Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

WTF. We all know the global economy is going to hell in a hand basket. So, like passengers on the Titanic, I propose this thread to calm our nerves as the ship goes down. Let's share some music--videos, or MP3's.

Britney or Bob, Madonna or Mozart, whatever floats your boat (yuk).

Wanna share an MP3? You can usually find a link to your song here...

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...because AudioBox and I both love Susanna Hoffs and the Bangles.

Although, he might not admit it.
LOL. Happy Birthday to you AND me (next week).

Good to hear the weasels still quarrel. My weasels left town and all I got were their flees.

Yup, I saw you post the video...and then it disappeared. Funny that you should post that particular video, I was checking Ms. Huffs videos just last weekend. I simply had a Bangles attack. Must be the season...

Anyway, one could do a whole retrospective on the LA scene in the late sixties. So much talent--where do you start?

Maybe with one of the byrds who flew the coup.
That site is new to me so I hope I get the right link here. Just went there to look for a song from Kansas and saw they have a new song titled "Rainmaker". Damn, there I go again, gettin' political and all. Sorry about that.
belated birthday wishes to audiobox.................what goes around.................

coldplay vivalavida has the effect on me & the wifey that makes us jumpy like mexican jumping beans, just downright destructive for the poor furniture, though we're not bouncin' around like we used to, what, me ribs still aching and her feet killing her. "Care to dance, Luv?" : "feckoff!"

keep an eye on the clocks
I dunno. It's Chris Martin's wife that gets my weasels quarreling.

Watched the movie Duets last night. Paul Giamatti (and his sidekick) steal the show.

Great movie. One worth owning.
"pelvic exercise"



I have nothing better to do now that I've been permanently banned from OpEdNews................

Montana - Uncle Frankie Zappa

Movin to Montana soon...............

not really. loves it where I is right now. sKinda like Montana......and as a friend of a friend said today;

What is Freedom

A discussion on the meaning of freedom as responsibility.


Hello my friends,

I thought this was an excellent time to write something about freedom. This seems especially appropriate time to write about freedom given that, like many of you, I live in a nation where one is placed on lists and one’s freedom to travel can be taken away for purely political purposes. Like many of you, my nation needs to spy on, monitor, and collect data on who people choose to associate with. That is, like many of you, I live in a police state.

Freedom is something we often seem to speak about, but yet so very often fail to understand. Freedom is about responsibility. At one time all human beings lived in freedom in free societies. In freedom, they were empowered to be directly responsible to each other, and for ourselves. With this shared responsibility comes relationship, and for much of our existence this was sufficient. Then came the emergence of warring city states and nations, and in these disturbed societies, responsibility and relationship no longer remained an individual matter. Instead, as the state replaced the family as a new institution suddenly “responsible” for it’s new “children”-citizens, the pseudo-father figure of this new family, such as a ruler or king would become and act responsible for everyone. The population, stripped of it’s responsibility, no longer lived in a state of freedom. In fact, the people entered a state of existence we can recognize as human slavery.

From slavery, and later serfdom, emerged the idea, especially in the western mind, of liberties. This new idea replaced the original concept of freedom that human beings once universally enjoyed with mear privileges extended by the ruler or state to the people. These new privileges were called “rights” and “liberties” and are largely illusion. Since this privilege is extended by the state, whether directly or through social contracts, it can similarly be withdrawn since these rights do not actually “belong” to the people they are claimed to have been given to. So long as the state can withdraw these privileges, whether selectively, or wholesale, at it’s whim, whether for crisis that is real or wholly manufactured, this is neither real freedom nor what a free society is about.

A perfect example of this is the United States, where a number of rights have been enumerated, but these rights exist so long as the government chooses to recognize them, and can be effectively withdrawn by a claim of unitary executive authority in a manufactured crisis. Some of these so called “inalienable rights”, such as free association, can also be negated by other means, such as forming networking database of individuals and their relationships through domestic intercept.

Freedom, in a true free society, involves responsibilities that can never be surrendered to a state. In a crisis in government, this remains a problem of government, not that of taking away the responsibilities and freedom of people. The response to a crisis in a free society does not diminish the freedom of that society, and rather than rights of the people being terminated by government as needed, the right of the government to exist can be terminated by those so governed as needed.

Remnants of this basic human concept of freedom does exist today in surviving and undamaged indigenous cultures. One solution is perhaps replacing existing nations with a return to indigenous forms of sovereignty, such as Russell Means is trying to do with the Lakotah nation. However, whatever we choose to do to create and sustain human freedom, for those who struggle for recognition of their right to live as free human beings, clearly this requires abandoning or otherwise abolishing many existing nations such as the United States.

Be happy, be safe, be sovereign to yourself, and be responsible to each other.

Damn! Sorry again. I can't help it.


I am with my mum and I love her. Thank you for giving her, me and Lara a family with Ning. Thank you it makes sense because right now our life is a little bit chaotic but you guys bring us back to what is real. My generation will make a difference. Thank you Bo, Pan, Waldo, Mark, Cal, Mouse, and little old me. You guys are incredible.

Domi with her mum and sister.
Kate Bush was the one who always got my weasel's attention.
Is a weasel in the hand, really worth two in the bush?

Curt- wot on AIRTH did ye do/say for that bannuppment at OEN? Point out the "senior editors" wuz sphincter pinkters?

And happy turd-day to ya ol Scorpio geezers. Come ride the leer-jet... when them baby cutie clouds come rollin' in.

Krabbers... hope Cal aint off-line too long...
PM to ya how I got my ass banned there + a special request ferya to send out a few special kites to me fellow trouble-shakers there.

Scorpio ? Ouch ! One stung me once. Turned out to be the really dangerous kind. I was young and strong so I survived. It did fork me up for half a day. Like, natural drugs and the ceiling pulsatin' 'n shit. Freak out, Arizona style.


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