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Life in the Empire

The U.S. has the highest prison population in the world, even more than the more populous China. Incarceration Incorporated is the biggest growth industry in the service economy. Indentured Servitude is profitable benefit to this industry.

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Blah. I have no idea who this tool-du-jour really is, and could give a fiddler's fart.

As always, I'm still trying to figure out a reliable way to sort out the "true believers" from the "double-highs" (as Bob Altemeyer calls them)... the deep cynics who (usually) lead the pack because, to them, "leading the pack" is ALL there is-- nothing else-- and any kind of "ideology" is just chin-music they have to learn to be top dog.

On the ideological tip of Turd Mountain, the "double-highs" usually win because they double-cross the "true believers" without so much as a how-dee-doo. I always thought Hitler was the ultimate "double-high." The Nazis fairly made a religion out of being a "double-high." (In case you don't have time to read Altemeyer... a "double-high" is someone who thinks absolute submission to authority is way cool... as long as THEY are the "authority." RemIind you of anybody?) I submit this: if Hitler were a double-high, he would not have died in the Bunker. He was actually a "true believer."

IS there an "ultimeate" or "true" ideology? Game Theory seems to indicate the "Golden Rule."
I didn't know what you guys meant with Niemöller so I wikied his ass.

"He vehemently opposed the Nazis' Aryan Paragraph, but made remarks about Jews that have been called antisemitic by some scholars."

"Martin Niemöller was born in Lippstadt on 14. January 1892 to the Lutheran pastor Heinrich Niemöller and his wife Paula née Müller" ???? Daddy - Niemöller, Mama - née Müller ????

"Like most Protestant pastors, Niemöller openly supported the right-wing opponents of the Weimar Republic. He even welcomed Hitler's accession to power in 1933, believing it would bring a national revival. However, he decidedly opposed the Nazis' Aryan Paragraph. In 1936, he signed the petition of a group of Protestant churchmen which sharply criticized Nazi policies and declared the Aryan Paragraph incompatible with the Christian virtue of charity.[3] The Nazi regime reacted with mass arrests and charges against almost 800 pastors and ecclesiastical lawyers.[11] In 1933, Niemöller founded the Pfarrernotbund, an organization of pastors to "combat rising discrimination against Christians of Jewish background."[10] By the autumn of 1934, Niemöller joined other Lutheran and Protestant churchmen such as Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer in founding the Confessing Church, a Protestant group that opposed the Nazification of the German Protestant churches.[10] The author and Nobel Prize laureate Thomas Mann published Niemöller's sermons in the United States and praised his bravery."

I think I get it. Anyway, Waldo spelt it out real clear for us. I hadn't seen that until I read what Waldo Pisano said. Using "the patsy "dumocrats" to sniff the Paulitos' underwear".

And the "revolution", the tea parties, people are upset, like all of a sudden. I wrote a short note to my Sis who just happens to be employed by the fat ones with badges asking for her opinion on the Anderson incident. No reply yet but in the subject line, I wrote "neither left nor right", kinda indicating that it's not really about the left now being in power or the right now being upset. I don't think she'll get it but it will be interesting to see what she or her boss has to say about Anderson. They might not say anything about him, seeing as he's well known for his stunts and that is part of the area he's been active in and around.

There is a way to get through border patrol checkpoints without a scratch. It's called submission.

There is also a way of not submitting but judging by the size of the military, the border patrol and the rest of the gang down along the SoCal, Az, NM and west Texas border, you're gonna need more than just an AR and a handgrenade. I have this impression people aren't aware of the hostility of the place. It's been like that for a while but it sure got worse after I left there.

I haven't mentioned the FBI yet but they play a major role in all this. Have for quite a few decades. And you hardly ever get to see one of the guys. That is unless they're interested in you staying alive long enough to tell them what they wanna hear.
P.S. on that. CG was and still is, to the best of my knowledge an FBI base for the south west. Drug smuggling, illegal immigration and illegal weapons sales were the main reason for the base but also because that town is literally surrounded by Rezs. Any time one of the natives would come into town and shoot em up, get drunk and rape a white woman, the FBI kicked in. Local police is not allowed to chase them onto the Rez and like I said, the place is surrounded by Rezs.

In the recent Hollywood movie "No Country for Old Men", you can see how ugly the drug and weapons biz can get. But you also get to see the Mexican mafia running free while the police drink another cup of coffee and wonder what the hell happened to the good old days.

And now the bright one in the white one is gonna crack down on the area. He selected Janet N. for a reason. That reason being, it's her turf and she's already in on it.

Look for more Drones overhead.
Come into town, sure, get drunk, sure, but rape a white woman? You mean the woman in the skimpy clothes in the bar encouraging him to buy her watered down drinks? The one who took him to a cheap hotel room and found out he didn't have any more money and got mad and called the cops?

