Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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The Plains have great sky - and dramatic weather.  I missed that when I moved from Iowa way back when.

wow! congratulations, dr., sir!  as a college drop out, i salute you!  if you got satisfaction out of your education it is not pointless, or at least no more pointless than any pursuit other than eating.



congrats dr. fruit!  phud aint in the cards for me yet... but who can say? 

is you gonna be an "administrator" now? 


Congratulations - jumping through those hoops while keeping hold of your soul is not the easiest thing.  But it happens enough times that it definitely is possible if one is willing to make the effort.
Grats you ol smarty you!
Cool. Now you should be able to time travel and jump between parallel universes in your quest to save mankind with a bevy of beauties by your side.

So, what's next for the good docktor?

Wow!  I have been fiddling around trying to get started on my masters for some years now - fruitlessly.  I will try putting you in there as a role model.  Where do we get to see your dissertation?


Ai!  Did you drive over it?  It's midwinter here & I broke my hosepipe in two by driving over it when it was frozen yesterday morning.


The PhD is a "union card" for certain jobs have the option if you decide to go that way.  There are no two ways around it - academia sucks - but.........there are some good things about it if you can put up with the bullshit.  I really missed reading theory when we had Barefoot Studios - doing research to create new classes is a great thing - this Fall I am creating an Honors Seminar Flickering Images of Heroic Modernism.  I am examining Modernism through early avant-garde silent film


But.....I don't need to remind you of how thick the bullshit is.  The lucky folks get mostly left alone to do their work - some really lucky people actually get into a small department of like-minded folks No, really, I have seen it on one occasion!


And, for the people who are impressed by titles and there are a lot of them out there you will be given more gravitas by having Dr. as your titular.

Well of course I am not one of the 'there are many of them out there' brigade ... but hang, 'doctor' does have a kind of ring about it ...


You'll have to try out the Mtunzini surf here sometime, Stone.  It's apparently pretty good - and venturesome on account of having no shark nets because it's a coastal nature reserve with shard breeding grounds protected.  Neat-o place to be going off to live in!  One week tomorrow & I am all packed up & busy leaving here.


Silent movies are great - I didn't ever see much dance, but Charlie Chaplin was terrific.



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