Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

They keep coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. They eat away at the foundation of civilization. They lie, cheat and steal. They think the world owes them something they don't deserve. They get away with murder.

Who are they?

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I ain't got no use for the globalizers fucking up the world. Seems, all they bring to the party is their penchant for violence, theft, and fucked-up predatory capitalist ethics.

Welcome them with open arms? Fuck that. I say send 'em home. If you don't yet have a clue as to why we're being flooded with these 'aliens', why not get one. It isn't as much to do about race as it is about being anti-globalist and Americans have every right to be resentful.

Unfortunately, Sitting Bull and Running Deer didn't manage to fight off the invading aliens and they are destroying your standard of living the same way they destroyed ours.You can love Chuck and Bob and Jim and Dick for it if you want to. But don't expect me and Habib and Jose and Jancita and everyone to feel the same way. The globalists killed our people, destroyed our land, killed the animals, the fish, cut down the forests, stole our oil, stole our minerals, stole our people and sold them into slavery, and you reaped all the benefits. Now they're turning on you. It is your Night of the Long Knives.

Those who come here fleeing your death squads know exactly who you are. They know you paid the taxes to recruit, arm, and fund those death squads, to train them at the School of the Americas, to send them into other countries to kill off the remnants of indigenous people defending the last remnants of their land, and when those death squads missed torturing and killing somebody, but destroyed their village and their way of life, and they came here seeking somehow to find a way to survive, they didn't think you were a friend. They know you sent the death squads so that you could have your big car and huge TV and imported foods.

So now the globalists of empire are doing to you what they did to us? Destroying your way of life? And they want you to blame us? And you're dumb enough to fall for it? Yeah, you always were the gullible type, eyes closed to where all your stuff came from and how it got here. Eyes closed to whose land you live on and how it was stolen. Eyes closed to the misery that globalization is causing all over the world, has been causing all over the world, and is just now starting to cause misery here in the belly of the beast. No, your car and cell phone aren't responsible for the genocide in the Congo, it must be somebody else's car and cell phone. How the hell did your oil and coltan get under somebody else's land anyway and why hasn't our government killed them all yet? Why are some of them coming here? Why are you, who applauded or wasn't even aware when your government killed their families, accusing them of murder?

Yes, the globalists are cockroaches. They are rich, white, these days usually American cockroaches. They think they have the right to steal and kill with impunity, they think they own the world. They have infested Iraq and Afghanistan just like they infested Viet Nam, killing millions, destroying the vegetation, and all in the name of globalization, meaning they want to own everybody else's oil for their cars. Their civilization is when their planes and missiles kill innocent people to get more oil for their cars.

There was no visa office when they invaded Turtle Island. Not a one of them came here legally. To this day they hold no legitimate title to one square inch of this land. White cockroaches, white cancer, polluting, infesting, destroying everything that they touch in the name of their pornographic civilization. First show me ONE DAY in their history when they weren't killing and enslaving innocent people for profit, before you call them civilized. Empires or globalists, they are the evil ones. Not their victims fleeing their wars and death squads.

Anyone who is anti-immigrant simply doesn't understand what globalization is. Globalization is when a big corporation like Chiquita or Dole or Shell oil pays death squads, as they have admitted doing, to kill union organizers and indigenous peoples so that the corporations can steal their land and resources and use them as slave labor. Then the corporations, usually owned by rich white cockroaches like the Rockefellers, export your job to where they can have it done by a slave, and when you complain, they tell you that the immigrants took your job. Any rich, white, cockroach CEO can export ten or twenty thousand U.S. jobs in a day, but no immigrant ever exported a single U.S. job.

The immigrants can indeed be violent. Some of those who survived our death squads in El Salvador came here and formed one of the most violent gangs in America. But they learned it from us. We taught them. We went there and killed poor people struggling to survive on almost nothing, so that we could take the little they had and give it to the rich white cockroaches. So they had nothing left, their homes were burned, their families were killed, and some of them came here and adopted our "civilized" ways. Blame the immigrant, not the rich, white, cockroach CEO who had the immigrant's family killed to steal their land so that you could have a car and a cell phone and imported foods and think that made you civilized.