Lotsa white dudes raping Indiam women because they do it with total impunity. Nobody believes the women, the white guys are, well, white, and it is sort of a constant thing on a rez. Constant. But the other way round? I find that hard to believe. On the other hand, any excuse the FBI can get to invade a rez and kill some Indians, they take. I'm about 4/5 through Ward Churchill's book, Agents of Repression, and the FBI seems to feel that killing Indians is part of their sacred duty or something. Really fucked up. Or rather as long as Indians still have even an inch of land or there's even one left alive, the FBI is going to keep fucking them up. FBI on a rez is like mercs in Iraq, they go around shooting unarmed civilians for sport. No investigation, and certainly no prosecution, just lots of dead Indians. Worse, they pay off other Indians to do it for them. Nobody cares about dead Indians.

Well, we do the same thing in Africa, and used to do it all over South America until somehow one of those Indians won an election, survived a U.S. backed coup, and wound up with a whole bunch of oil money.

Viva Chavez!

But Chavez is a simple, decent man. He shook hands with Obama. He knew Bush was the Devil and wouldn't have shaken hands with Bush. But I guess he didn't recognize the Devil's new incarnation.

And in Bolivia Evo Morales just came off a 5-day hunger strike to force their Senate to get rid of term limits so he can run for another term. He has no problem with hunger strikes--he chews coca leaves to ward off the hunger pangs and can go for a long time without food.

My friend in Caracas said I could get citizenship there just by marrying a Venezuelan citizen. I didn't explain why, but I told him that was not an option. I guess I just don't like people enough to want to marry one of 'em. Anyway, been there, done that, and got the grandkids pictures to show for it. Kinda funny too, because in school they told me different species can't mate. Shows how much they know.
The grandkids....

I met Eli (top) once and thought he was spoiled. I've never met Shari and don't know if I ever will. Heck, I've only seen my daughter, their mom, for a few hours in her life. I guess I'm just not a people person.
Your average citizen in that area has a very warped picture of the indigenous ones. Cases such as the one that got me into the FBI bunker at CG are publicized like propaganda. In that particular case, a white woman / store clerk (I worked at the same store as a store clerk for a month or so many years later btw) was held up, kidnapped, raped, shot in the head and left to die in the desert. Guess who was the only indirect witness. I was sittin in the car while Dad went in to get him a six pack of Bud. Another car pulled up and parked where the lights didn't shine. I thought that was strange, seeing as the parking lot was empty except for our one car, the one I was sitting in. I put on my inner tape recorder and memorized as much as I could. Dad came out as usual and nobody in the other car moved. We drove home as usual and life went on as usual for three days. I had no idea what was going on but three days later, the city police came to the school to come get me and escort me to the FBI bunker where I was told what had happened. They told me the date and time and I rewinded my tape in my head and let it roll. A number of arrests were made on the Rez and I was advised to get outa town and stay out. The store clerk survived the ordeal btw. So, Mark, I was only referring to my personal experience and the general feeling the whacko public has in that area. In reality, it's much different. That's why I went the other way around Az. the last two times I was there. Visited a pow-wow, hung out with the indians, listened to the Chicken Scratch music and ate their food the first time and last June, I think I rode through many a Rez on the rentahog. Still tryin to shake off the conditioning I went through as a kid. And I'm still a little dazed and confused.

Nice Pics ! I see a familiarity there. I wonder if those two inherited your scrappiness. DNA carries a lotta weight, ya know.
Janet N. steps on it.

It does appear to be heating up some. This is gonna advance the police state / gulag real quick. Homegrown terraists look pretty Andersonesque and you can't see them coming because they don't wear a fucking turban. The Gulag. Frogs still swimming. Water's gettin warm.
More Gulag. "Technology, sensors and radar"....

Obammy gonna beef up forces along "our common border". 59 million US $, at least.
Are you really one of US?

Down in CG, I went to school with Rodriguez, Osife, Sanchez, Armendariz, Garcia, Reems, White & Miller. For fuck's sake, the fucking border never really existed except in our minds. And if you go there (not a smart thing to do these days) you'll see very little which resembles a border. It's a swimming, flexible border. Southern Arizona, south of Phoenix metropolitan area, IS the border. The two countries are joined at the fucking hip. So if we look at it from another perspective, northern Mexico and the southwest USA are one, a guns & drugs driven Police State.
" exercise in obedience training." Here's yet another one who challanges the border patrol checkpoints while documenting them, basically asking for trouble.

His YouTube page :

Looks like a mini movement. His website :

This looks like the highway we rode through....

...just checked, it is the same road. Probably the very same DHS checkpoint. Looks damned familiar. They didn't stop us at all. Afraid of Bikers? No way. Just letting nuts from Germany go on being nutty.


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