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Life in the Empire

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Yip, ya beat me too it, Hannah J. Whenever the Admins have brain farts over cost savings, they cut the Arts out and after a while, a school without Arts turns into a prison. It's a lose lose situation.

Hang in there Pan. Protest the shit!
Not sure it's just the arts...seems more like any kind of education that's related to actually producing something. If you don't aspire to managing shit, you're worthless in the eyes of a culture that doesn't actually produce anything anymore. And it's even worse if you have talent. Anything requiring talent is too subjective for the cost and control crowd.

Ve must eliminate the humanity from everything we do. There's no profit (exploitation) in humanity...unless of course, you're dancing with the stars.
fer shur, i should have included humanities in there. in high schools everywhere they have dropped languages, literature, and art!
I love to dance, and I love to watch people dance. I like to watch the Ballroom competitions they show on PBS every now and then, but I can't stand DWTS. It's annoying.
They are cutting music classes in my grandson's school. They are also talking about extending the school day, while firing more teachers. You haven't seen (how can I put this kindly.....) uneducated children 'till you ask a Floridian teenager to make change without the cash register telling them the answer. They let them use calculators for math tests, why call it teaching math, it's a calculator function class. AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!
Thanks hannah! The world looks much better now!
my pleasure! found it by accident. nice to find something with such a good spirit. i was looking for folksingers like tom paxton, etc.

On October 23, 2006 the Lawrence Journal World or LJ World published an article which silently uncovered a funding scandal within Kansas University, in Lawrence, Kansas. In 2005, the university’s department of geography received at least $500,000 in Department of Defense funds to map communally held indigenous land in the states of San Luis Potosi, and in Oaxaca, Mexico.

As a result of this original story, on November 26th, of 2007 published a feature follow up story on the funding scandal titled “The Road to Hell”, which elaborates on the the potential dangers of this type of militarily funded mapping project. Since the publication of this 2007 article, myself and a growing number of community members and students from both sides of the U.S. Mexico border, have engaged in several extensive investigations into the details of this particular research project. Our growing concern has revolved around, academic ethics violations due to improper transparency with communities about the research funding, and serious U.S. Army violations of Mexican sovereignty, and of indigenous autonomy. Our collective research over the last year has resulted in several key pieces of irrefutable evidence, demonstrating both academic ethics violations, and serious violations of Mexican sovereignty and indigenous autonomy.

The Scandal:

Kansas University Geography professors, Peter Herlihy and Jerome Dobson received the funding for their mapping project, named the Bowman Expeditions, from the Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) located at the Fort Leavenworth U.S. Army base in Leavenworth, Kansas. The Mexican incarnation of the project is named “Mexico Indigena” and began mapping in 2005 in an indigenous region known as “La Husteca”, which is partially located in the state of San Luis Potosi, and then moved their operation to the state of Oaxaca amidst the statewide popular uprising of the APPO - Oaxacan Peoples’ Popular Assembly, in 2006.

On the 14th of January, 2009, UNOSJO, the Union of Organizations of the Sierra Juárez of Oaxaca, released a communique in which the organization expresses concerns of BioPiracy in the Mexico Indigena mapping project, and claims that communities were deceived, having no idea that a primary funder of the project was the FMSO. UNOSJO cites a clear lack of transparency and additional suspicions of implications related to the US Army’s controversial Human Terrain Mapping System. Indeed there is very compelling evidence that the FMSO is engaging in what they themselves define as “Civil Information Management in Support of Counterinsurgency Operations.” read on.....

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$500,000 in Department of Defense Funding to Kansas University for ...
"AP IMPACT: Tons of released drugs taint US water"

yep. Pharmaceuticals have all but destroyed our Puget Sound--it's not completely dead yet, but close. Our local water life is getting high doses of antidepressants and hormone therapy from contraceptives.

The pharmaceutical companies-and state co-conspirators-- won't admit that the problem is that current sewage treatment technology doesn't/can't eliminate those elements from human excrement--which gets 'treated' and is dumped right into the sound. Don't think the engineers planned for a drugged-out society.

Same ole greed, different day. Economy comes first, then ecological considerations. Same response. Outrage, then zip.
Their wives/husbands, children, parents,grandparents and grandchildren drink water too.
Littleoldme and Bo,
Thanks for the links - this information is mind blowing - how the hell do we stop this?????????? Here is my rant - why don't these so called Christians who want to reach out saving souls - shit - this is gonna sound so damn ugly and nasy - the christians I've met (so we are not generalising ) are just a more suave, legal, socially accepted version of the KKK



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