Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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I think it pretty much is... in terms that the Trumpoids talk about.  You know where I'm coming from:  CLIMATE EMERGENCY.  Difference between woke and awakened.  Conservative in terms of conserving what has been given to us.  I think anybody who isn't down with the Green New Deal (GND) is a mega stupid-head because I'm too polite do say dumb fuck.  I'm talking about brother Cornel West (yall know him doncha).  Guess I'm getting to the point where my allies piss me off more than my enemies.  But... I'm a man.  But I can change.  If I have to.  I guess.   

Had a long thread with a former High School acquaintance. He was a hepped up about the bank account statements and Hunter and....  I said great, impeach him, indict him, try him if the evidence is so fuckin' convincing.  Otherwise all that smoke is coming, not from a fire but from what they are blowin' up your ass.

Love Cornell West but he has less than a Nader's chance in hell of doing anything but symbolism.  Democrats piss me off but I live in Florida where De Santis is going full on Third Reich so I still see that there is a big difference on the depth of depravity they are willing to sink to to amass personal power.  Been reading the Weimar Sourcebook and some of the connections between what was going on with what is going on now are too direct. Scares the hell out of me.  The Nazi propaganda was about "cultural bolshevism", De Santis uses "cultural Marxism"....

Trying to find a place with water and relatively safe from the massive weather events that are going to continue to accelerate where the neighbors aren't fucking fascists. Not having much luck.

Happy we don't have children to worry about. Happy we are older so we saw the planet before the climate got completely fucked up. There are some positive steps that got put through with solar/wind being supported by federal bucks but there are the requisite backward steps for Manchin, et al. Meanwhile a meteorologist in Iowa quit his job due to threats to his and his family's safety because he was mentioning the Climate Crisis.  Hard to remain optimistic but....

"...he has less than a Nader's chance in hell of doing anything but symbolism. "  

That's the lessor weevil trap. Don't go there.  If Cornel gets on the ballot- he'll win in a landslide.  Even so- I won't vote for him because I'm retired from voting.  The Machine is running things anyway.   

I miss you guys. I couldn't figure how to respond and realized I wasn't logged in. Paul knows an 80ft oak fell on our house early April. But anytime anyone wants to visit you're welcome

Winter is coming.

… Isaac the first-born spake and said, My Father,
Behold the preparations, fire and iron,
But where the lamb for this burnt-offering?
Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps,
And then builded parapets and trenches there,
And stretched forth the knife to slay his son.

DPD: 1863~!7 October 19(20)17; Red sails at morning etc., Daisy’s soviet Georgia ( dee mow) St. Lo

The Hessian and the Zulu n’ Sioux went to sea.  In a beautiful pea-green boat were all American apple-pies (they say).  Owl and pussycat is code they use for air and ground.  Yah.  During the war we talked about local women that way.  Six-pounders and twelve-pounders- meaning size of their bulbs. 

Huh.  You in artillery.  Peaches or Grapefruit.  Wot you a Southern.  Aright.  Apples and cherries.  Wot about grapeshot.  Nah man.  Cavalry.  Union.  Not exactly.  Disunion was our business.  Who were you?  Undersee Boot.  Shit.  We been expecting you.  屌. Shh.  Adlay Millet is on board. 薏米炖鸡=薏米燉鷄.  Order anything you want.  But you’re gonna piss off the cook. It’s labor-intensive.

When lo! an angel called him out of heaven,
Saying, Lay not thy hand upon the lad,
… offer the Ram of Pride instead of him.

Job’s tears.  牛逼.  Right.  New buys.  Fresh ones among the crew.  They know things.  Like the gypsies and Jews.  Travelers.  Like us.  So watch how you behave when you are in Rome.  When you see old man Henry coming aboard- it’s time to launch.  How far will Henry go into the future.  Far as the Dart will let him.  We took prisoners.  Guests.  Hostages.  Visitors.  Tinkers.

Whatever.  They say all my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me. My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God hath touched me. You know your Bible. 

Eye better.  Mr. Thabo don’t like no heathens on his board of directors.  Sargeant infantry USCT in their civil war.  He say: God’s gonna trouble de water. Horus? Thoth. No one knows how far back he goes. Not even the Dart.  That’s weird.  Yah.  Happens when she crosses dimensions.  Pandora is Punta her Captain now and she controls the Dart.  But Henry is the only pilot who can see the portals. 

Thabo and Chaska can’t stand the weird.  Henry is afraid of Chaska.  Chaska is afraid of Thabo.  And Thabo fears Henry more than the wrath of God.  Buoys won’t say why.  There is a town and a river.  Rock Creek?  Appomattox.  Creek became a river by Cemetery Hill. 

Pandora has the (Remington) drawings.
But the old man would not so, but slew his son,
And half the seed of Europe, one by one.



Going That Way

You are my fire
The one desire
Believe when I say
I want it that way     

DPD; 18/19/1065 Triploid moons; Appomattox in my lunch box, backstreet boys play (dice).

Lee Longstreet Jackson.    Lincoln Grant Sherman.  That’s all you need to know (for now).  The USA had not adopted Henry yet.  Thabo was clearly an African.  Henry a European.  Blazing sun just made Thabo turn blacker.  Made Henry burn red.  So guess who was left to go aloft.  Chaska the big chief Indian lawyer.  Long before he red in law school.  Longstreet.  The old war horse.  Chaska went to sea- Henry’s suggestion.  Spotted Hawk in the future.  See him in high desert Navajo blanket and white eagle feathers.  He poses with a Henry repeater chambered in .45 Colt.  Spotted Hawk as breakfast for the long-knives.  Longstreet huh.  

Am I your fire?
Your one desire
Yes, I know it’s too late
But I want it that way   

Long Colt brass cackled Chaska.  Ogden Nash says when you’re wrong admit it.  When you’re right shut up.  The abolitionists would not shut up.  Who is Ogden Nash.  I don’t know.  Who is John Galt.  It’s a bumper sticker.  What’s a bumper sticker.  You see concluded Pandora.  When you get back they ask too many stupid questions.  Fouls the mission and it won’t fire.  Thabo rumbled.  They talk like that when they get back.  John Galt is strange fruit hang in from a poplar car.  Gotta get back to Motown and crack some cases.  No question a stupid question say Chaska piously.  Shut up Buddha snaps Henry the brass receiver.

You just don’t do that.  It would be like working your whole life to rise in the royal court and then shouting HEY KINGIE.  He would point to a guard and say- you there.  Kill that man.  If one had not done so already.  And then the king stretches the guard for killing you without orders.  That was Tom (fool) Jackson.  Stonewall for sure.  Never met the man.  Rebel army worshipped hierarchy.  Grant wasn’t like that but stayed away just the same.  Played cards with Bill Sherman before the war though.  When we saw each other during war we acted like we did not know each other.  We took care of separation business.

Wanted it that way.

Tell me why
Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache
Ain’t nothin’ but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say (don’t wanna hear you say)
I want it that way



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