Fuck civilization and fuck the rich, white, corporate cockroach globalizers. They think the world owes them something they don't deserve. They get away with murder. They wouldn't know what civilized behavior was if they stopped killing people who never did anything to them long enough to see what the lives of peaceful people are like. The genocidal manics call sustainable lifestyles barbarism, but they are the Barbarian invaders. Those rich white corporate cockroach guys with the beards and the big cigars and the private jet planes and the mercenary armies, killing and stealing and blaming the victims. Get a clue, BO.
"Get a clue, BO."

Thanks. I got one. But, let me see if I understand your thesis. Are you saying that all Americans are as guilty as their empirical leaders because one just happens to have been born here and drives a car and has a flat screen TV and a cell phone? Is that why we should ignore mass immigration....because we need to pay penance for the sins of our leaders? Guess I'm having a bit of trouble with your logic Mark.
Ummmm......let's see. Somebody steals your car. For the sake of argument, let's say that you have a car and that you need it to get to work and support a family. Anyway, somebody steals it. The person who steals it happens to be a gang leader. I happen to be a member of that gang, so he offers to sell me the car he stole from you, cheap, and I buy it. I don't ask whether or not it was stolen because I need a car and I wouldn't be able to afford one otherwise.

Okay, one day I'm driving around in my nice "new" car, the cops pull me over, find out that it was stolen from you, confiscate the car and arrest me. Now why should I be penalized? I didn't steal the car, I just happen to be a member of a gang and my leader stole it. I didn't even know it was stolen because I didn't ask. Why should I pay penance for what my leader did?

I didn't steal your car. In fact I paid good money for it. Why should I go to jail?

Now supposing my gang leader, before I even joined the gang, had shot some guy's wife and kids because he wanted that guy's big new flatscreen TV set. The guy wouldn't give it up, so the gang leader went to the guy's house when the guy wasn't home, shot the wife and kids dead, took the big TV, and sold it. I knew nothing about any of this, mind you, it all happened before I joined the gang. So one day the guy comes around to where he's hoping to find the so-and-so who killed his wife and kids, but the only one he sees is me. I'm wearing the gang colors, so he shoots me. Why should I be penalized for something I didn't do and didn't even know about?

Okay, so maybe I didn't even join this gang. Maybe my dad belonged to it and he raised me to think that the gang was the best gang in the world and I just sort of became part of the gang when I grew up. I never was initiated or anything, I was just always around my dad's gang, they accepted me, I thought they were the best people in the world, and as I got older, without anyone giving it a second thought, I was accepted into the gang as a full member. Now it happens that my dad and his gang never told me that they used to go to a neighborhood on the edge of town where some poor people of color lived, where there were rarely any cops, and just terrorize people for the hell of it because nobody in town really cared. They'd just decide to go have some fun and they'd take their guns, maybe some dynamite, and go blow up people's homes, shoot people, whatever, and take whatever they could steal. Eventually the civil rights movement came along, the town started to grow and got a bigger police department, and my dad and his gang realized that they couldn't keep doing that, so they found other ways to amuse themselves. But that was in another part of town and it was years ago, and I didn't even know about it. Well, it happens that my dad and some of his gangsta friends are getting old, getting tired of crime, and decide to take some of their excess drug money that they've accumulated over the years and buy some real estate. The land in that neighborhood they used to terrorize is cheap, but the people don't want to sell. So my dad and his friends go to another buddy, a former gang member gone straight who is now a city council member, and explain what they want. The council member pushes through a redevelopment plan whereby the land in that neighborhood is taken by eminent domain and my dad and his friends get to buy it really cheap. The folks who live there are evicted. They do get paid a little, but not enough for them to afford new housing. But they find out that the people who pushed the deal through are the same ones who used to come around and terrorize them. Some of them get together, pool their meager funds, and rent a house in our neighborhood, which used to be all white. We don't like it because when people of color move in, the real estate prices go down. And they seem to have an attitude. They don't treat me with respect and I can't figure out why because I never did anything to them. I decide that they must just be nasty, uncivilized people and I start trying to find ways to keep them from moving into our neighborhood. They weren't born in our neighborhood, nobody invited them to live here, and they're not nice people. Why should we have to put up with them? And then I take a history class and find out that those people are the descendants of the people who originally owned our entire town. Back in the day, the government wanted to encourage settlements, so it put a bounty on the heads of people like that, and white folks would just kill them and get legal title to their land. But a few survived in that ramshackle, run-down little neighborhood on the edge of town that my dad and his pals used to terrorize. My dad didn't even know he was following an old American tradition. And me? I didn't do nothing to nobody, so why don't those people like me?

