare eqpt of china, russia (less so india) is getting really good, and hits all the achilles heels of nato/USSA, efficiently, cheaply, and on the button.

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You responded to my post about Trump's tweet habit with a response about one specific tweet. I made no mention of that incident.

Your are correct, one incident is not enough to determine a pattern.  But 282 incidents that are verifiable on twitter is enough to determine a very clear pattern that hasn't been created by the Times.

I never claimed that propaganda doesn't exist in the U.S.  Are you claiming that all negative press about Trump is propaganda?

It's been proven that most US main stream news outlets were coordinating their reporting with the Clinton campaign. It's indisputable.

It has been proven that reporters received dinner and drinks and received off the record updates from the Clinton campaign.  Perhaps that was "coordinating" perhaps not, but that conclusion is based upon speculation of what happened during that dinner.

Besides....Trump won.  Clinton is in the dust heap.  Putting forward issues of HIllary's corruptness is so November 7.

In other words - even if I accept your premise that Hillary was a worse choice than Donald that still doesn't mean that we should wait and see without organizing the resistance.

they could start where Occupy did: wealth inequality... and then head for the obvious target: global warming.  

The "Clinton crime family" is largely bullshit... and the "wikileaks" shouldn't have surprised anybody.  If I had my way, all "climate deniers" should be publicly flogged.  Dump's "decisions" and "policy" get more bat-fuck crazy by the day.  

Resist-- we MUST... but we got to do it without making ourselves targets for the HSD Gestapo.  

The dems weren't doing anything about global warming anyway. But yeah, a Trump presidency means that it will get even less attention. Not good.

Would have liked to see the Clintons indicted. But that isn't likely to happen either. "Trump, on pledge to appoint special prosecutor to investigate Clintons, says "I don't want to hurt them. They're good people"" So, there it is, Trump is already reneging on one of his main promises. And the "Drain the Swamp" contingient is already pissed.

We've all been predicting 'The Collapse' for a very long time and I don't think Trump's win is going to hasten or delay its inevitability. Mother nature still rules all, and we should have paid attention to her fifty years ago. Now, I fear the only thing that will satisfy her, is our removal. How long from now that the only question left.

I say if protesting helps the youngins deal with disappointment, then it's all good...I think they're confused, but it ain't their fault they got such a shitty deal. They should be protesting us.

Could give less than a shit if the Clintons are indicted and as usual... there is probably no "there" there.   Complete waste of time.  

yeah- the dems just put it on the pile with gender bathrooms etc.  acknowledge it's "real" etc... do nothing about it vs. "global warming is a Chinese hoax to steal yer job"  which i find personally more infuriating.  

People are talking about the electoral bs. like it's the Hail Mary Pass... and i think it's more likely that the ETs will come to save us.  

ps. as a hired gun for an health insurance company re insurer, i had to write lots of "pillory Hillary" letters intended to be copied-pasted to Congresscritters, etc.  Ethical dilemma.  But it was in my contract, so i did it.  

By far, the letter that resonated was, " you want your Doctor's office to be like the Bureau of Motor Vehicles?"  It worked then.  Now- I could only wish my Doctor's Office were that good. Competent- friendly- know what they're doing... instead of trying to sell you something. Do your business and go home- spiff-spoff.  "Privatization" changed all that.   

By far-- the best critique of "capitalism."  

I went from paying from paying around $800/yr to around $5,000/yr for health insurance simply because I turned 65. Still so pissed I can't see straight. And I can't see an eye doctor because that ain't covered either. <symbol crash>

So, there went our fucking vacation money. Hey, at least were safe from those terrorists we keep funding.

The Electoral College gambit is only the latest in a string of desperate Hail Marys this season.  First we had the Sanders superdelegates switching after Clinton is indicted fantasy, then the Johnson no clear winner so it goes to Congress and, instead of giving it to the Republican or the person with the most votes the GOP controlled Congress would give it to the Libertarian with his much lower vote count delusion and now this desperate hope that the Electoral College will buck the 26 states that require them to go with the state's vote and do what they were originally intended to do - be a buffer against the uninformed masses having control of the vote.

I signed the petition to get rid of the College - knowing full well that online petitions only help the signer feel that they are doing something and are conscientiously involved.

Climate change....I don't have kids so I don't have to worry about what is left behind for them.  I do hope that the ocean doesn't swallow my property though.

ACA was Romneycare designed by the Heritage Foundation which was a massive gift to the insurance companies - of course rates have gone up to increase CEO compensation packages and stock values - Capitalism isn't a solution to capitalism.

Bernie would have pushed for single payer.  Trump promises to repeal Obamacare and replace it....with sure as fuck won't be what Bernie was pushing.

oh, twitter is a darling now with #pizzagate tremendous fun (in a thoroughly evil , not fun, but highly intriguing way)



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