Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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So....yesterday Ms. Medusa noted that she is now quoting Waldo in our discussions.  The term "Not Sees" has become part of our regular verbiage.  Our "wee spiders" are getting a few nuggets of Waldowisdom in our classes.

That's funny - Waldish spreading like a fiendish self replicating meme - I missed the 'Not Sees' but some others have stuck, most starting with F or S & superbly applicable to corporate 'Krakkerland'.  The wee spiders stuck too - one of my wee spiders is length, width & breadth 3 to 4 times bigger than me, but 'wee spider' gets him down to managable size.


Just for S&Gs, thot would copy here the "class discussion" links for this sem: 


The Civil War  Answers in Genesis vs GenesisDialectic


Bill Nye going viral?  Bob Altemeyer's RWA.


The Spectacle:  Papers returned, "grades" explained.



Crates of $C-notesEnd of "economic growth."  "Money" is a scam.  "Delete the elite:," (R.D. Steele)    discovered while researching High-fructose corn syrup , leptin and a video too long to playWe are preparing for a massive Civil War. (since the last one was so much fun)

Killer AngelsGrid-level energy storageMaking the desert greenMushrooms save the worldA Life Spared.

Tom Payne's Bones. Revolution (Sysops) 1917 Why Old Men Cry

Words have meaningFascismCollectivismFive Stages of Collapse.  Slipcraft

Alice Walker: "Democratic Womanism"    отказник   Women: Occupy the Left  Using Energy  Market Madness


The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us  -Dan Pink 
The Empathetic Civilization  -Jeremy Rifkin
McKinney- On Leadership
"We have an increasingly authoritarian structure that countenances no dissent. The only thing is that we, the people, don’t know who really operates the structures."  --McKinney 
"The Debates

Heal Their Hearts.doc   (text and voice) 

Lord, where is our freedom? When will our hope begin? Lord, what of the promise you made… when will it come? We have waited for the time-- for the truth to live: when justice will shine. Too long those hands of greed held on and made us bleed. When will your people breathe?  Lord, will it come! 


Lord, what of our children? Will they always depend on you? Lord, why are they scattered and torn-- and their young hearts in chains? How they hunger for liberty… feel their hatred of poverty! Let their spirit rise soaring free!  Lord let it come. 


Our day will come.  





"Today, we distinguish between history and literature, viewing them as opposites when we insist on separating fact from fiction; for 19th-century Americans, the two were intricately bound. "

"But crowding thoughts must at last be checked; and, in times like the present, one who desires to be impartially just in the expression of his views, moves as among sword-points presented on every side."

Zombie BeesMaryland, My Maryland

Origin: 1250–1300; Middle English < Old French gouverner < Latin gubernāre to steer (a ship) < Greek kybernân to steer

...with apologies in advance to pan for using "Riverdance," as a movement component (used it for the lyric, text transition really)... but rd is about as sophisticated as my uneducated movement palate is right now... which is way better than it was before the fort wayne dance collective days.  
there is one unusual group of wee spiders that includes a German kid.  ran the "Gott in Frankenreich" lyrics by him to make sure they said what I thought they did.  close enough.  He did say most Germans don't call France der FrankENreich any more... just Frankreich.  "Reich" o course means "empire" so it's kinda obsolete (on paper) anyway.  Sorta like British Empire... and I grew even fonder of the Brits when they stopped being Great Britain and just started being "Britain." 
don't know what the UK deal is... don't fit right, somehow.  "He's in the United Kingdom" sorta sounds like somebody died.  When I was there, seemed like they were going back to being England.  Kinda leaves Scotland and Ireland on their own... and the Welsh will always be down there in Dragonland corner.  Here in Krakkkerland we don't know much about where we are... and are going through some seriously delusional shit about who we are. 
Round these parts, when a body says they're a "conservative" it can be accurately translated as "delusional fuckhead." 

