Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

The History Elephant is about to drop a corn-flecked steaming doody directly on the size-15 wingtips and steel-toed Payless cop-oxfords of all the ham-heads who bellow "liberal socialist agenda" like they used to bawl "witchcraft!"

And it’s about goddam TIME.

It’s about time for the US citizens who aren’t happily nested in the Middle Ages to leave the 19th Century. There are a scant few who have actually read Marx and Engels within their historical context and understand the evolution of a social theory as revolutionary and insightful (and therefore dangerous) as Darwin’s biological theory. It’s the truth: if Darwin’s ideas had been as brutally suppressed in the US as Marx (not for lack of effort), Biotechnology would not exist in the US (maybe a GOOD thing).

Consider (and then dismiss) the significant portion of the US population who is perfectly satisfied with the authoritarian pyramid pecking order organic stew with “god” at the top, invertebrates at the bottom, and just below god is the King or “Commander in Chief” or “Boss,” Sockpuppet or whoever gets their authority directly from “god.” Well- they wouldn’t be in charge if “god” did not “will” them to be, right? All you have to do is obey authority. Turn off brain. End of story. Their paradigm is the “Little Parrot Paradigm” which goes as follows:

I. Be an obedient slave.
II. Parrot the Dogma
A. Never question anything
B. Help us brutally suppress anyone who does
III. Your Reward is in Heaven.

As it was in the beginning… is now and ever shall be… and all that.

But you and I, we’ve been through that… and this is not our fate. So let us leave the Little Parrots behind for now and think kindly of them until they swarm to put us in gas chambers because they blame “us” for crop failure or falling hair. Meanwhile, who are “we?” Some of us label ourselves “Progressives” because we think we have “progressed” beyond slavery and Dogma. And we don’t want to be “liberals” any more because that’s just as nasty as “socialists.”

So while on the subject of completely meaningless labels, what about the interesting group of “Libertarians” emerging in the US because their former “Conservative” label associates them with the Parrots who have made a complete pig’s-arse out of everything? They made it out of the middle ages, all the way to the cutting-edge of 18th Century thought, “Adam Smith Capitalism.” Now, if they can make the leap between “Wealth of Nations” and “Capital,” they’ll be on the cutting edge of 19th Century ideas. A century in a sentence is quite an accomplishment.

Good thinking, but there’s still a century-and-a-half to go to catch up to where we are NOW… let alone anticipating the “future.” So to those erstwhile Jeffersonians… those Ayn Rand radicals… those lovable Libertarians who champion “Individual Rights” above all else and scorn the “Collectivists,” rugged individualists whose fine minds go forth questioning all things… I propose the following experiment: turn off their electricity and water. That’s right… now the TV won’t work and the toilet won’t flush. That’s right… Wing-tip is sitting on “collectivism” every morning when he takes a dump… he can’t SEE the danger of being without "the collective" … but he nose it.

“Individual Rights” will become fairly abstract when freezing in the dark with no place to take a crap. Meanwhile, here’s some food for thought… “I’m just sayin’.”

Soon the Parrots will be on us like The Birds.

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