Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

....or, how to deal with the inevitable aftermath of the approaching collapse of the US and with it, the World economy. We had a thread like this going good over at the first RBC...remember, the one we all moved to from other cyber places like The Smirking Chimp and Project for the Old American Century ?? Those were the days. We were hot on convincing people the USA is fascist. Life was rough. Nobody listened. We screamed our lungs out, some of us. Still, nobody listened. The Bush bashing took the front seat of most every discussion. No time for reality. No "Blick in die Zukunft" (view in the future). Tough titty, too late, the train is gone and now we have to look around for "a place to sleep". (after a personal experience as a young GI in Frankfurt. Life sucks when you realize you blew it big time by not listening to people's warnings)

Quoting Bo......(from a mini crusade he was on today);

"Well, here's your future discussion topic: The USA is dead.

The body's been burned to a crisp, hung from a bridge, and the limbs are falling off.

The RBC is now making plans to survive the aftermath. That's the reality we need to prepare for now."

So bring 'em on, those survival techniques. Copy & Patse from the other other RBC too. What good will it do us o'er there when the damn place (TribeNet) collapses ?

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oh noooooo.............. energy!!
first step toward Zombie Time. When ZT hits- it's the fall of the Weimar Republic... and YOU know what happens next... (music) die Fanne hoch...

got our wood in... but haven't paid the wood guy yet- and he's annoyed. no bread.
I'm thinkin one o those small wood gassification stoves may do the do inside yer typical house-sized woodburning monster... and then ye kin burn twigs. finding mondo wood supplies like we have will be hard when heat is dear. will install a hand-pump with next spare bread... and diesel generator if we can afford it. Got kerosene lamps... gonna get more.

"gardens" seem to be doing their thing (as prototypes)... we'll see what kind of tuber "harvest" we get. the raised-box make-yer-own-soil is definitely the way to go. i aint EVEN thinkin about parimeters or any o that shit. more about that on the "psycho" thread.
Our cucumbers are in. We got quite a harvest this year. The tomatoes didn't do as well but we did get some. I got 1 bean, just the one, off my bean plant. Too funny.
Very promising vertical algae production plant to grow combustible oil.
sorry Pan, alte Braumeister.........bump your note up here. Like the idea. Algae are hard to kill and easy to grow. Seen the polar bears in green ?
The time has come to drop the stink bomb on dem Dems. I won't do it today although the message is an easy one;

McCain/Palin Victory Will Help More Than Hurt !

Here's a game for youinz. List the reasons why. I'll begin with a few reasons I've already come up with;

* momentum of the anti-war / progressive would be sustained
* return to sleep-mode avoided, saving us years, yes decades in rebuilding and regrouping
* ROTW (Rest Of The World) would see the USA for what it really is under McCain/Palin
but not under Obama/Biden (great actors)
* if we're headed for the falls anyhoo, why not get it over with like quick?

Anxious to see your points. If you disagree, go for it. But remember, Palin would be a heratbeat away from being the pResident of the USA. Imagine the opportunities!

"Hey you Russian Motherfuckers! Get out of Atlanta RIGHT NOW!" or

"Where the fuck is Irak, I mean, Iran, or was it Pakmenistan or Javastistan or, oh dammit, make a parking lot outa the ROTW, NOW you fucking IDIOTS! I AM THE pRESIDENT OF THE GREATEST PLANET ON EARTH!! YOU MUST DO AS I SAY or YOUR CHILDREN WILL BURN IN HELL!!"

end of humor
I dunno, Curt. I think you've wrapped yerself around the idea of being 'ironic' for editorial purposes--which can work-- but your rational needs work.

Personally, the only plus I can think of if McCain/Palin win the election is...maybe, the 'lefty community' will finally realize that the US is toast and there will be a mass migration to some third-world enclave where good people can start over.

I think your premise that things have to get really terrible before they get better is questionable. I think they could easily get very terrible and stay that way--at least while we're still alive. McCain/Palin will simply hasten that which is already baked into the cake and make the situation much worse.

Here's a post I borrowed from another forum I thought made some good points--the main one being to get outta the USA (and yeah, I too, wish it were that easy):

"The old Alcoholics Anonymous definition of insanity is to
do the same thing over and over and over again and
expect a different result.

The McCain/Palin ticket is a sop both to the Cheney
Neocon agenda and to the Religious Right which still
has not figured out that church and state were intended
to be separate.

Yes, Obama is a COMPLETE wildcard ... an unknown.
But to choose a ticket that will further military adventurism
and stupid injections of religiosity into the public arena is

So, if you want to bring the rapture on SWIFTLY, vote for
McCain/Palin. It's a vote for being geopolitically pushy with
a broken army and a broken budget. To risk the unknown
in this situation is to risk NOTHING. To keep the status quo
is to assure our fiscal, military, and social death.

So all you alleged "righties", talk yourself into loving the
McCain/Palin ticket. I'll be right here to make you eat
100% of your own shit after these bellicose fuckers
deplete our military even further and cause fence-sitter
countries to tell us to fuck ourselves and not give us
vital resources.

For lefties, I advise that you get your passports updated
in the event that the McCain/Palin ticket prevails you might
consider even turd world countries. They won't be in the
fallout zone. Remember, Bubba and Daddy Bush both
bought spreads in PATAGONIA. Why Patagonia? It'll be
away from mayhem and out of the Northern Hemisphere
fallout zone. "
"Yes, Obama is a COMPLETE wildcard ... an unknown.
But to choose a ticket that will further military adventurism
and stupid injections of religiosity into the public arena is

Here's where you're wrong my friend. He is not an unknown. Just check out his web page. More money and men for the military. He's kissing religious ass, he loves and supports apac, his health care is pretty much what we already have only add in making it mandatory. He sucks up the big corporate donations just like all the rest of them. No difference here, same old, same old. He can, unlike Bush, speak English though, I will give him that.
Probably so, LOM.

The deal-killer for me though is, I'd like to think that Obama is only making concessions to the religious-right to get elected. And yeah, he's pandering his ass off. But, I don't think he's really part of the end-times, let's start WWIII crowd.

On the other hand, Palin (and McCain?) actually believing in that end-times shit, makes them much more dangerous. Paranoid people often see their prophecies come true because they unconsciously direct their energies toward making their fears a reality. I think the 'end-times' is something they could very easily bring about. Too bad they won't be around to realize the rapture was a myth and they ended up, just dead, like the rest of us heathen. Unfortunately, there will be no justice in that regard.

The religious element does make a difference to me. Does that make Obama a desirable candidate in mine eyes? No. In most regards he won't make a lick o' difference. But my last hope is that he might keep the religious nut cases at bay for a little while longer. Then maybe we can hope that a rapture does happen (Jim Jones style) and we can be rid of them for good.
The Rapturist, xian Zionist neo-cons are CONSCIOUSLY directing their energies towards making their fears/hopes a reality.
For the psychiatric community, that would be a debatable point.

"Free will deals with the question whether we have any choice in what we are doing. Note that the experiment can never answer that: it can only observe a single realised course of action (just like we do in everyday life). What it shows is that our decisions are made in a series of steps involving different subsystems, and that conscious awareness does not appear to be involved until at the very end."

If at all. I submit that the lesser evolved among us are not conscious at all. That would be most people.
End-time for USA upon oil collapse... they'll still be tweeting about " your congressman and "demand"... what? air?
Check out this 'peak religion' map of the US.

If only we could fuel the country with bullshit and delusions.


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