Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

You can copy and paste the following and bother everybody you know with an email:

click and listen (it takes 29 minutes and 26 seconds):

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend the rule of law

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There it is. I don't know what good it will do. Naomi Wolf lays it all out plainer than anybody I've ever heard. This is it. I think anybody who isn't totally freaked out by now won't bat an eye until they're being herded into a gas chamber. They will believe it's really a shower. Or something.

My last attempt is trying to Zen my way through it. Difficult to Zen your way through Nazi Germany, but it can possibly be done. I don't know what else to "do." I thought I could "make a difference" by pointing out to young people what I thought was dead-nuts obvious. It worked for a while... but there were so very few who caught on. Did not know how to be any clearer without rending garments and kicking furniture... and thought about that. This is it. People all around us are walking like zombies into an unspeakable nightmare.

Tut tut. Yas yas. They're too "busy." They gotta walk the dog or saw a log or bake a hog or drain a bog... grease a cog... nig a nog. whatever. Maybe that is the Zen of it. Chop wood. Carry water. That's Zen. I don't know. Maybe it beats being freaked out.. going, what? what the fuck? what the fucking fuck?? what the motherfucking fucking fuck???? How can anybody "deny" this is happening? Who knows when it started? It started getting absurd after "9-11," and it's beyond-reality absurd now.

We are not alone... but I don't think there are enough of us. I don't think there is anything we can "do" at this point that is not illegal to even talk about. "Home-grown terrorism" and all that. People are joining the "thug caste" in droves because it "pays the bills." "Oh, it's beyond mind-blowing," says Naomi (3:52)... yes. Yes it is. I walked classes through the "Military Commissions Act" as it was being "debated" and passed...they're talking about torture... fucking (yes, I said that) torture... tut tut yas yas. One class had a substantial number of black students. "What if they were going tut-tut yas-yas about SLAVERY? Would you tut-tut yas-yas about that?" It was like sweeping back the sea with a whisk broom. Good luck with that.

You can see Naomi taking deep measured breaths during this interview... trying not to freak out. I know the feeling. I don't think she realizes (yet) that the "process" she's talking about is gone.
It's over, Waldo. There's just one percent that gets it. And you can't fight a war with one percent.

Time to hide in the attic.
I posted a response on the other site.

Which site is primary? I forget.
My first question was, "who the fuck is Naomi ?"

Another "Rosi"? Nah. Wikipedia told me so. I'm just now getting around to viewing the interview video clip.
loading is slow. Damn. But I get the picture. Again, who the fuck is Naomi ?
Naomi is a leading US "feminist" writer. Pan probably has a better take on this... in academic/ liberal arts land, you gotta be up on your feminist theory. Paglia asserts Wolf was unduly influenced by Lacan... yedda yedda blah. I was kinda bemused at seeing her so freaked out... yep Nome... "gender equity" doesn't seem like such a big deal NOW, does it? General response to most people these days... kind of like talking to Germans who are worried about the market in 1939... you know- in about 5 years, that's going to be the LEAST of your worries. Hey, Nome- welcome to my fucking nightmare. You aint seen nothin yet.

Here is another rabbit hole I aint gonna touch. Probably just DC gossip. Who the fuck is Wayne Madsen anyway? Yep- I always wondered why they didn't plant "WMDs" in eye-rack. And this buzz is from '05. Nope... I'm done with rabbit holes since the tons of c-notes blew my outrage circuit. And to think it all started after the 9-11 research set what little hair I had left on fire. Nobody wanted to hear that shit. I think by now it's all so obvious an eyeless potato could see it. Maybe that's why intellectuals lime Nome are beginning to get a FUCKING CLUE. Wow. Good luck with "petitioning" your "representatives." Good luck "waking up" a nation of beancounters, fundamentalists and bullet-heads.

Good luck with that.
Nobody stopped to hear him...
That's the issue. Charge big bucks for your stuff and the asswipe populus will buy it. Give it away and it will go unnoticed. Example ; Ted Nace's "Gangs of America".

I love Joni. Don't tell anyone, but, one little Indian told me of a time when one little Head like a Motor had a brief relationship with one lovely Joni while one group of Mothers were busy trashing the Garrett in NYC....1967 or so to be precise. Intruiging rumor. If true, it builds a bridge betwixt me and Joni. Nothing special. No bridge is special. Not for Oil Tankers. For them, they're always in the way.