You ever watch this, BO?

The Story of Stuff

Suppose I come to you and offer to sell you a genuine diamond ring for only a dollar. The ring is worth at least $10,000 minimum. Do you buy it, no questions asked, or do you say that something must be fishy about the deal? Where did the car come from? Where did the metals to make the car come from? Where did the oil for the car come from? Where did the gasoline for the car come from? Where did the rubber for the car's tires come from? Were people enslaved and killed so that you could have that car? Did you ever ask, or was it too sweet a deal? What about the coltan in that TV and cell phone? Where did that come from? Were millions of people in the Congo killed so that you could have that TV and cell phone? Did you ever ask?

Unless we are Native American, we are all illegal aliens, descendants of mass immigrations of undocumented invaders. So here's some land and there are people living on it. Globalizing colonists seeking to spread their empire invade that land, kill the people, and proclaim that the land is now legally theirs. Then they make laws to keep everybody else out, particularly the surviving remnants of the Native Americans they slaughtered by the BILLIONS, because subconsciously the globalists KNOW that they never held legal title to the land. They stole it fair and square, right? I think the lawyers call it fruit of the poisoned tree or something. All I know is that if something seems too good to be true, it probably isn't true. So I ask. And I find out some things I wish I didn't know.

But back to the first example, your stolen car that I bought. If, instead of me getting busted, you happen to see me driving around in your car, wave me over, and explain to me that it is your car, show me the pink slip, and tell me that you're very sorry that I paid good money for a car I didn't know was stolen, but that if I just give it back, you won't call the cops because you know I didn't steal it, I'd probably think that was a good deal and give you your car back. Yes, I'd be out the money I paid for it, but I knew I was getting it too cheap in the first place and I should have asked if it was stolen, so I really could have gone to jail.

If I decide that I want your house, kill you and your family, move my own family into that house, eventually pay a shyster friend to establish a legal title to it for me, and me and my kids and grandkids live in that house for many years, I'm really going to be pissed if it turns out that some of your family was away at the time and survived, have learned about what happened, and try to come around saying that it is their house and that I never had legal title to it. VERY pissed off. I might kill those fuckers too because I'm sorry I missed them in the first place. Possession is nine tenths of civilized law. The other tenth is bribing the necessary officials to overlook how you took possession.

That's my logic, what's yours?
So in other woods we're suppose to do what..........give it back and get the fuck out?
Sorry dude, I, nor my ancestors, had any thing to do with stealing this land.
You eventually have to stop blaming people for things they had no control over.
The "it's mine, cause it, it belonged to my 10000000th great grandfather," is so fucking old.
It's called reality, the fact the "white man" is here, livin' on land that was taken over 200 years ago, is not going to change. Get over it.
Interesting to hear you guys talking on this subject. It's quite a hot topic over here ever since the arrival of democracy 15 years ago. 'Land restitution' claims are being settled at a greater rate than before .... about half my company's industrial plantation forestry land is under claim and the company has chosen to voluntarily go the route of attempting to go into successful plantation forestry partnerships with the new owners instead of contesting the claims in court. How successful it will be and what kind of plantation forest industry will emerge from the process is anyone's guess. It's a real head-on between first world and third world priorities. I am nervous about my job as a result ... but as with watching a snake go about it's natural business I look on fascinated by the potential and the problems.
Littleoldme, how many hours, days, months, or years do I have to hang on to the car I stole from you without getting caught and arrested before it is legally mine and your claim that it was stolen is just some ancient crap?

