Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

A thread dedicated towards possible solutions rather than the rather pessimistic fare we engage in with much of our other communication.

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Bread. Never paid much attention to the Backfest or the Brunnenfest but these now make loads of sense. The little old Backhaus here in town is still used for a few fests each year. Each hamlet had its own Backhaus. I'll post a few fotos to illustrate the point. Be prepared for this 'cause it's gonna make ya hungry.

looks easy enough

I for one would rather bake and burn than dips dive but to each his own ;-)
You is liquid bread.
Of course I know that but the two together can be heaven on earth!!

Uh, Pan, Beer is another great subject. I can't imagine having to live without it. Hmmmm. This calls for a follow-up on Beer brewing.

Hopfen und Malz, Gott erhalt's.
YES !!

Prost !
That's one hell of a link there btw. Check it out. Here, a few more fotos of old Backhäuser....

(traditional Vogelsberger Brot)

Each Community should (ideally) have a Backhaus, a fresh water well, a Getreidespeicher and be surrounded by grain fields. I know, I know already...I'm a dreamer. Probably just another Schnappsidee. ;-)
Peter Kropotkin... one of Double Helix' alts. an rbc original... but a bit on the "Weather Underground" side. Looks like we may not have a choice...
Oh, shit, yes, aid. Nail on the Banger. My guess is that that is precisely what a community is all aboot. Set aside any prejudices one may have on communes, that shadow of the 60s and just concentrate on or try to imagine what life was like in this mediaeval little hamlet here in Hesse, Germany. I'm sure life was no rose garden and I can well imagine how people back then wished for better, more modern times but they couldn't possibly know just how solid their simplistic communal cooperation would serve to become the basis for survival, centuries upon centuries later.

Are we moving back to the middle ages? Yes and in more ways than just the one of Mutual Aid. But before we get there, back to the future, there will be a lot of bloodshed. This is where this place where I now live greatly differs from the place I used to live. I can see the anger levels rising here to the point of us almost being even but the difference will be hard to egalize. Egalize? Did I forget an "L" or can that fly as is? Anyhoo, as the result of any total collapse and prior to the desired result : Mutal Aid (thanks again, John!), the ones less suited, less capable of compromising will indulge in the killing off of one another.

So, enough crystalballing. My back hurts. BTW and fye(ntertainment) only, just got back from Gelnhausen where multitudes of young and not so young have gathered to celebrate this years Barbarossamarkt. Festivals of this sort are useful in keeping people aware of one another, large crowds, chaos and how to cope with it all without bloodshed. Just a side note, I hate crowds. A team of very strong horses couldn't drag me to this kind of event. My partner was able to and I'm glad I went along.
This caught my eye from Urban Survival. It seems sightings of Uhaul trailers and RV traffic out on the highways and byways of America has picked up quite dramatically. So what does that portend?

"My suspicion is that RV'ing may - for a lot of families - become the new "living in cars." As I've told you a couple of times, you can pick up a used RV on Craigslist for a few grand, and then refurb it yourself and get something quite roadable. I figure I could put a family of four on the road with an RV and some non-stylin' but perfectly serviceable used car (think used Geo Metro, or something like that) for maybe $15,000? Then all you have is the park expenses and with a car to go looking for work in different areas, we may be seeing the leading edge of a new kind of migrant worker: The kind that lives in an RV, has the high mileage commute car, and lives wherever there's a new for an IT Director, sales manager, product developer, or whatever. A kind of Second Depression version of college edjumacated Grapes of Wrath?"


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