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Life in the Empire

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James Burke... started with Connections:
our dependence on technology...

Followed by The Day the Universe Changed:
the way we think determines our "universe."

Here's a pretty good collection:

...scuse me now while I go check out the K-web...
K-web beta is being tested, there is no access at this time. Very cool. I hope he gets the project fully launched.

The first time I saw "Connections" I almost started jumping up and down with excitement. I was in the midst of my growing disillusionment over the compartmentalized specialization of academic disciplines when on my television screen, finally, was someone who truly understands what real education is about - empowering students to think critically about information in order to start to see how everything interconnects.
Thirty-Six U.S. States to Face Water Shortages in the Next Five Years
Bernanke says : it could be a recession. The Banks say, it probably is. Curt said it is, last year. Curt knows NOTHING. I know NOTHINK!

The man with the spotlight says, in a strange phonetic designed to entertain americans and americans alone because it make no sense for Sweeds.........okay, counts for and works for Brits, Welsh and Eire as well............

"vee hav vays of makink you tok!"

But but, I know NO THINK ! I really do, btw. It's called : self-hypnosis. Me think.

Recession. No want. Me no want. Banks no want. Cooks the Books. Cook the fuggin books ! Dammit ! Asswipes ! Need an example ?


Went to the bank today, oh boy. Them new tallars look pretty phony. No gold in Knox to cover them.


A friend shocked me today. Time will tell if we are indeed. Friends. Or if I am merely his prey.
Sheesh honey, that doesn't sound good.
"A friend shocked me today. Time will tell if we are indeed. Friends. Or if I am merely his prey."

Try not to act like a picnic table.

Man, this collapse is fun. Crooks on parade everywhere. Hell, even the shit that goes down in my local grocery store has become interesting. The demographics are changing at a rapid pace. Everyone in my hood is looking destitute and you can sense the rage and desperation.

You're gonna freek out when you see this place again, Curt. The middle class is no more.
six murders in two days in my little Xian town of churches and bible smackers. "drug related," sez the kops. drug related... gun related... pickles on a bun related... people are fucking killing each other. it aint the dope. it's lack of hope. i see more kops here in 6 hours than you will in europe in 6 weeks. passing 4 or 5 in a 10-mile trip is not uncommon. and the peeps' solution? why, go to church o course... and ask their imaginary friend to make it all better. and lower taxes. and get more kops.
I feel so much happier since I have given up hope!

Actually that is a lie - I still hope, I still strive, thinkin' that there might be a change, I just don't get my hopes up about it. However, I am sending off my application for a college position that would be more responsibility for far less money than the last college gig I left which paid less than the job I had before that. So, I guess that counts as giving up hope.
I don't see much cause for hope. I don't see anyone who can stop this train wreck. So I'll be sittin' here as long as the power lasts, talkin' to my friends. Worrying myself sick over it isn't going to change anything, what will be, will be.
Is false hope better than no hope at all? Maybe. These days I see it as a real barrier to recognition of a reality coming at us like a freight train. Nobody gives up hope entirely... if they do, they commit suicide. I sure am getting sick of "positive thinking." I joined the ranks of the uncounted unemployed... because I have no hope of getting a "job."

There IS a difference between hopelessness... and being Beyond Hope.
"I am full of rage, sorrow, joy, love, hate, despair, happiness, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and a thousand other feelings. We are really fucked. Life is still really good."

I like this part, it's so true.


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