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Life in the Empire

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Maybe the rbc should call itself the Cassandra Club. I know Bo, Curt and I get significant shit from our significant others for "all that negativity." In a way, lads, the girls are right you know. But this should be interesting: I remember during the Reagan era when a little "recession" hit... and the big concern with "war on crime" and the "war on drugs" vanished overnight. All the twits who had a cob up their butt about "dopers" and "criminals" forgot all about it and started whimpering about their wallet.

Watch the "Global War on Terror" disappear without a trace. Even if somebody pops a mini-nuke in...say, Atlanta... USns will be going, "huh? oh... too bad about Atlanta... but the BANK is going to take MY HOUSE!!" I hope I am kinder and more understanding than I was in the Reagan era when my attitude was, "welcome to my fucking nightmare, Fucktard. I don't want to hear 'all that negativity,'" because it's only important if it's happening to YOU PERSONALLY RIGHT NOW... but if the rest of the world has rabid crocodiles jumping up their ass, well... we don't want to clutter our "beautiful mind" with "all that negativity" because we just broke a nail and have to work on our abs.

Now, I could understand "wah- poor ME." What I could not understand was how so many people fell all over themselves trying to demonstrate how badly they were torn-the-fuck-up over "9-11," putting multiple flags on their SUVs , baking murikkan flag cakes and bellowing for revenge without even caring who the fuck really did "it" or why. I came to the conclusion that they were leading colorless-odorless-tasteless lives and this was better entertainment than the Stupid Bowl.

Am I too cynical??
Are you too cynical?

If you were, you wouldn't have asked the question.
No, my friend , you are not!
It was like a 24/7 soap opera. It's the little bit o ambulance chaser in the group. Maybe there is something wrong with me. I felt really bad for those who lost their loved ones but when everybody started throwing money at them , like that was the answer, and they started fighting over who got the money and who didn't, that was pretty much it for me.
Was I afraid, no. Did it affect my life, no, not until the laws started being passed. Bah humbug.
Ever had "tears of RAGE?" I did last night after I checked out and watching the excruciatingly irritating "introduction" video, "an idea whose time has come." Check it out. I bet you'll be so fucking annoyed in the first two minutes, you'll blow it off. I should have. But I didn't. I watched the whole thing... including the whacko Q&A session at the end. I'm sure G Edward Griffin is a nice old man... but I think he's dangerous. Now I have an even worse opinion of the Ron Paulies... and uncorked the following rant:

I'm sorry... anybody who rails against "the evils of collectivism" is an asshat. "An idea whose time has come?" No... it's the same old crap I've heard all my life. Same old "John Birch Society" horseshit. It's the same old warmed-over "anti-kommunist" hysteria... government: bad... "private sector:" good. government: KOMMUNISM!!! "private sector:" FREEDOM!!! "We" must organize... "We" must seek power... "We" must defeat the "enemy..." Join FreedomForce... "our movement..." and THIS is not "collectivism???"

I don't suppose it would do any good to remind the "libertarians" that this is the same old tired horseshit that brought the "neocons" to "power???" Blah blah... smaller government... yadda yadda... brought you Ronzo Reagan... who paved the way for the Bushistas... all fighting the evils of "collectivism." I think G. Edward Griffin is sincere... I think Ron Paul is sincere... shit... Reagan was sincere. So was Hitler. And I have to admit... when Griffin said "collectivism and freedom are mortal enemies," I wanted to fucking shoot him. Especially prefaced by by all his "we don't need a majority" and "we must seize power" crap. Die Fanne hoch... I've heard it all before.

Frankly, you young "libertarians" scare the crap out of me. You remind me of the Hitler Jugend. You want roads to drive on... cops to "protect" you, water to come out of the tap... but you hate "collectivism," and you especially don't want "your money" to pay for "welfare" for... (psst... you-know-who). AND... that's how the rich fatties will use you as a tool... AGAIN. They used Ronzo as a tool... they will easily use Paul as a tool... they thought they were going to use Hitler as a tool as well. NATURALLY the rich fatties are going to fund "individual rights" and "private property rights." There are a hell of a lot more poor people than rich people.

Hitler... Stalin... and I suspect Griffin... realized that brute force can trump "capital." "Freedom"FORCE is exactly what it says it is... just like Mein Kampf was straight-up-front. They smack the "constitution" just like the fundies smack the "bible," oh... but Griffin says it is an "imperfect" document... it needs "marginal notes" to explain just what the authors "meant." And who will write these "marginal notes" to explain the intentions of writers who have been dead for over 200 years? Hitler got enough (NOT a majority... but enough) Germans down with the program by the same kind of shit about "Bolshevism."