Suppose the car was an early model classic that your dad inherited from his dad and spent a small fortune restoring it to mint condition before bequeathing it to you. But being a smart car thief, I drive it down to Mexico, get it repainted, change the license plates, buy fake papers saying it is mine and I drive it around for ten years. Then I make a mistake, park in the wrong place, it gets towed, and the cops find the VIN number and contact the American authorities who tell you that your car has been found. YOUR car? I've been driving it for ten years, what the hell makes it your car? Just because once upon a time it belonged to your grandfather, it is still your car?

Poor helpless little puppets have no control over anything. Yes, if I find out something I bought was stolen, I give it back--that's why I try not to buy stolen goods. I don't own any land. I live in an apartment that is owned by some rich people who got a good deal when they were in local government by helping the federal government build low-income housing, and the building has paid for itself many times over and they're still raking in a large income from it every year. The land it is on was stolen from the Kumayaay Indians. And if the government cuts the low-income housing program funding, which it might do at any moment, I'll be evicted and back to being homeless and living on the street so that the building owners can charge market prices and make ten times the fortunes they've already made. Everyone here is low income and there are whites, blacks, Chinese, Vietnamese, Phillipinos, Mexicans, and many more. Some used to own homes before their jobs were outsourced or medical bills drove them into bankruptcy, some are legal immigrants and among them are people who used to be rich in their native countries and people who were destitute and came here from refugee camps. We all get along fine.

One of the security guards is from the Phillipines and recently became a citizen. She once told me about how she escaped from bona fide slavery in Saudi Arabia where she had gone to find work to support her family. A guy who works in the office is a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda, but he doesn't like to talk about it. The head of maintenance for our building is Mexican and I'd trust him with my life--one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. And some of my friends are Native American, one knew some of the people killed by the FBI and their GOONS at Pine Ridge and another is Ambassador at Large for the Republic of Lakotah. He recently helped get UN observers to try prevent another massacre on Akwesasne land on the U.S./Canadian border, but violence could still develop. Sure they'd like us to get out, but they'd be happy if we'd just stop killing them and taking what little remains of their land.

My own ancestors were Jewish and I don't think any of them owned land in thousands of years. But I happen to be against patriarchy and the privatization (theft) of the commons. I've read the ancient history. Before the Jews were slaves, they owned slaves. They started out from the beginning believing that land, animals, and people are commodities and can be owned. Like all patriarchal religions, they believe that they are not part of the world but the owners of it and that their mythical deity gave it to them, not to anyone else, and they treasure the ancient history that tells precisely how their deity ordered them to go out and kill unbelievers and take their land, a practice they follow to this day. I've had Jews tell me that because I don't support Zionism, I'm supporting terrorists, and that since some of my ancestors were victims of genocide, I should support genocide. That's the most illogical reasoning I've ever heard and I tell them so.

I'm a freegan. I support the Zapatistas and all other indigenous peoples struggling to survive, retain their sustainable lifestyles, and preserve the small remnants of their land. Having been homeless for over twenty years, I know that I don't need much to survive. Having lived in many third and fourth world countries, including Afghanistan, I know that the people there are no different from me.
Mark - just a caveat about indigenous peoples, yes, colonial powers stole their lands, but.....many of the indigenous peoples were imperialistic too. Their language recognized only themselves as "The People". Raiding the neighboring other indigenous "non-people" was considered a noble tradition.

Not meant to underplay the great crimes committed through history. But the golden age of enlightened migrant cultures is a myth that is straight from Rousseau. It is possible to see the great injustices without creating a false conception of those whose ancestors were recent losers in the ongoing land grab. As Brion Gysin said, "Man is a bad animal".......even the Other.
Most indigenous peoples were not imperialists, Pan. Those that were often destroyed themselves without any help from invaders.

Egalitarian societies don't overpopulate and don't need to constantly expand.