I just sent you a message, did you get?  I just got this from one of the newbies:  


2 minutes ago

"Hello dear,I'm Princess by name, this is Important please email me back at (,I will be waiting to hear from you soon."

not exactly our style

Gone... as will be any other spammers... wid a quickness. 

thanks, there were a few more. but no messages yet.  nothing on their profiles and no avatars....

I got one of those too ....

Busy writing grant proposals to support Double Blind Sided.  The grapevine reports that, in order to receive the biggest grant, we will have to have a change of venue to the theater named after the woman who funds the foundation.  Not really wanting to do that but.....if it means we can pay Waldo for his work (and the rest of us) as well as having money to actually build sets and such, I guess we can re-conceptualize from a Black Box theater to a Thrust theater.

And, busily writing job applications - we love our house and the surrounding mountains, really like our Deadhead neighbors but the Uni is sick from the top down and the ground up.  Even if, and when, the Dance major finally gets approved, there is the entire Theatre department that should have never gotten hired, let alone granted tenure and promotion - and most of them are in their 30s so they ain't going away anytime soon.  Unfortunately, the work has always been more important to us than the job so just keeping our heads low and collecting a paycheck for the next ten years ain't gonna cut it - especially since the paycheck is so absurdly low.

Freakin at the Freakers' Ball 

It was last night: The Freakers' Ball... or the Fall Party... whatever.  Learned a long time ago that the girls cope with shit by planning an event.  Took me years to figure that out, and still have not figured out why.  Does not matter though, because that is just the way it is.  Look at all the other bullshit just like that... from the Plutocrat Story that Bill Moyers figured out with astute precision about ten years too late... to the sad Amanda Todd story  winking out in cyberspace like ll lightning,  "That is just the way it is" is a tautology with multiple nodes. 

You stand in isolated corners trying to sip keg beer and think about "consilience" and shit until the shop dust blows off the brain.  Have a conversation with audiobox about how all the shit we've learned how to do over the last 40 years seems kinda useless... or futile... or something... but we keep doing it.  Had a stroke after the last sentience, so had to finish this post from the hospital. Now the shards make no sense with this new strange brain injury.

Was about make some kind of point about tautology with the word "just" unplugged... but with some time to re-wire, it seems like my writing will be impaired for will be some  time to come.   Can barely speak clearly at all.  This is fucked.   What few tricks left got a bit shorter and more interesting within the confinement of institutional bureaucracy that wheedles with folks.  We with just time to do a job with gaming slab before the all clatters fall to floor hologram winks out. 

Think what means any way. 

Hey Waldo - hang in there while you can!


Been reading the epic of Gilgamesh.  Some guys got the tautology of 'just the way things are' as long ago as 4000 years & they scratched out the message on baked clay tablets for us .... and now we have the internet to pass the message on with ....

Gilgamesh & Enku went off like heroes to kill a monster called Humbaba .... who had this to say when pleading for his life - that god had specially put him there to guard the forests from the ravages of man ... they killed him anyway & then they too eventually died. 

[Humbaba said, “If any mortal,

Enkidu, knows the rules of my forest,

it is you. You know that this is my place,

and that I am the forest’s guardian. Enlil

put me here to terrify men,

and I guard the forest as Enlil ordains.”]

Bit of a disconcerting statement from a monster, I thought .... rather think we'd have been better off with him still around.


Thinking of you!

Ah fuck Waldo......this really is horrible.  However, your post is clear - and your brain seems to still be functioning at a much higher level than most folks without brain injuries.  Still...... damnit Waldo......maybe it might be time to break that addiction to ciggies.  I love your brain, gotta do what you must to keep it functioning.

Read the consilience article.   Some knee-jerk reactions to the exceptionalism of scientists.  A unified field theory is a stretch in physics but to try to have science explain everything seems downright arrogant.  And...attempting to dismiss Foucault as a deconstructionist is just ignorant - Foucault's contradictory body of work can rightfully be critiqued for any of a number of reasons - but he wasn't a deconstructionist. 

I am annoyed enough already at the attempt to force the arts to be taught in an "integrated" fashion so that we value arts education only as a pedagogical method to teach the "real" subjects.


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