Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

I think we can all agree that US democracy has been successfully extinguished. And it's probable that other western countries will follow suit as more conservative leaders are placed in office globally.

Chris Hedges and Sheldon Wolin call the resulting new form of government, "Inverted Totalitarianism."

Considering that voting has become meaningless and the rule of law in the US has become nothing but a joke, how does a concerned citizen fight back?

In the past, totalitarian governments were lead by individuals who espoused a particular political ideology, now we have a entire system of corruption and subversion designed to enrich the ruling class. And considering its success, the system has worked well for its intended benefactors.

The question is: who's really behind the subversion of our democracy? What is their ultimate goal? Conspiracy theories abound--many espoused by the lunatic fringe. But many seem to warrant further investigation.

I started this thread in the interest of ferreting out who the primary players behind our enslavement are. What are their goals, and how do we expose them? Imagining you could do something, what should be done with them?

BO wants to know.

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"Mutual Aid"!    that is commie talk!  Makes sense cuz he is a Rooski.  Probably a mooslim too.

A senior pastor in my extended family said the enemy was the Devil.  What crap (I thought at the time)... but he was right.  Devil is in the details.  I think I left my kindle in a hotel room. 

Dementia is not merely a problem of memory. It reduces the ability to learn, reason, retain or recall past experience and there is also loss of patterns of thoughts, feelings and activities. 

I got it.  We all have it.  We are born with it.  Shrinks who are not aware of memes are like doctors in the Civil War who were not aware of germs.  After all, it's only a theory.  Like evolution. 

Memes= complex ideas that form themselves into distinct memorable units.  Germs killed more soldiers in those days than bullets did... but memes killed most of them.  One of them was the Slavery Meme

Had I been in Jefferson C. Davis' position, I would have shot the "Bull"  myself.  Bully meme.  "His evil acts were motivated by thoughtlessness that was neither stupidity nor bureaucratic obedience, but a staggering inability to see the world beyond Nazi clichés." 

So while developing Fuck Ja  Were Socialists (or Republicans We're Socialists)... gotta convince shrink and therapist to apply memetics as prophylaxis for dementia in my case... by teaching them the theory.  If this works and I don't die first, then it's on to a gig selling $15k quadracycles.  

Got no reaction to DBS from the "department," so part of the exercises is mapping a way to pitch you guys and the production to the theater/ music/ dance volk at IPFW.  It's a long long way up that food chain... but may as well try.  Or FWS... For Twain Socialists... or something.  It's gonna write itself.  

Nice day for something...

Got no reaction to DBS from the "department,"

Two ways of disempowering dangerous ideas:

  • Ignore them
  • Co-opt them 

So far I have been mostly ignored.......  Though each time I have done one of this large collaborations in an academic setting the powers that be make sure that the non-tenured collaborators don't come back.  So far our conductor has lost her lecturer gig, J had her tenure deferred due to perceptions and my efforts have been defamed as somehow being evidence of nepotism so I won't be able to do another large scale collaboration here ever again....

Great spirits always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.

Albert Einstein

Libertarianism truly is the velvet glove of a nice-sounding “freedom” policy that covers the iron fist of five hundred years of genocide and apartheid in America.

Thom Hartman

I'm sure Waldo is up on this: President of Purdue, former governor Mitch Daniels, tried to ban Howard Zinn from the classroom.

Sightless eyes on the Lost Cause 

They could not see what was coming. 

My German Boys:  Volk Ja Were Socialists!  (still not working title)

Civil War:  a new topic for Fall... along Socialism, Permaculture, OWS, SOPA/PIPA, Human Rights... and last night had a fitful dream about pitching this idea to great and humble... the living and the dead.  The "government" resolved to bury their bones.  The Boys still living agitated for their pensions for their lives (and got most of them).  The Lifers, like Jefferson C. Davis, got a gum paycheck for killing Indians and busting up Unions (oy the irony).  Guess it wasn't the kind of union "they" had in mind. 

Krakkerland is still a place where "privatization" is still the universal solution because so many are still stuck in some kind of Reagan-era fantasy.  Data... history... all go down in flames with "that's your opinion."  And I say it is now time to offer them a nice hot cup of STFU. 

We are about to see the shabby historical papering-over AGAIN of another Great War

"On the British Government's side at the moment what they call the non-judgmental approach seems to me that they are not willing to say outright what the historians I most respect believe, which is the First World War was not morally different from the Second World War, it was an unspeakable experience for Europe and the British people but it was for a cause worth fighting."

What bullshit.  What "cause" was that?  "Patriotism," the last refuge of scoundrels.  Oh yeah... but the Germans were "patriotic" too... and so were the Southrons... so workers on one side killed workers on the other side... "rich man's war... poor man's fight."  My German Boys saw it clearly... and some wrote about it extensively. 

And now it's about time for the fatties to do the usual bait-and-switch... and since "foreign wars" are working their usual magic of "patriotism" with yellow ribbons and "our brave troops," it's time to gin up a nice domestic war to keep the drones distracted.  Who is the enemy?  Fucking "patriots" of all stripes. 

One Big Union. 

I assume you are aware of Copperhead the Movie

from their P.R.

Copperhead is the great untold Civil War story. Far from the Virginia battlefields whose names etch our history, the war of Copperhead visits the devastation and unimaginable loss of a civil war upon a family and a community whose strength and very existence are tested by fire, rope, knife, and betrayal. This is the Civil War come home

Idiot cop has the emotional maturity of a three year old. Bet he'll be in jail inside of a week.

Idiot cop is back with a new video. The dude is a full-blown psychopath. Ain't America great?!!!!

This is a guy who has a position of responsibility (chief of police)

Just checking in.  Have a gob of material to research... including a hard-to-get book, Chancellorsville and the Germans by Keller.  Wading thru lots of (what I call) "drum and trumpet history"  General Hoodoo going up against General Dreedle who decided to do yabba-bla-bla... because of yakkity yakkity... etc.  All very "Homeric" with larger-than-life "heroes" like Achilles and burble-blah. 

Meanwhile, there were thousands... millions... of anonymous blokes who got their asses out there by the quads and actually fucking butchered each other for hours... days... weeks... years on end... for SOME fucking reason.  Anybody figured that out yet?  NO.  Why?  Because we don't understand memes any more in the 21st century than we understood germs in the 19th.  And like germs in the 19th... a "trendy new theory."  Obvious one:  the "slavery" meme.  Not so obvious:  the "patriotism" meme. 

Wrapped in there like the Matroysoshka Doll with No Known Ending was all that dick-swinging bullshit like the "duty" "honor" and "gallant" memes... probably tied with lizard-brain crap about fuck and kill.  But the 19th Century folk didn't have all that neurological info in their way,,, so in a sense, they were better positioned to understand the "of/ by/ for the People" meme than we we are.  Like a tree-line obscuring indirect artillery fire.  They didn't have radios.  But there have been forward observers.  Spot the lie. 

Hope to figure some of this shit out before I die. 


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