But it all boiled down to the same tired old shit... your "money" is being "taken" by... fill-in-the-blank... the "collectivists," der Juda... the "illegal immigrants" or (psst... you-know-who). I'm going to get really blunt with you young "libertarians," because I used to be a young "libertarian" as well... I got used by the rich fatties... but figured it out before the fascists got me... and here's the deal, young "libertarians:"

You are fooling yourselves by papering over your own racism, cowardice and greed with some kind of bullshit you think is "ideology." You are simply closet "social Darwinists." "Ron Paul" my ass. "Freedom" my ass. "IMPOTENTES NON DEFENDERE LIBERTATUM NON POSSUNT" (the "weak" cannot defend "freedom") my fucking ass on an ice-cream cart. Of course, you're too fucking cowardly to just put on a ski-mask and knock over the local 7-11 to get what you want. You want the "collective" to help you... even though you say you hate "collectivism."

Why don't you just ADMIT what you REALLY are?>>

Guess what THAT is... "our" movement, "our" "national sovereignty" isn't "collectivism." It isn't "socialism" if it's good for US personally... why look... it's NATIONAL(istic) SOCIALISM. Surprise! Complete with the requisite pinch of racism. Yep... they ARE the new Hitler Youth... complete with the fuehrer worship of "Ron Paul," the magic bean. FUCK the "Ron Paul" rEVOLUTION... (hello there, social Darwinists)... The Paulyps are fucking NAZIS.
Good rant!!!!!!
whoo boy... am i getting flamed for it too. exactly what i expected... lots of "useless eaters" type stuff. i don't think ALL the paulitos are Nazis... just the ones I see writing on the internet. well... back to collapse speculation... but somehow... i think these people figger into the equation.
I would say that because some skin heads like Ron Paul, it doesn't mean that his platform promotes that ideology. not from what I've read anyway. I think he's more against socialism for corporations than for the poor.

But semantics sure can fuck up understanding. Democracy has at its core a social contract. It's called the constitution. You can't support the constitution without considering the collective. And yet it's the constitution that guards our personal freedoms. What people need to lose is their fucking B&W point of view. It's not one or the other. It's balance. Yin and yang.

What we need is more Buddhism and less christianity. It's the culture thats needs fixing the most.
Woooeeee ! Waldo sure nuff whacked a beez nest over at OpEdNews. Well, them Paulitos are like that. I warned ya, Waldi !
Something Stinks in Lima... this is right in my "neighborhood" too... and it do. It aint all "racism," that's too simple... its just Ol Santa Collapse came early to the 'hood... bout 30 years ago or so... with the Reagan economy an the "war on drugs." Somma them dusky galoots give me da creeps too... an poverty (an that aint all it is either) tends to produce galoots an gangstas.

i aint necessarily crackin on Ron Paul either... altho as pan sez. test-tube libertarianism/anarchism... test-tube communism... same difference. aint gonna happen on any kind of scale any time soon. So i go to the bigstore to get me grapefruit juice... and LO! I forgot they were predicting a snowstorm tonight... so da peeps is wall-to-wall... fillin their carts with 50 bags o cheetos and all. and bawling on their cell phones. lotsa cell phones. one peep was talkin to another at the other end of the checkout row keepin tabs on how long the line was where they were. i got right thru the 12-items-or-less automated beepcheck right away... nobody usin that... after i scowled at the peeps tryin to get thru express with their 5-tons-o-cheetos carts and they backed away. but i gotta say...

whenever I encounter the peeps en-masse... it doesn't make a guy real confident about how they gonna handle the collapse. They aint handlin it real well now... shudder to think if the lights go out. Monsters on Maple Street. At half-capacity with the focus groups... just got some papers today... we'll see if I can handle it... but get this: nobody in the small group had EVER heard an "alternative" to the official "9-11" story. I gave em Carol Valentine's "No Suicide Pilots" ... just to slice-and-dice the "rhetoric" o' course. And guess what... they found some "truthers" among their classmates- who said, basically, "well o course ya sap... didn't you KNOW?" Interesting discussion. Lotsa folks gonna be in "wothefuck??" mode when the "economy" gets weird. (er)
I've decided to refrain from disagreeing with other people's opinions. In this case, the feller is right. When people believe everything is okay, they act okay. Tell em the sky is fallin and they panic. Play em like a banjo and you can guide them. But there's one catch : Bernanke is no talent on the banjo.

- "Helping believe that things will be ok actually can provide the fed time to put in place the measures to help re-address the problem."

I'm a radical of a sort. I say that if the USA wasn't spending nearly 50% of all her money on war stuff, people would be better off. Truth is, without the war stuff, the USA would go dry, real quick. It's a war machine....needs war to survive. We built this city on rock-n-roll and this country on war and killing.

So far so good. It worked real well for a long time. But now what ? War here, war there, arms sells all over the place and still no recovery. What gives ? I'll tell ya what gives. We're in a recession and a depression is looming. They can play the banjo all night long now and not achieve the desired outcome.

When the draught comes, I'll believe in rain and hope it comes slowly. That's one healthy way of believing. I can't believe the Fed and their sing song is way old.
There is truth to what you posted - especially in the economy that is based in shuffling numbers from one category to another, completely virtual and speculative. It is, as Waldo has stated, a Ponzi scheme that will only keep working as long as the consumers/traders have confidence in the confidence game. It is a faith based economy - don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain.


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