Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

more gizmos (above) to put in your post. don't know yet if editing is an option. i may just end up being the maytag repairman out here in Fort Apache.

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Every Thanksgiving I have to re-read "Uncle Bill":

A Thanksgiving Prayer by W.S. Burroughs
"For John Dillinger
In hope he is still alive
Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1986
Thanks for the wild turkey and the Passenger Pigeons, destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts
thanks for a Continent to despoil and poison —
thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger —
thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin, leaving the carcass to rot —
thanks for bounties on wolves and coyotes —
thanks for the AMERICAN DREAM to vulgarize and falsify until the bare lies shine through —
thanks for the KKK, for nigger-killing lawmen feeling their notches, for decent church-going women with their mean, pinched, bitter, evil faces —
thanks for "Kill a Queer for Christ" stickers —
thanks for laboratory AIDS —
thanks for Prohibition and the War Against Drugs —
thanks for a country where nobody is allowed to mind his own business —
thanks for a nation of finks — yes, thanks for all the memories... all right, let's see your arms... you always were a headache and you always were a bore —
thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams."

Even if there were an American Renewal Act, we're pretty well hosed.
I guess if I have to hear a pep talk, I'd rather hear one lime this.
Even if there were an American Renewal Act, we're still fairly well hosed.
If I DID have to hear a "pep talk," I would rather hear one like this.
Couldn't wish you guys a happy thanksgiving yesterday 'cause the network was down here. So, a belated wish for good things for my online (and offline) friends and their families.

Went snorkling today on the island of lanai. Saw a couple of whales on the way back. They came up next to the boat and blew. Their blowhole spray drenched us. Named 'em Moby and Dick.

Back home tomorrow. Watch me get depressed as the worst time of the year decends upon us.

Watched a little bit of shopping propaganda this morning on CNN. The media's gone into hyperdrive to get people into the stores. Bargans galore. Happy economy talk. It's become so fucking transparent.

I was hoping to see some sheeple get trampled at Walmart. I always love that part.
Damn, did I miss another Sanksgiving day ?

The Crow Know
I'm a here. I pop in and out when ever I get a chance. I like the e-mail feature, I like to know when someone writes something new on site. I love the above pic.
Get ready................Gavin izzz comin'. Comin' home, so to peak. (:-))>

Hi everybody!

I'm back. Took me bit of a detour to get here I guess.

It'smy buddy's birthday right now so I've got little ime to post.

When I get a spare I'll spend it here.

So this country is kinda' fucked up huh?

Everything from the end of the global dollar hegemoney to the birth of a new kind of government.

I don't know what to call it but it's here.

I've been away for a while. Travelin' and explorin', watching and talking.

It's fun, ya' know?

In the meantime a lot of stuff happened. I missed a lot of movies and a lot of political wrangling.

But now I'm all caught up on 8 months missed. I'm in my new house trying to get the hang of things. It's cold as hell outside so I dare not try to weld bicycles.

My car isn't legal and I'm tempted to forge "papers".

Kucinich pulled out of the race to fight for his seat in Congress. (He can still do a lot of good there I guess)

I'm still getting my feet wet in the Fort after being gone so long... But first impressions seem that most here are bitterly apolitical.

"Yeah, I know I'm fucked but what can ya' do?"

I've heard that more times than I care to count and it makes me cringe a bit each time.

But ya' know... I've seen some really inspiring things too.

Like the resusitation of an old "hippie" comune. The kids got together and, over one summer, turned a briar infested, run down huddle of shacks and a barn on Vermont foothills into a viable, working, permacultured, easy-to-maintain, profitable ($300 net from chickens and goats) farm that will be restarted in the spring with the goal to install solar, internet and other green tech for year-round living and whatever ;)

Brilliant shit.

And then there was the Bike Guy in Arizona.

He was riding a recumbant with a rear-wheel hub motor and a solar panal jacket/vest mesh thing. He tore past me on the dirt road. While I was worried about rocks and my paint-job he was cruisin' along without a care in the world.

Million miles to go Ma!

But there were so many god damned idiots. Doing idiotic things.

Intentional stupidity.

You can't get away from it in this culture unless you find the fringe. Or get really lucky in your friends I guess.

And I don't know if I would want to get away from it anyway.

Sometimes stupid is fun.

I just don't like it running our country.
Just got back from visit with the folks. Freezing wind froze the melting snow so my siblings couldn't drive in to see me. My mom has gotten a pretty positive prognosis on her Alzheimer's - 5 to 10 years relatively normal, she's 86 now so that would mean that most of the rest of her life will be OK.

While I was gone we got an email that the wife and I each have a phone interview at the groovy hippie college down the road where students write their own programs. My luck with landing interviews has been good but landing the contract not so much. Anyway - this would be the best fit for either of us of anything out there and we sure could use the steady paycheck. Keep your fingers crossed.

My dad, who was a Reagan Democrat who ended up hating Reagan more than me, told me very adamantly that he was an Obama man and, as we were talking, it became pretty clear that he really wasn't too far off from my perception of both parties and the whole charade in D.C. My mom, a lifelong Republican, didn't disagree with any of this and piped in a few times with agreement. Yes, we may be on the fringe of the wave but there may be a mighty wave behind us.

Stupid people are still out there. And, like cornered animals, may be they're most dangerous now that they feel their power at risk. But the stupidity has been so blatant that even those that have the most faith in the system can't avoid seeing the problems.

Ohmigod! I think I just wrote a hopeful post!
Signs that you over analyze everything:

"What chew gunner do? Where you god ago?"

The political artist carefully examined the poem to find a context that made sense to the above line. He satisfied himself that the god mentioned was referenced a few lines earlier as Vulcan (itself a clever reference to the volcanic mountain that this local burg is named after) but, not finding anything to contextualize the former statement, googled the words "chew gunner" and found a reference to Chew's Battalion that fought for the South in the Civil War.

Then the artist read the passage aloud rather quickly during rehearsal and it all came clear

What cha gonna do? Where ya gotta go?

I've been ..............playing bingo on aol.
I know the world is going to shit and I've contracted "old lady bingo addiction".
There I've said it. I've been playing bingo while Rome burns.
I think I've reached burn out time.
I read the chimp long enough to see the same old bullshit arguments about who our new savior will be.
Ain't a happening thing. I was called a troll on the news pages. First time. I guess if you call "bullshit" for what it is
you're a troll. I'd make a lousy, runt of the litter kinda troll (too short, no teeth)
So now I play bingo and read my e-mail to see who's posting what here. I swoop in read and swoop out to AOL, and my bingo. I think I've finally given in to the "Black Brain Ooze". Too many drugs in my youth and old age.
Now I'm off to bingo.


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