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Life in the Empire

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The Kids have been pretty clear about it. 

"Academic Liberals?"  Maybe.  Along with the usual weasels who spurt any other fashionable "ideology"  as the other ankle-biters... at the poobah cocktail parties or prayer breakfasts.  So whadda want, Big Gummunt Socialism... or fee markup Capilatism wot is like Jebus intended

We got them educum reformers in Krakkkerland too, ya know. 

Time for another Meatball Tuesday! 


Did quite a double-bill documentary evening last night:

Sacco and Vanzetti


Black Power MixTape 1967-1975

I am somewhat experienced in broken ribs.  Not an overly physical guy, most acquired injuries are various fractured ribs from falls and motorcycle spills.  And yep... sometimes a sneeze managed badly can cause old cracks to loosen.  Guess every rib in the cage has been cracked at least twice.  Transition here:  Like old "belief systems" that surround the heart, they are supposed to be mutually supportive.  

A crack in one of those smeggers sends pain messages to the brain every time you breathe.  Like the lungs and heart,  ideology is supposed to constitute one's goals, expectations and actions... like keeping the brain supplied with oxygen.   At the bottom of this list is realism, the idea that reality exists independent from the observers.  "In this broad sense realism frequently contrasts with idealism."   Like, fucking duh.  Like, Meatball! 

Like the 5-10 lb. meatball that hits you in the head as soon as you're born, like it gets you because you are awake, or are you awake because it gets you.  Meatball doesn't work that way.  It's a chicken and egg thing.  Like the reef yr dead metaphors man, fucked up because we are here, man like the acid ocean, man like snowflakes... every one different and yet so much the same.  Like, who bothers to see the difference until somebody decides all this is  "mental" like?  Girls do like ribs.  Eve and Baby Ray. 

Judge mental the fall omen, brick oven inside the meat ball head.  Did you see that one coming, Nostradamus?  Beat the Bush Derangement with a Kraut hammer and no true Scotsman can tell the difference Skynyrd discrete drone Obama... door guys star blew.   Lord I'm coming home to ubiquitous tea-pots now... christian conservative and conservative christian. 

Horse ass blares a shoe in an "ongoing process by which the world's multiple idiocies are becoming one giant, useless force"  (fore score change you can believe in years ago).  Quite useful for the authoritarian noobs  who like to be "in charge" of things.  Fortunately for rich psychopaths,  the Koch-suckers process Fred Flintstone riding dinosaurs more easily than gnats and camel shit.  

Constitution and Bible Comics are right next to the box of clean necks on the cube farm. The wankers are in there until Kingdom cum  thirty pieces of silver.  Long John will even steal their tips.  Sticky Palm Sundaes rule on the cube farm just like popcorn shrimp carrying Hakenkreuze Hostess.  As a girl, what would Jew do?  Buy Twinkies and become an investor?  Love in the oven? 

Hose Anna.  Bless Tizzy hokum sin domain off thee bored.  Mensa buying it too, and marching like torchlight Frankfurters into their Nuremberg weenie world.  We got it thew.  Just like the ribs do.   Surrounding the air and pumps, Mother Goose Jumps.  Right over the wee heads of paranoids and grumps.  Meet ball high above clouds. 

Now, when Jesus saw the crowds...

Argh- here there be metaphors.  Like an  interoffice memo, the Letter to the Ephesians is specific but not that specific... positive, but not definitive.  The usual stuff about policies and procedures is slathered in the usual correct euphemisms, Memos rarely contain anything heavy or Zen like The Sermon on the Mount.   Salt and light does not have anything to do with electricity.  Does it? 

"We don't want to get into women's lib right here on this."  But it's a shame to beat your wife on Sunday camel willie sprang hole from the four head of year eldest daughter, see?  Pastor Neutics trains it for you, Bishop Bob keeps his job, and no body mind the church as a flesh light.  Now we get clown in a gown with hair weave about atom and Steve.  Exception becomes normative, lib is rib. 

but...but...but......the Bible is the literal truth! 

Metaphors require a higher stage of development  and the Fire God of Mt. Sinai never got beyond concrete reasoning - He is an all-powerful and omnipotent grade schooler - which kind of explains his rather perverse and juvenile sense of humor.