Where else have I heard this song ? I know a cover version much better but can't think which..... or who it was. The Young Neil ? CSN&Y ? Harry Chapin ? Fuckall, my mind is in the garage.

Thanks for the way cool video clip, Teach. Ize luvz the shit outa Joniz stuff. Fer sher !
I prefer to have advanced knowledge of any forthcoming rabbit holes. Without such, reality, when slightly distorted, loses definition and I lose my bearings. Like a drifting ship on the ocean, I splash about until I meet an island. Such meetings are usually hostile in nature.

"Who the fuck is Wayne Madsen anyway?"

IMHO, WM is ....possibly.....just another dis-info central. There are sooooo many. Fer sher.
cycling this one to the top again... maybe it's time to forward this link to the "big email list" again... not sure what good it would do. Have been especially noticing #3:the thug caste... with the everywhere-presence of kops in their bullet-vests and networked kars. Anyone who's been paying attention has noticed the rest...

...except maybe #5 and especially #7... but since #8 has been accomplished with the privatized air-head "entertainment" industry... how would you know? I have been looking for signs to see if Nome yet realizes that the "american freedom campaign" and such "tell your congressperp" shit is pissing up a rope. "Electing Obama" is pissing up a rope. Maybe that's wots going on now: need some hope? piss up a rope!

So what's NOT pissing up a rope? Maybe as noted in "Passings:" the Journey to Forever.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend the rule of law
US House rejects war funding bill. How nice. Better than a kick in the ass with a frozen boot I guess. Closing the door after the barn is ashes and the horse is in an Alpo can. Standard Operating Procedure... a ditty on NPR that made me mad enough to piss flames. Fortunately, the semester is over... there was indeed a rant building.

One of the selections I have an "option" of doing next year is a "debate:" "torture: can it be justified-" including this swell screed by Chuckie Krauthammer. As a preliminary, I think over the summer I'll round up some pro-slavery arguments... and then phase into "reasonable arguments" for the "solution" to the Judenfrage. I can't believe I'm fucking hearing any of this. A "reasonable" discussion of torture... fucking TORTURE??? Oh sure... well, there's a "reasonable discussion" of slavery and genocide too... as long as the subjects of such discussion are not quite "human," or as Kraut-nazi says... "beyond the pale." Gawd- if I bought into that shit, would be FAR too bizzy killing kops to be clabbering at a keyboard writing this shit. Why? Because without the armed goons jamming us in prison for a paycheck, we wouldn't be living in a chikken-shit police state... simply developing-world anarchy without the well-funded shooters and looters.

And since the Paulitos and "libertarians" claim to value "privatization" and "self-reliance" so much, they should understand that it's far easier for me and the dogs to keep the homestead free of rats and tweekers than to pay an armed bureaucracy to check my piss. O' course... this leaves out the courts and the "rule of law" component... which (as Bo points out) is now also "privatized" to the point where it's fucking useless. So I really don't need armed bureaucrats in squad-cars to "protect" me from grunions any more than I need super-armed bureaucrats in aircraft carriers to "protect" me from "terrorists."

And if the Paulitos are so fucking crotchety about "paying" for "entitlements," well... fine. I would be all for completely eliminating "social programs" as long as we completely eliminate the "military," the biggest welfare-tit in the whole fucking WORLD. So: no public schools, roads, fire departments... especially paramilitary "police" departments... or prisons... no social security... no medicare- medicaid... none of that... and NO "MILITARY" including "pensions and benefits" (ahem- "entitlements" that we need to trim)... and then we can keep our "money."

Oh yeah... without the "full faith and credit," "money" just bad toilet paper... and a mediocre fire-starter. whoops. threw the baby out with the beer cans.

SO... what's the balance... between "common welfare" ("liberal")... pure coercion ("conservative," ie- to punish and contain the unrighteous)... and "libertarian," none-at-all (which is fine- as long as there is no "coercion," which will happen when we all get wings)? As Bismark said, the great questions of the time are decided... by iron and blood... which is why these flak-vested company folk in cruisers worry me a helluva lot more than the yarn-heads and the tweekers. THEY only fuck with you if they think you have something they can steal (without getting shot)... not because "it's their job."

The genius of the "American experiment" was that coercion was tempered and regulated by rule-of-law... going back to and beyond the Magna Carta. When the courts and jurisprudence become a business for... the


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