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Life in the Empire

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You know how that works.  Whatever happened to Ward Churchill?  

You made me curious so I checked...

Ward Churchill is finally all out of aces

Too much truthiness to be tolerated.

I just received my departmental ass whuppin yesterday.  Only one section next sem and i am on probation.   Yadda ya.  Looks like they're backfilling.   For whatever reason... the cronies is in... and our asses are out.

Something about a peer-reviewed rhetorical analysis of a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.  Or something.  


I've been assigned classes that traditionally don't fill....

Yeek!   The Daily Caller!  Can anybody explain "casual Marxism?"  oh i see... " it is grounded in neo-Marxist theory of power and oppression."  whee!  have a nice steaming dish of post propter hoc and read the comments.  

Got up early to type out the response to the Committee that I had been composing in my head - this is the third time those fuckers have interrupted my sleep - the responses are becoming more direct in naming the slander, libel, defamation of character and lies.  I figure there is nothing left to lose at this moment.

Calling the lawyer to determine whether or not he can review the documents and response within the allotted time frame to craft and submit a response (5 days after signing.  The Chair, recognizing the hatchet job for what it is but being too much of a coward to take a principled stand, has not required that the document be signed right away so we have about two weeks).

The Lawyer wants a $500 retainer.  He gets paid $175 and hour.  $175 an hour to read.....fuck, I went into the wrong business.

Meanwhile, in the midst of this, I need to prepare for an upcoming telephone interview.  Really happy I have a couple of nibbles on the job hunt so I can avoid total depression with a glimmer of hope that maybe, this time, I will be able to land this job.

Just got off the phone from the attorney.  He basically said, "you're fucked, you aren't going to win, the only good your efforts are going to do is to lay the groundwork for a possible case which you will probably not win".

Jo has been getting calls from others who have gone through similar things here - a regular pandemic.

Meh.  at that rate, lawyers hardly ever pencil out.  if you really got a case, they usually ask for 30%.  More if it's worth millions.  Haggling them back toward 10% and you're sinking below probate level.  Do the cost-benefit math.  If you want justice, it's in Heaven.  Or Mt. Olympus or some place on high where even most pilots can't go.  

The thunderbolt was  aimed at me personally from the Dean's office.  Some students tattled to mom that we weren't doing rough drafts and peer reviews.  So this thing down the chain of command like a rocket sled on rails.  It's somebody's pet private told the General that squad leader Waldo's deck barrel was rusty.  Would the general care to inspect It?  no.    

Our squad is so far outside the high school English class it freaks some of them out.  I used to know the Dean, in fact, ran into him the other night.  He retired years ago.  He said when he comes back, it's like being a ghost.  Not so sure he wasn't or me either.  50 reunion theatre department.  He was a was a professor and i was a student.  

Those days are long gone.  Now it's a hierarchy of (as Dr. Hume would say) jackals and bottom-feeders.  Fuck it as this gig peters out, I gotta look for something else.  Electric trike or quad, pretty soon i gotta stop driving a car.  Rosa awaits.  I left Henry back at school in Hesse.  The beginning is near.  


jackals and bottom-feeders.

Cowards and bullies.

Being unemcombered by children, I wonder if you two might want to look into moving to Canada. Being artists I would think you're going to have a hard time finding a satisfying position anywhere outside of a few choice locations along the west or east coasts of the US.

Was just reading an article written by a US ex-pat living in Canada. Viewing the US as one big ass cautionary tale, I hope Canadians can keep their country from becoming Americanized as long as possible. Nice to still have a civilized place to visit once in a while.

The Need to Escape Collapsing Empires

Just submitted an application in Montreal.  There are fewer positions that are advertised from Canada and they are required to give their citizens hiring priority.

We have never been hot items on the job hunt - our qualifications are too strong without any fame, our approach is too interdisciplinary for disciplines actively defending their silos, we are only interested in doing the work rather than glad handing and working the cocktail parties, we are West coast in a field that values NY, and now we are too old in a very ageist field, too experienced for entry-level yet we don't hold the rank and tenure that higher level positions would expect, and then there is the reality that our creative partnership makes many uncomfortable - as our first academic supervisor said, "how can I fight both of you at the same time?".

This has been a quandry for the past two decades.  Respected colleagues scratch their heads and wonder why we aren't getting jobs.  Mercenaries feel no remorse when they are complicit in the assassination of our careers because they convince themselves that we are so obviously qualified that, of course, we will move on to better things.

I am holding onto the hope that the Instructor level gig will pan out - they have to realize that I am a steal and they would be fools to pass on the opportunity to bring in someone with my breadth and depth of expertise/experience.

Meanwhile - today is dedicated to crafting a response to the Committee report.  Demonstrating that Jo's process has been completely contaminated and has not followed anything remotely resembling due process.  We got transcripts of text messages of the student member of her committee soliciting for comments, stating explicitly that she was determined to deny tenure.  Jo had begged the Chair to remove her from the process.  This gives us something.  And, we also feel so much better now that we have given up all hope.  The response is not being crafted in the hope that somehow she will receive tenure, it is merely an exercise in speaking to power, not lying down and meekly accepting their abuse.

Teaching has been a reasonable gig.  So was marketing.  But like everything else, the CYA apparatchiks rose to the top like flott.   I don't do no good to bitch about it.  That's the way it is.  We have finally learned to run an 19th Century factory.  With rough drafts and peer reviews, we finally figured it out after 200 years.  

It will probably not take 200 years to figure out that it isn't the 19th Century and this isn't a factory.  If you got Netflix, check out Crips and Bloods.  The checking Erasing Hate.  I think these electric vehicles are where I need to be to work on Energy, Environment. Economy and Peace.  The Uni is too fucked up... like business and everything else.   

Our concept of "capitalism" is seriously fucked up.   


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