Conservation:  "Redistributing an object does not affect it’s mass, number, or volume."  Yet Idiot America assumes stupidity is a virtue.  The text knows what God likesOne third is sufficient, but two thirds will assure the hydrocarbon overlords will regard reality as another scarce commodity hoarded to raise the price of stupid. But redistributing reality does not affect its mass.  The crowds gathered in big-box Black Friday churches await the meatball. 

Okay-- have YOU had enough of The Spectacle?  Oh- we gotta DO something.  Like ban "assault rifles."  Fine.  Ban forks and spoons too.  Whatever.  Meanwhile, the usual Black Friday Christianists are scooping more gunz an ammo off the shelves like exploding Elmos.  

Am betting most of us are battling our own Black Dog Depression... and The Spectacle is not helping.  Between the fucked-up environment and my own personal bet on whether the overly-medicated ticker kills me outright... or the regular procession of clot blurbles and brain-farts are going to turn me to a drooling imbecile first... yeah- we all got our problems.  

Look at the Spectacle that has been going on for for at least 40 years:  Prosperity "Theology" and the Authentic(TM) turd-buckets who sell it.  "Christian conservatives" should have died along with the African slavery, spores of the same malady.  Now their racism and classicism has evolved along with superstition and ignorance.  They have been fighting a civil war for 150 years.  

Hope to be around to stand with the Union... labor and Occupy with We the People (without irony). 

I haven't been able to comment lately 'cause of me own health problems. Pneumonia, broken rib, pleurisy, etc. For the first time in my life I actually thought there was a chance I might 'buy the farm.' But hey, I'm happy to say, after three weeks of pure hell, I'm on the mend.

Regarding the human landscape...our social disintegration is happening faster than I thought it would. And the really bad stuff ain't even happened yet. I'd like to comment more, but it's time for more drugs. Still reading your stuff, Waldo. Even if I'm too fried to reply. Keep it coming.

Damn BO-- that's fucked up.  Most of my own NDEs have involved not being able to breathe...  getting oxygen to the brain.  You really gotta instruct the meds to get you some O2-- FAST... otherwise the specialists will concentrate  on other shit... like your INR level... while bran goes under for the the third time.  Once you get the O2 tubes up yer nose... it's all a mater of deep breathing.  Bout a frail little body can do. 

Busted rib causes you to breathe shallow... like favoring a leg because of a broken toe... cos of the pain... which hurts like a mudderfukker.  Gotta override the pain message to the brain... which is counter-intuitive.   Nobody explains this to your ass on the gurney... they are usually busy doing other shit... like stopping the bleeding or some other crap. 

Aint getting old a bunch of fun shit? 

I've been worried about your silence lately.  Wondering how you were recovering.

Lot's o' stupid, stupid shit here at the Uni.  For years I stopped communicating with friends and family because I realized that they were tired of hearing the same litany of woes over and over again.  Its already been said better by famous and thoroughly branded individuals.  That motherfucker Henry Kissinger: "“ACADEMIC politics are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.”.....though it turns out that the authentic source isn't someone so fucking famous....or is the correct word notorious

And, Max Weber, the guy who connected Luther's theses and Calvin's determinism with the rise of capitalism because the Protestants really didn't care if the work was authentically a "good work" as long as you didn't let your hands be idle because there would be the devil to play, seems to have said something similar - though not as bumper sticker ready because it was a whole paragraph -  practically a half century before.

And then there was everyone's favorite cute scientist, the guy who flunked math and had wild hair and there is that famous picture of him sticking his tongue out - Albert Einstein - few people really understand his formula  but Hebrew University knows that his image is worth more than a few shekels: "Great spirits always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds".

It's all been done before and the fight for an authentic life in capitalist society is more than an uphill battle in Late Capitalism....irony is about the only thing left to show how hip you are....the soup du jour.

Well, it's all moot anyway. Don't we have (according to the Mayans) just a couple more days to live?

Love the graphic.  However, since the whole death and resurrection, agrarian cycle, ritual significance of the Winter Solstice is that the Sun - which has been dying - is reborn and starts to regain in strength, I'm thinking that the forecast should be more towards Absolute Zero than extreme heat.


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