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Life in the Empire

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Fucking hospital ought to be put out of business. Perfect example of the use of technology without any guiding moral principle. And the fucking doctors have absolutely no clue they've done anything irresponsible.

So who ultimately pays for this? U and me. Shoulda never happened.
Is it just me or does the idea of "giving" a 6 year old his dad returning from Iraq in a box seem to miss the obvious subtext?

I guess the box wasn't shaped like a coffin and wrapped with a flag so it was a good thing......
"My daddy 'works' in the war." Yup. That's what she said.

Probably, good little christians, too.
April 15 Tax Revolts! In the spirit of the Boston Tea Party, the Paulistas, Fox network, and various GOP operatives have banded together to create "tea bagging parties. The astroturf roots movement is being financed by billionaires who are so looking forward to having their tea bags suckled by the adoring masses under the pretense of populism.
welllllllllllllll, somehow, I'm having my difficulties with looking at this new movement, and it is a movement as one sponsored by the GOP, the right wing, Faux Ooze or any other influential group. I'm sure these various influential groups are doing all they can to influence the movement but the movement is beyond partisan patsying. How did one guy put it?.....fuck with the idiot bastard conservatives of this country and your ass is grass while they're the lawnmower. My Puter, now running on Linux tanks Iza German. Don't know why every fucking word I write is underlined in red. Anyway, wht we have today, is a movement. People were moved enough to get their fat asses up off the goddamn couch and out in the streets. That's pretty much the basic idea. Tea bags, old hags or take a drags, who gives a flying fuck? You have people, institutions like Faux Ooze capitalizing off this, making it their own so the natural reaction from the (so called) left is to dis the complete movement, teag bags, old hags and take a drags one and all. This is not where it's at, my friends. Yes, people are upset and yes they can be mobilized. But there's an even bigger YES. It's the YES WE CAN! kinda yes. Mark my word, this movement, if it grows and if it takes on the colour black (or blue, and throw in a few vegetables), it will be manipulated just like playdough. And when that happens, things are gonna get real ugly for us peace loving, free thinking freaks. The movement aint bad in itself, and it is real, even with the astro turf and all but it's a mass movement and it's on the fucking leash just like everything else in the USA.
Wait a sec, wait a sec, I have so much more to say.

Just like any movement, and just like the water that comes rollin down the mountain, it aint gonna be pure. It can even be poisonous.

Nuff said from my side. Ize still pissed at the fucking Black Bloc from the Frankfurt affair.
Diners report seeing Virgin Mary in food griddle

Apr 30 07:01 PM US/Eastern

CALEXICO, Calif. (AP) - The hottest thing on the griddle at the Las Palmas restaurant these days isn't the food—it's the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe that a cook says she saw on the griddle. Restaurant manager Brenda Martinez says more than 100 people have flocked to the small town of Calexico on the California-Mexico border to gaze at the likeness of the Virgin Mary since it was discovered as the griddle was being cleaned.

Among the awe-struck was a group of masked Mexican wrestlers who arrived Thursday for an exhibition at a nearby swap meet. One, known as Mr. Tempest, says: "This is amazing. It's a true miracle."

Since the discovery, the griddle has been taken out of service and placed in a shrine in a storage room.

Anyone want to make a pilgrimage with me to see the holy griddle?
ooooooo...Tell us the story please Uncle Waldo! Please uncle Waldo. Please. Please.

Something tells me Uncle Waldo is not too proud of this one.
ok... the short version.

i red in the paper that there was a miracle in Shamoakin Pennsylvania... the face of Christ appeared on the chalice veil in some church in S, Pa. So i sez to box an me girlfriend... wizza? a miracle? not all that far away. wes kin jump in me '71 350 camaro hockey-puck, we kin be there by daybreak!

and so we did. bleahhhhhh... all nite long on the superslab... to arrive in S,Pa by sunup... and with little inquiry, find the zak spot in the small town wheras church held miraculous face-of-jeebuz, wherepon i laid me een on the paredolia poopadoodle. and if ye squeened yer eyes just right... and held yer mouth just right... seemed to me they needed to fix a leak in they roof.

grmble mmph bitch, sezzeye, kickin cans and pissin and moanin back to the chevy... that i roared all nite long in a hockey-puck to see a rain-stain. i wanned a miracle... goddammit. just then the clouds roll away... the sun beams down on the hills of Penn... the leaves changing colors... blazing forth like meteors on the death of princes.

The feeling was something like this:

lookin for somekinda "miracle" when self-same shits in yer pudding every morning and ye don't even see it. cep for me redhaired girlfriend who soon after flushed me like the toilet-trout i truly wuz. aint as poetic as it could be...

...but that's the short virgin.
Thanks Waldo. Always entertaining. And I learned a new word (paredolia).

I remember seeing the movie, "The Song of Bernadette" when I was about seven or so. For about a week or so, I'd go outside and lie down in the yard, look up at the sky with my arms outstretched, and ask God to make my hands bleed. Swear I saw a virgin mary cloud or two, but me hands never did bleed--no matter how much I grunted and strained. That was my brush with holiness. After that, I pretty much figured out god and santa clause were the same dude.

Here's a jewish schmuck who crashed his motorcycle and got a virgin mary scab...

drove all night eh?

in a '71 350 camaro ?

hockey-puck ?

the merry monkey virgin.....

thank goodness for painters and rooftoppers
BO always wanted one of these...

But had to settle for one of these...

Problem was..I didn't surf. But we drove around with our tailgates up anyway cause it looked cool and we liked the smell of our own exhaust (an age-old male tradition).


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