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Life in the Empire

Stealing us blind.

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Hey- Dusty is an "entrepeneur!"  

If something is laying around... and nobody's using it (ALL...right NOW... like an underground aquifer, for example) might as well TAKE it... or "BUY" it (for pennies-the-dollar)... because the "demand" is low... right now... that's ""arbitrage."  I learned that term in the financial "services" industry. where I was challenged to come up with obfuscating bullshit. 

I THOUGHT I was already a master at obfuscating bullshit... but nooooo... I was a RANK AMATEUR.  So the financial "services" industry taught me to come up with a whole new level of obfuscating bullshit.  I thought the "industry" had taught me to come up with the absolute best obfuscating bullshit in the WORLD (like "securitization").  HA!!  THAT was until I got into "academia!" 


Katy-bar-the-fucking DOOR... a whole new level of obfuscating bullshit!  Now, you might think "politics" is the ULTIMATE level of obfuscating bullshit, but it's not.  It's dirt-simple and crude.  Even burger-"advertising" is WAY more sophisticated than "politics."  "Politics" is like holding a milk-bone in front of a dog.  Easy-peasy.  The peeps "believe" what they WANT to believe... whether any of it is "true" or not.  Duck fucking soup.  And in the USA, you already have a pre-packaged toolkit of memes that work like Jack-the-Bear. 

Like "freedom."  And "democracy."  And now... the best of all... the "Constitution." which-like the "Bible,' few have ever actually fucking READ.  Fuck-dog.  What a fucking cakewalk.  My fellow "professional propagandists" who formerly had to bust nuts to sell "securitization" to actuaries who could really "do the math" can now make twice as much $ selling slavery to serfs who have never known "freedom" in their entire fucking lives and wouldn't recognize it if it dropped a reeking steamer on top of their hydrogenated corn-oil "breakfast food." 

What a great time to be a soul-less amoral fuckwad bullshitter! 





Had a friend once who, after taking a walk with her son past a school, came home with all sorts of plastic toys.  Said, "If they really wanted the stuff they wouldn't have left it on the playground".

Just submitted an application to a college in Barbados.  The pay rate is about twice what Ms. Medusa is getting PLUS 20% for  housing and money set aside for travel, entertainment and research.  The literacy rate on the island is damn near 100%.  And it isn't the US.  Not too high of hopes of landing this one (after all, my callback rate is abysmal) but it is kinda like buying a lottery ticket - it's nice to dream......

Dream on. If you should start another studio, I'll bring my hammer...


If you can't get the majority to agree with you, ban them and hand pick another group and call it consensual governance.


Text of Faculty Senate Chair's address to the State Board of Education immediately prior to the SBOE voting to disband the Senate.

Wow. That's vexing, as Commodus would say. A nice example of democratic principles at work--no pun intended.

Maybe he intends to fire everybody on the 25th. Let us know what happens...

"President Vailas is in Boise attending the State Board of Education meeting and will be back next week.  In light of SBOE action to suspend ISU’s Faculty Senate and to keep faculty, staff and the university community informed, the President has called for a full faculty/staff meeting at noon on Friday, February 25th in the Bengal Theater."



Gilead Atzmon on Inside Job
Good question. But even more perplexing...why haven't any of them gone to jail?

Oh wait, I forgot to post this. The beginning of "Inside Job: The Opera". Well, maybe it hasn't been made yet, but it should be.


"Inside Job: The Opera" That is a great idea - we are need to come up with some ideas for an "original avant garde production" for 2012-13 season - gonna pitch it to Ms. Medusa
Grandmother evicted by SWAT team from home after her husband dies without a will and Fannie Mae rejects her attempts to continue to pay the mortgage.

Yet another victim of a class war that 90% of Americans don't even know is happening. And she probably doesn't even know that Obama--the man she probably voted for--is directly responsible. Hell, she'll probably even vote for him again.

I don't know how we will be able to convince enough people that this "left-right" paradigm is complete bullshit... but it IS important.  Convincing them, I mean. It's "sports-fan" crap.  Zero-sum game.  Social Darwinism.  Total bullshitt.  Just watched the bukka-baww freakout with Btthole "winning" celebrated like it was the moon landing.  The sportsporks will root for their fake republicrat "teams" all the way to the concentration camps and be pissed because they can't watch "the game" in the ovens. 


This population is so completely screwed.  They would jump into the furnace as long as some fatty is making a fake buck


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