Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

(how is this for a new thread?)

It is not the freshest news. But it is still breaking, people are still absorbing it ,and it all till needs context.

The filthy greedheads and the doomed can't have exclusive rights to this news territory. The insane and the loyal opposition must have their say as well.

My take - the Russian armada is going to bomb the living fuck out of Aleppo.  Not so much to help Assad as to show they can still break shit, and still matter in one of their few areas of influence outside of Russia. 

Sebostabol/Crimea alreadytaken and those pieces are swatted off the chess board.
Then they will pass through the Suez canal to a favorite area of contemporary interest - the south china sea, to dock at the "chinese" island. 
They will refit at Vizag (a top indian navy base), go hover around the "chinese" island in the spratleys, maybe some commando/fast boat/SEAL type training with the chinese there. then they go right by the senkaku islands on the way to vladivostick for winter.
just to show the world the BRICS aint nobody to fuck with. 
Turkish PM Erdogan just "cleaned house," by firing about 40,000 people in government and shooting a
few hundred security, military and intelligence staff accused of being Gulen supporters.  some probably were, some probably were not, and Gulen's infleunce is not as profound as the govt makes it out to be. but he just bought himself 5 more years of unchallengable rule. and the ability to flip turkey out of NATO into the BRICS. I think it is very possible and could happen suddenly if it does.
Then much of eastern europe NATO (esp former ussr/Warsaw Pact) all quit too - because it is a stupid antiquated instiution that has not had a rational strategic reason of existence since the fall of the Berlin wall.  nato is not world's army the blue hats in the UN are.
Timing - Putin put them at sea when he knew he would have a four month window of no real response from usa because of the  elections.
They will have proved they are back as a true blue sea navy, anf kicked some ass, and shored up crucial geostrategic along the way.
I feel no portence of WWIII but instead feel this is a macho country saying "we be back motherfucka!"
and the advanced cyber and ground/space/ship-to-shore warfare eqpt of china, russia (less so india) is getting really good, and hits all the achilles heels of nato/USSA, efficiently, cheaply, and on the button.

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That is an immense IF.

After a scan of it it seems very much another conspiracy theory by folks itching to get the Clintons on something, anything.

Best summary of the Pizza Gate thing.

Certainly has the potential to bring out the pitchforks.

from the NYT

This Pizzaria is Not a Child-Trafficking Site

from Snopes

Seriously folks...I know you hate Hillary (with some very good reasons) but thinking that InfoWars et al are good sources is a little weird.

No weirder than thinking that the NY Times is a good source of truth in reporting. That said, I saw the thread pop up on Twitter. I don't follow Alex Jones.

But hey, conspiracies are fun. I'm very skeptical about it, but as art, it's a nicely done bit of conspiracy formation.

Re the Clintons, there's plenty of shit on them already. And no, that doesn't mean I support Trump or think he's not a crook either.

Right after Trump says he's not interested in going after the Clintons, the Podesta group says it's launching an investigation of Trump.

So much for giving the Clintons a break. Gonna be fun times in America while the government gets embroiled in a War of the Roses. 

I dig medieval attire.

There are also several sources claiming that the vote was tampered with - encouraging Clinton to challenge the result - somehow I don't think she will.  Ever since LBJ let Nixon off the hook for messing with the Vietnam peace conference it has been somewhat of a tradition for Democrats to let Republicans get away with messing with things.  Nixon resigned for Watergate because he was paranoid enough to think that McGovern had the files on him - but he wasn't prosecuted for treason.  Reagan was allowed to muck up hostage negotiations because he was a popular film actor playing the role of president. W became president with the help of the Court and.....let's not forget on this anniversary of the Grassy Knoll....a magic bullet was invented all to keep the American people believing in the myth of our democratic republic and elections and freedom.

No problem there-- cos power does what it wants.  And the fact that rich shitpokes got their bunkers stocked with hot-and-cold running pre-teen girls and big young buff merc. bunker guards... and plan to let the climate cull most of us... while their mercs do the rest... what's so hard to believe?  

However... it's a matter of time before they can't keep all the spinning plates in the air and their "money" becomes so much low-grade ass-paper.  They know this.  The question (for them) is:  how long can they hold their breath?  

HERE you go.  It's bullshit.  Ever wondered why people "believe" what they do?  Paul Horner probably knows a thing or two about that shit and says he wishes he didn't.  

Of course after "9/11" I started to think that any crazy batshit thing was possible.  After "11/9" I was sure about it.  How fucked up is it?  Check out these numbers.  And what people are saying about it.  And ready for the double whammy?  

Check out THIS SHIT.  And THIS.  Ready for another "false flag?"  Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.  

master waldo, i respectfully ask you keep an open mind on pizzagate.  snopes is a limited data set. go to #pizzagate and drill down to the original data. i actually have a masters in conspiracy theory (my english/cultural studis masters thesis, half of which dealt with elite pedo rings).

Pizza gate is, sadly, real.

Horrifying, but real.

Hey bro-- you and i we've been through that-- and this is not our fate.  

Would not be surprised at all if pizzagate is real.  Why not?  If they can suppress "911" ... and climate change... and the ETs... what's a few kiddies peddled to DNC "donors," why the fuck not?  It's all about "money."  Which is-- of course-- the biggest illusion/ magic trick of all.  

(but of course-- Alex Jones is a fucking lunatic by now.  Got too close to the flame)  

While you conspiracy buffs are examining pizza and making connections, Trump will be shutting down NASA's research into what he claims is a Chinese hoax.

C'mon P.  Is it a "conspiracy" if it's hiding in plain sight?  Well... sort of:  "...a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful."  Is "secret" as the same as, "nobody sees it because it is camouflaged?"  Really.  How "secret" is it?  Seems that "ulawful or harmful" is the turning point.  



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