Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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Had a rat infestation in my crawl space a few years back. Damn bastards had gnawed through a metal screen over a foundation vent and set up shop under the floor where it was nice and toasty under the stove. During the cold winter days you could hear 'em down there jockeying for the warmest spot.

Being the green dude that I am, I tried one of those sound devices too. Figured they would just get up and go. They didn't. They partied harder then ever. Next step was to throw down some rat poison and wait a couple of weeks and fix the vent screen. The rat poison is supposed to make 'em go outside and die from dehydration. That seemed to work--no more noise. So I fixed the vent.

A few years later, I had to do some wiring down in the crawl space and I musta found about 8 decaying rat corpses all laying around that damn vent inside my crawl space. Guess I sealed it up too soon.

Nothing like encountering a bunch of rat cadavers in a tight dark space to get one's heart going. But once I got used to the idea, they were actually pretty interesting to look at in their various stages of decay.

Rats do carry disease, so it's best not to let the little buggers take over. Plus, their god damn piss stinks to high heaven. I would think mice carry the same shit. Probably what makes Waldo so surly since he reports they have free reign in his kitchen. He really does have to sift rat shit outta his pepper. ;-)
Get a cat for the mice.......rats might need a dog.

Ken Nordine has a bit about a guy who had rats in the basement so he buys a big bag he throws down the stairs (being a bit fearful) and his "original sin" of using $5 worth of poison for .25 cents worth of killing.

Couldn't find that one but this one seems appropriate:

Hey brother pan, this one's for you (and me-sorta)-- Report: Unemployment High Because People Keep Blowing Their Job Int....

And we all owe a bo-howdy to brother BO, who voluntarily forked over the moolah to keep RBC on Ning for another year!
On national news there was a segment claiming that Miss Phillipines, the heavy favorite to win the Miss Universe pageant, came in 5th because she blew her question on what was the biggest mistake in her life - she basically said that, at age 22, she hadn't really made any huge mistakes that she regretted.

Gotta love the fact that there is so little of importance going on that national news can cover these things....
Thanks Bo for keeping the site going. And thanks to all of you for the chatter here ... means quite a lot to me down here on the southern tip of another continent to know there are folks like you guys out there.

Been on quite a journey these past two months ... have been reading flat out about ADD ... compulsively. Most of what I read is an uncannily accurate description of my own life. I have responded so well to the meds I am having a hard time believing the emotional pain was bad enough to put me in hospital two months ago. Going through something of an identity crisis as I look back over my life from the perspective of whacky brain chemistry ... it is a bit unnerving. And who do I get to be going forward now that I have so much more choice in the matter? This brain chemistry business is potent stuff ... I've spent more than 30 years completely addicted to nicotine ... more than 2 packs a day. After 3 weeks on wellbutrin & ritalin I actually forgot to take my tobacco to work with me today and didn't notice until almost lunch time.

Great to be feeling so much better. Next thing you know I'll be passing for 'normal' without the enormous amount of effort I usually have to put into that.
In case any of us think we're the only isolated individuals on the planet ... imagine what life must be like for this guy

"The Most Isolated Man on the Planet"
Poor guy. The rest of his tribe got wiped out "by land-hungry settlers in early 1996".

I think the US should offer him one free nuclear missile installation before he dies.

Just a small one.
She shoulda said,"...entering this damn pageant."
Good one BO.
I had a kitchen critter about 3 months ago. The third time he/she chewed through the drain hose on my dishwasher, leaving me with about two inches of water through out the kitchen, we decided the lil shit had to go. We asked the five, fur covered, lazy ass, eating machines what they thought, they cocked open one eye and proceeded to return to their naps. So much for the mouse catching brigade. The hubby was getting ready to set the traps under the sink when he noticed piggy, the youngest of the group, watching something on the lip of the trash can, Turned out to be the offending critter, who proceeded to jump down into the trash can. Hubby snatched up the trash can liner, tied that puppy off, put it in a box, and took the whole thing to work the next day, where he threw the box in the trash.
I'm figuring the critter escaped and is now living at the hubbies work. No longer my problem, I did find out later though whilst repainting the kitchen, the lil shit had full rein for a while. Poop under the fridge and stove. What the hell were all these furry lazy asses doing? Oh....wait, that's right it probably happened during their nap time.
Seems like I'm going to have to deal with my 'kitchen critter' ... It's been living in one of my storage boxes and pretty well chewed up or peed on everything in the box. The dogs are not a help. They seem to be friends with the mouse and they love to chase but not actually catch the rats.

I like the trash can trap idea.
I should lend you guys my one cat who kills anything he can get his paws on. He's even brought rabbits that were almost as big as he is, into the house. We hardly have any wildlife left around here cause of him.

Here's 'Billy the Exterminator' with a few tips on dealing with your vermin in a 'humane' manner.


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