Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Comment by curt on March 24, 2008 at 2:21am
You might be laughing at this ....rightly so. I have to put up with english like this on a daily basis at work. e.g. our sales guys apply for what's called a "Global Link" which is nothing more than a sales quote for the cost of a third party local access tail, all telesomms stuff. The ones in Ostrava whi are now doing the work that was outsourced from Frankfurt, leaving 40 people it "Globaling". I used to think the calls from Bratislava were hard to swallow : ALLO dis iss ahndrea komosovickova and I am callink from BATISLAVA I wannu shpeek tu meester kurdishhoerwuut ahpleese. Lovely people. Even the calls from Moscow were okay...quite similar to the ones from Bratislava. But these calls from Ostrava!!!! The goddamn phone lies to me by displaying a number from London. +0044 207 ....I know that number. Have known it for decades. I gladly pick up the phone, thinking it certainly some poor chap calling to ask about his new 2Megabit line with Bloomberg...........and then at a volume which literally knocks the headset off my head, sending incruciating pain into my tennitus ridden left ear.................ISS DIS KUR TISS ? I usually answer with a "NO, DIS IS ZE OPER RATOR, ZHU HAVE DIALT ZE WRONK NUMBER!" for Christ's sake. Outsourcing has its setbacks, yes indeed. Still, they're lovely people. Sometimes I'd like to just reach out and grab one, hug him or her until he or she suffocates. That's how much I love them.
Comment by BO on March 24, 2008 at 2:31am
I liked her chutzpah when the judge asked her if that was english she was singing--saying yes while throwing the judge a can't-you-tell-you-idiot sort of look.

But I think your response was even funnier. What fun to live a place where no one understands anyone else. Great post. I loved it.
Comment by waldopaper on March 24, 2008 at 9:26am
Going from Bulgarski to English has gotta be tough... and it sounds like these volk are very recent English speakers. I had my own dum foreigner experience in Deutschland... including people speaking louder. On a few occasions, the deutscher would be complaining about the Turks (als turkei) and their shitty german.

Ja- i would say... but my german is shitty also. oh yes... but you come from AMERIKA! never quite sure what that meant exactly... whether dummes amerikaners aren't expected to know any other sprache... or whether they meant, ja- but you aint tryin to LIVE here. Kurdish-hoerwuut!! Haw!! Besser stay out of oster Turkei!! Hoerwuut- du krakes mir up!!
Comment by curt on March 26, 2008 at 1:31pm
At the risk of going overboard with this.........

and I hope I got the right image....this piece of shit logo was in an e-mail chain I was caught up in today. The fuckers are rubbing it in our faces.
Comment by BO on March 26, 2008 at 2:06pm
Why not? The global elite have long ago learned that people either won't connect the dots, or won't do anything about even if they do.

Besides, I thought India was outsourcing back to the US now. With the dollar on a par with the peso, we're cheaper than they are.
Comment by curt on March 26, 2008 at 3:42pm
What pisses me off is how they outsource like rabbits in heat and then call us all into conf calls to remind us how important it is to reach customer satisfaction. Fire 40 here, hire 150 there to do the same amount of work, still save mucho dinero but lose many customers doing so. Then the bastards come around and force feed us their ethics trainings. Fucking corporate fascist bastards. It's sick! I don't blame the people with new jobs. I try to get along with them......I try, day in and day out. Mind you, I was my last companies number one Moscow man because I loved working with Moscow. That was a totally different story. It hurts when you see a complete dept. desolved right in front of your face and then a new centre be opened in the east and the fuckers call to ask you how they should do their work. Oh, and if you need the helpdesk, call 0044 for jolly old England and the guy on the phone comes back with his Bangalore accent.....and his version of "always look at the bright side of life" while rocking his head back and forth....(to the right and to the left). My company has been outsourcing since the day I joined them. Bernie Ebbers fucked up and now the big Horizon has us by the balls. I know, I know, it's the same all over. I have friends with Colt, BT, DTAG, Versatel, SwissCom etc. It's all the same. We will soon be the bean eaters. They will soon be striking for an increase in wages so they can buy their BMWs. For the time being, outsourcing appears ! to be lucrative.
Comment by BO on March 26, 2008 at 4:19pm
At least your currency is holing up.

You'll soon be able to buy my house with pocket change (euros).

Wish I had put all my assets in gold 5 years ago. Now, I'm looking for a home for my 401k that won't go tits up next week. Not even bonds are safe now. Amazing time we live in. The depression is here.


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