Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

(how is this for a new thread?)

It is not the freshest news. But it is still breaking, people are still absorbing it ,and it all till needs context.

The filthy greedheads and the doomed can't have exclusive rights to this news territory. The insane and the loyal opposition must have their say as well.

My take - the Russian armada is going to bomb the living fuck out of Aleppo.  Not so much to help Assad as to show they can still break shit, and still matter in one of their few areas of influence outside of Russia. 

Sebostabol/Crimea alreadytaken and those pieces are swatted off the chess board.
Then they will pass through the Suez canal to a favorite area of contemporary interest - the south china sea, to dock at the "chinese" island. 
They will refit at Vizag (a top indian navy base), go hover around the "chinese" island in the spratleys, maybe some commando/fast boat/SEAL type training with the chinese there. then they go right by the senkaku islands on the way to vladivostick for winter.
just to show the world the BRICS aint nobody to fuck with. 
Turkish PM Erdogan just "cleaned house," by firing about 40,000 people in government and shooting a
few hundred security, military and intelligence staff accused of being Gulen supporters.  some probably were, some probably were not, and Gulen's infleunce is not as profound as the govt makes it out to be. but he just bought himself 5 more years of unchallengable rule. and the ability to flip turkey out of NATO into the BRICS. I think it is very possible and could happen suddenly if it does.
Then much of eastern europe NATO (esp former ussr/Warsaw Pact) all quit too - because it is a stupid antiquated instiution that has not had a rational strategic reason of existence since the fall of the Berlin wall.  nato is not world's army the blue hats in the UN are.
Timing - Putin put them at sea when he knew he would have a four month window of no real response from usa because of the  elections.
They will have proved they are back as a true blue sea navy, anf kicked some ass, and shored up crucial geostrategic along the way.
I feel no portence of WWIII but instead feel this is a macho country saying "we be back motherfucka!"
and the advanced cyber and ground/space/ship-to-shore warfare eqpt of china, russia (less so india) is getting really good, and hits all the achilles heels of nato/USSA, efficiently, cheaply, and on the button.

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Is it irony or paradox to consider the news about fake news fake?

I guess it would depend on who's reporting it. 

 I voted my conscience - Pedro.


Something weird...  makes me wish i had made this list before i quit.  Like this should have happened before.  So lets dig some more fucking coal.  Starlight is the is the disinfectant.  Sure wish Curt were here.  

Comet Ping Pong being "investigated" by a gun nut.....

It reminds me so much of the 80's hysteria over satanic pre-school rites.

Just because "the media" says it is false doesn't mean it is true.

No victim has come forward. There's no investigation. No physical evidence. No basement. No tunnels.

The "satanic panic" 80s shit, up to now were real, and hyper-elite and nonpartisan.  This is real.  Deal with it

Certainly, child trafficking is real whether the Pizzagate story is, or not. But considering how amoral our 'leaders' have become, I don't automatically discount conspiracy theories anymore. Especially considering recent efforts by elites to purge the internet of alternative news sites. 1984 is here. On steroids.

Don't think so, mate.  Not that it wouldn't be possible.  Just not bloody likely.  The 911 thing was enough for me.  Took about 5 years to even "believe" it.  And that is now peanuts to... 1. Abrupt climate change happening before our eyes and half the fuckwits want to dump petro-poisons in the water and dig more coal... and 2. We are not alone in the universe, and our stellar relatives seem to be taking an interest in our "milieu."   Combine that with black zero-point anti-grav technology and the possibility of an "alien" false-flag... and all this shit gets too thick for my brain.  

Kidnapping kiddies and marketing them thru a local pizza parlor to bugger and sell their organs?  Sure.  Why not.  We pretty much know about the depths of human depravity ever since the Holocaust that never happened.  But firestorm in Pigeon Forge Arrowmont School burned out another swath of "reality" for me.  Had Bush II delivered the STOU address in 2006 while munching on a baby's arm, I would have shrugged.  Seriously.  Is it horrible?  Sure.  Compared to what's going on elsewhere?  Not so much.  Stalingrad vs. Mengele  "experiments."  

How does one "compare/contrast?"  

I still belong to the reality based community. As such the standard is more than "well it could have happened". Yes, there is propaganda on mainstream media outlets. This doesn't somehow automatically make non-mainstream sources more reliable.

9/11 happened.  The official conspiracy theory of the government didn't make sense. Thus being a "truther" was/is reality based.

While pedophile rings and child sex slave do exist. Pizzagate only exists on the internet unless and until some actual victims are discovered. Meanwhile an actual victim of the President-elect withdrew her child rape lawsuit after multiple death threats without much concern being expressed. Deal with that.

Waldo, Pan, brothers, sisters, Romans, countrymen, lead me your ears! And then lease me your beers!

This is an especially sensitive topic, to be sure, but we will treat it with the good will, good humor, and (thank god) ironic weirdness characteristic of our Jerking Shrimp refugee position.

It seems like we all agree elite pedo rings do exist. Look at Norway and Canada now! Dutrox in Beligium, Franklin Omaha, Craig Spence DC, the list goes on and on.  For this to be not to be the latest iteration seems unlikely.

I have really looked into all of these elite pedo rings quite closely.  I thought "as a conspiracy theorist, what is the skeleton key that unlocks them all?" Elite satanic ritual abuse/sex/murder.  But to write a book about this?!  No way.  "Do not look into the abyss or it will look into you." - Nietzsche

People that dont like to hear about stuff beyond reprehensible, stop reading. spolier alert












A ten year old girl that survived pizzagate said she she saw a baby have it's arm chopped off with an electric knife. And then they did not kill it either.

Unfathomably beyond vile, to be sure.  Which makes us not want to admit it could possibly be that bad.  And what we can do as private citizens is is really quite limited, especially because it is the uber elite that do it. And we are small potatos.  But if we ignore it because it so morbid and gross, it continues.

My two cents...

I don't want to ruffle any feathers here and this has been a really fun board but my empirical factual analysis leads me to believe #pizzagate is real.

911 is "real" too.  It just isn't what most people think it is.  Have no doubt that there are depraved fucks looking for decadent shit to do with all the "money" they've been hoovering up to the top of the pyramid for 40 years.  Then the Phil Schnieder shit and the underground bases... etc. et al. "alien body-snatchers" that have nothing whatsoever to do with the "others" who have been with us since the beginning of our species.  

And according to Greer (Steve- not Mike) the nasties in the dark intel/ defense/ money world that pulled off 911 have the tech to create illusions that make 911 look like a puppet show.  wtf this has to do with the endless pipeline wars all over the world is anybody's guess.  Methinks if you plug these two ends together... there's your skeleton key.  


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