Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

After WP's visit early this summer (so long ago!)  my interest in human powered (with some help) vehicles was rekindled. 

With the extraordinary heat, the problems of growing food in a changing or erratic climate was made clear.

So, I thought maybe we needed a discussion centered on tools and such.  Thoughts?

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I don't have any thoughts on climate change. But I think Waldo may have fallen asleep on his keyboard again. 

Seriously, I think I'm going to stay in denial until the end comes. I figure after we're all reduced to feudalism, they'll release another round of the black plague on us. No other solution to over-population that I can see.

i see you're still in a funk.  but this is really about tools.  like shade cloth.

I'm a just funky nihilist. Shade cloth? I've got the AC turned up to 11.

The Rhoadescar was one of the first available commercially-produced quadracycles.  They are made kinda funky and prone to rust and deterioration.  And really heavy (especially with that huge plexi canopy). 

The CatForkwad I checked out in Payson is really high-tech... with superb components.  About the same price.  Not as much capacity... but MUCH faster.   Even with my skinny little legs... got one up to 20mph on the flats... and probably over 35mph downhill.  Was never winded... in spite of smoking like a factory. 

Although the Mystic Prairie site is gone... the original folk are still on line

Kinda bummed out that wordpress has become useless.  Dunno why, but it slows the browser way down... until it freezes.  They keep adding more scripts and shit... "features" which is a word I came to despise almost as much as "upgrades" (that make it worse until it's completely useless). 

Lazing out on my last "free" day.  "Orientation" tomorrow... and get paid almost enough to pay for parking. 

Went to the Great Lakes Folk Festival in Lansing this weekend.  Ms. Waldo... aka ArtemisDi was disappointed with sales... but the boys made some decent bread busking.  I was damned if I went... and damned if I didn't go... so it was a lose/lose deal for me. 

A couple of A-10s made a low passes over the crowds banking at 60 degrees.  A warning?  Part of the "festivities?"  On the way out, saw a cop loading what looked like a scoped FN FAL into a squad car.  Those are the kinds of tools the fools better get used to. 

Meanwhile. I wanna get a scythe and some poultry. 

Knives, flashlights, compasses etc.  

BO- check this out:  Brodmann area 25 and its relationship to depression (information as tools). 

Soon be wearing a pulse generator for me head.  Maybe we'll be able to push a button and get stoned.  The herbal essence still sounds better though. 

Exploring the transition from compartmentalization... to dissociation... to fugue.   

Love ya, man. I've been taking a minimal dose of Celexa for years. Took me forever to find an AD that actually worked. So, I'm good, 'cepting for the shit going down that ought to depress anyone with half a brain.

Me and pot never jived. Too much paranoia. Loved the drink...but gave that up too. Now I'm boring as fuck.

I have no problem with electrical shock therapy. Seems like whenever I do a wiring job and I get zapped, I always feel better.  ;-)

Tools...I'm pretty much done with 'em. That said, I need to go out and whip the Mexicans again.

I don't think there are enough ADs in the world to make anybody dissociate from this freaky bullshit.  I have become Moshe the Beadle... raving at young people with black-button eyes who say"... dur... is this gonna be on a test?"  Which of course makes it even worse. 

Alkey-hol does that... but have to get so stupid and uncoordinated any 6 yr old could stomp me to death.  I could even point out the victims and the perps in a single room.  Looky here... this fat fuck (point) will stuff YOU (point- to some Chinese girl or something) right up a fucking chimney... for 10 bucks an hour... and then go home and eat a big basket of Chic-Fill-A and think no more about it.  They are going to KILL YOU. 

This is not a fucking "opinion"... this is not my "perspective" or "bias."  I fucking KNOW THIS.  So the options are... either I will die before all this starts to go down (YAY!)... or... I will get the opportunity to take some nazi along... and not sure I am up to that... because I threw away everything with a handle on it about 20 years ago.  "Tools?"  Those are all the people in "City Council" meetings. 

The garden is bustin' loose... because I watered it during the drought... wasn't spozed to... but the "water ordinance" was just for lawns... and didn't think it applied to folks who had their own wells.  Don't know.  Don't care.  Ought to get some solar panels up to run the pumps.  Ought to fix the structural damage in the barn caused by the "land hurricane."  The 8x8 150 yr old oak timbers holding up the roof are broken and sagging. 

We got zuchs and cukes and peppers... and the tomatoes are starting to bust loose.  It aint all that hard to produce food... if ya got some soil (not dirt) and a little bit of effort.  Meanwhile, the nazis and sonderkommandos are looking for "dope," and really hope the dum naive kids won't get sucked into that vortex... because they don't realize how dissociative these people are.  There simply aint enuff chemicals to make this shit go away. 

Mebbe a lightning bolt... 


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