Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

(how is this for a new thread?)

It is not the freshest news. But it is still breaking, people are still absorbing it ,and it all till needs context.

The filthy greedheads and the doomed can't have exclusive rights to this news territory. The insane and the loyal opposition must have their say as well.

My take - the Russian armada is going to bomb the living fuck out of Aleppo.  Not so much to help Assad as to show they can still break shit, and still matter in one of their few areas of influence outside of Russia. 

Sebostabol/Crimea alreadytaken and those pieces are swatted off the chess board.
Then they will pass through the Suez canal to a favorite area of contemporary interest - the south china sea, to dock at the "chinese" island. 
They will refit at Vizag (a top indian navy base), go hover around the "chinese" island in the spratleys, maybe some commando/fast boat/SEAL type training with the chinese there. then they go right by the senkaku islands on the way to vladivostick for winter.
just to show the world the BRICS aint nobody to fuck with. 
Turkish PM Erdogan just "cleaned house," by firing about 40,000 people in government and shooting a
few hundred security, military and intelligence staff accused of being Gulen supporters.  some probably were, some probably were not, and Gulen's infleunce is not as profound as the govt makes it out to be. but he just bought himself 5 more years of unchallengable rule. and the ability to flip turkey out of NATO into the BRICS. I think it is very possible and could happen suddenly if it does.
Then much of eastern europe NATO (esp former ussr/Warsaw Pact) all quit too - because it is a stupid antiquated instiution that has not had a rational strategic reason of existence since the fall of the Berlin wall.  nato is not world's army the blue hats in the UN are.
Timing - Putin put them at sea when he knew he would have a four month window of no real response from usa because of the  elections.
They will have proved they are back as a true blue sea navy, anf kicked some ass, and shored up crucial geostrategic along the way.
I feel no portence of WWIII but instead feel this is a macho country saying "we be back motherfucka!"
and the advanced cyber and ground/space/ship-to-shore warfare eqpt of china, russia (less so india) is getting really good, and hits all the achilles heels of nato/USSA, efficiently, cheaply, and on the button.

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Who is this photographer?!

Stole the image from FB.  Don't know the citation - will try to find.

it was clearly impossible from the start, cement doesn't turn to sand in a moment and chase people down the street.  i saw it live in England on television, while snuggling my daughter who had a bad epileptic seizure the day before.   I have an epileptiform abnormality which causes visions, lucky old me, so I have seen plenty of marvellous things, and am used to wondering.

having seen the first impossible disintegration of a skyscraper I became very anxious about the second, and its people, but it did do the same impossible thing, and puzzlement obstructed horror, because skyscrapers don't just go pfff, everybody knows that.

years later we got a computer and all that, and I saw building 7 go down.  I joined an English forum on 9/11 until the administrator, an independent journalist, got his moment on mainstream television.  he said he had noticed that all the 9/11 conspiracy theorists were mentally ill.  Totally shafted the lot of us.

meanwhile bbc radio4, hitherto my main source of news and woffle, ridiculed non-believers relentlessly, much as they do today with the climate fraud and all brexiteers are thick' malarkey.

hardly listen to it now, the nausea intervenes.

I am so stealing "puzzlement obstructed horror" and "the nausea intervenes" as chapter titles for my next novel

Nothing? I need help fleshing this list out...

Shit Stones.  I spent several months alone going down the Shanksville shoot-down rabbit hole.  The white bizjet firing a missle just wasn't in my aviation knowledge batcave... and all that (ongoing) structural shit took years.  Global Hawk was disrupted.  They had to shoot it down... or the inside jobbery would have been revealed.    

Wasn't Teedie's parting shot to erase that whole thread of collected information?

Yep.  It's here in the pile somewhere.  Not the info, of course.  That went on for years.  Just Teedie's revenge.    

Listen to them futurists in 1967.  Coulda told them assholes that memes were real.  The goddam careerists will always win anyway because youth and talent always succumbs to age and treachery.   'Maybe the answer to Huxley’s ‘question of questions’ isn’t a number, after all."  

Ha ha.

Whaddya mean BO.  There's you and me anyway.  And everybody else out there grumbling at another day at the Shitewerks.  

It's a rare goddam day when something cracks the giva-shit shell.  Now in dope heaven... where gourmet weed is cheaper than cigarettes and beer... it's like being a 71 year-old retired Hessian in 1943.  There's that damned Nazi war thing and all.  But then Hillz opens her p-hole about Stein and the Greens being Russian assets Putin's puppets and yadda bladdle derp.  I sleep like a baby (thanks to dope) and don't have to listen to yammering airheads (thanks to distance).  So now here's Chris Hedges and Josh Freeman talking about the Factory.  The bombers are going over again.  Reading is much like playing God.   as many of the neoliberal shibboleths of the past 40 years are gradually being reconsidered and abandoned. That is a start.   


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