Ecologists define a viable species as one that controls its reproductive rate in accordance with available resources, and a nonviable species as one that cannot.

We were once a viable species and that was how we survived for tens of thousands of years.

Then we became a malignancy based on overpopulation and constant growth, destroying every healthy thing we encountered. Those who continue to believe in progress, development, technology, civilization, etc., admit that someday we might run out of natural nonrenewable resources to exploit, but believe that the scientists will come up with some sort of solution or that we'll metastacize to other planets.

Ecologists know the truth. A viable species can, theoretically, survive forever. A nonviable species always and inevitably becomes extinct by overpopulating until it pollutes its own habitat to the point where it can no longer sustain life.

The ancient wisdom says that "most men are bad," but not all. Civilization is actually the law of the jungle, might makes right, where the baddest and most ruthless prevail. When Predator came to Turtle Island, people had been living here for thousands of years, yet the land was not destroyed as Europe had been. It was mostly forest, the plains teemed with bison, the rivers were swollen with fish. In a short two hundred years since Predator arrived, 97% of the forests have been cut down, only a handful of bison survive, rivers and even oceans have been overfished--those which weren't so polluted that everything in or near them died--and we have tons and tons of long-lived high-level radioactive wastes stockpiled that we do not know how to safely dispose of.

When 95% of a patient's body has been consumed by cancer, what would be your prognosis for their survival, Dr. Pan?
You are assuming that the original peoples would have never changed.
They would still be living in tribes, hunting with bow and arrow and spear. Sorry can't see that as being realistic.
It ain't easy because they're under constant attack by big governments and multinational corporations, but there are a few left. And unrealistic as it may be, there are a few of us "civilizeds" who support their right to continue to live as they always have. Every society has its maverick weirdo misfits who say the hell with what's realistic, let's stand up for what's important. Because if we don't, by the time that the sustainable living folks manage to make us understand that we've been doing everything wrong, there might not be anyone left alive to teach us their tens of thousands of years of accumulated knowledge of how to respect and preserve the environment and do things right.

Did you know that big pharmaceutical corporations still send scientists and anthropologists to those naked uneducated primitives to learn which plants will cure which diseases?
Cal has a good idea. Dogs... they are our best other-species pals. We have worked together for at least a million years. Ever see the movie "A Boy and His Dog?" Good pals to have as it gets more dystopic.

The immigrant thing... sounds like Bo has to live around the worst elements of the wog-chappies. The ones around here are pretty low-profile... except for the guy that killed his whole family, kidnapped raped and murdered a little girl. Mexican. We also have (I am told) the largest Burmese immigrant community in the US. They are actually refugees sponsored by a group of churches... I believe. They have a Buddhist temple attended by several members of my extended fam.

I got no dog in this fight. To me, galoots is galoots and grunions is grunions- whether homegrown or imported. I had one encounter with a country tweeker a few years back (totally homegrown)... all I said was, "...if you come any closer, I'll kill you." Cal could probably tell you stories about the exact reverse deal... black Africans with their machetes and all. To me, much of this is caused by the capitalists trying to protect their own fat nasty asses. That's just because I am a "Green who is beginning to see Red."

Yeah yeah... we all know about the Indians and we all know the Story of Stuff. Doesn't mean much if yer worried about a bunch of galoots of any color killing yer whole family to get your toaster-oven. My main mad is being surrounded by dominionist krakkkers that the Fats are going to use as tools with their kartoon "religion" shit. That's why bible-whackers annoy me as much as beaners annoy Bo. Yes, I know there are many "people of faith" who are quite nice. I speck they're the ones who are piping all the Burmese in here. But Buddhists aint likely to kill you for yer teevee.

Sociopaths... they're RUNNING the place. Thanks again to mouse for turning me on to "The Trap," which helps explain why these fuckers assumed we are ALL sociopaths... and have been designing a "system" around it for the past 30 years.

If I get the chance, maybe I'll try to see if this whole idea is "teachable."
Ah yes....freedom...wasn't that the moral of 1984?

Thank god we have freedom fighters like Steven Jobs!


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