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Life in the Empire

Comment by BO on August 22, 2009 at 2:17pm
Let's see, 'Angels Place'. Guess that makes it hog heaven. A much better name, methinks.
Comment by curt on August 22, 2009 at 3:40pm
A name is a name is a name. It's just another club. I'm not a club person but I have been to a few club parties since, of late. Today, I visited the Angels. They have such a bad rep, they work extra hard to prove it wrong. But shit does happen and when it happens, i happens in a very bad way.
Comment by Mark on August 22, 2009 at 5:21pm
Very bad. Sometimes when you join a club you get caught up in fighting other people's wars. The Angels have a bad rep because they worked extra hard to get it. Every outlaw bike club wanted to be badder than all the others. So did every street gang. So did every crime syndicate. So does every empire.

The devil is a charming fellow. Lots of fun to be around and he has a lot of power. So there's a lot of competition to get close to him. And there are a lot of fools who thought they could party with him and not end up selling him their souls. Luck of the draw. Some lucked out and some didn't.
Comment by BO on August 22, 2009 at 5:41pm
"Very bad. Sometimes when you join a club you get caught up in fighting other people's wars."

Kinda like when you just happen to live in the USA.

BTW, I was making a joke in regards to Hog (nickname for a Harley) Heaven (Angel's Place). Gotta remember to add those smileys.
Comment by curt on August 23, 2009 at 2:01am
Bo, I saw the smiley even though it wasn't there. Of course your humor was recognized.

Mark, I don't believe in the devil. For me, there's only one supreme being. Any conceptions of a devil are all man made, though the description does sound right when we refer to the Angels. I'm trying to think which advantages the membership could bring with. For someone without friends in a big, ugly part of the city, the Angels would be a logical selection. Frankfurt is getting worse. I stepped in a broke up what was turning into a an unfair fight, last week. I can't be sure, but I think my appearance served well in convincing the aggressor to back down and walk away. The police can't be everywhere at all times. Somebody has to keep the damned place in order. It's really getting worse. I expect shootings will become a daily occurance, soon. So many friggin idiots moved in. Big mouthed, conceited idiots. I'm not a rascist but when a punk Serb pulls a knife on me and acts like the fucking King of the crop, he'll become my next example for the rest of his kind.
Comment by Mark on August 23, 2009 at 3:50am
Somebody pulled a knife on a friend of mine one time. My friend grabbed the blade of the knife in his bare hand and stomped the guy. His hand was a bloody mess, but it healed quick. The other guy didn't. Not recommended, but my friend wasn't exactly thinking logically at the time--it was more of an emotional reaction.

And yes, I was just using the devil as an allegory. I'm really fond of allegories.

For someone without friends in a big, ugly part of the city, I think the Angels might not be the wisest choice. When somebody comes in at the bottom of a hierarchy, they can just as easily be turned into a scapegoat within as without. Even if they don't put prospects through the same stuff they used to, anyone strong enough to get through it is strong enough to find less dangerous ways of protecting themself. It's kinda like grabbing the knife blade. Yes, if you can do it, it can work for you, but if you're not in a blind rage you won't lose as much blood in the process.

I read a book not too long ago called Honor Few, Fear None: The Life and Times of a Mongol, and if I remember correctly, one of their members was killed just because somebody had it in for their club and the guy happened to be alone in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's what I meant about other people's wars. Nobody was after him, they were after the club he belonged to. Like journalists or humanitarians being taken hostage or killed in war zones just because they're the wrong nationality. I wouldn't advise somebody who was concerned about their personal safety to join the military. Yes, they'd be armed and trained and might feel that there was safety in numbers, but combat zones aren't particularly noted for personal safety no matter which side you're on. If you're coming from a bad neighborhood in a big city, you're really just exchanging one combat zone for another.

Like my new avatar? :)
Comment by curt on August 23, 2009 at 4:57am
I hear you, Mark. Mr. wise guy himself. Wearing the 81 support t-shirt to the wrong place or party can get me killed, I know. This area is Angel turf, from what I can gather. We have the Hanau chapter, the Offenbach chapter and the Frankfurt Westend chapter. Yesterday's guests included patches from Bonn, Heilbronn and Heidelberg. While most of it is harmless, the war goes on and regional clashes have produced a few bodies. The latest in Berlin. Retaliation is programmed and guess which patch the next body will be sporting. An Angels patch, yip. Stupid, primitive eye-for-an-eye stuff. Not my bag at all. I did a little researching this stuff this morning and had to think it over a while. No doubt about it, I'll remain neutral. Saw a video clip about an Angel who jumped off a bridge after being expelled for having a feast of a brother's woman. Codex sucks. I'm an idiot, I know but I like to play with fire every once in a while. I wouldn't ride with cops if it wearn't so, and I do ride with cops. That's the one gang I do belong to. It's a huge club and members are from all corners of life. Come to think of it, it's a pretty good club. Lots of sisters on bikes too. One just got a new hog and is as proud as a person can be. We have a lot of female members and they ride the biggest, fattest bikes. I like how we sometimes laugh at ourselves and call one another knuckle-draggers. It's all for good fun and the main thing is riding....which I'm gonna do again here after calling Mom in a few minutes.
Comment by pan on August 23, 2009 at 10:32am
As a 16 year old gas station attendant I was recruited for awhile to join this one customer's club. He would regale me with stories of bar room brawls and meaningless sex. His big selling point was the funeral; if I joined the club there would be hundreds at my funeral to honor me. Even at 16 I thought his pitch was as stupid as the fraternities at the local Uni.

I got heavily involved in Capoeira and started to understand the allure of the gang. The local groups in San Francisco got into a territory thing and for awhile it felt like I had landed in the middle of some bad Kung Fu movie "we beat up your gym and take your students". Ms. Medusa and I were the alpha female and male students of our group. We were extremely dedicated and loyal to our mestré but we were never disciples. This led to some loyalty challenges led by the top disciples who were jealous of us. The students who were disgruntled by the mestré's less than masterful social skills would come to "Uncle" Pan and "Aunt" Medusa for reality checks - they loved the art, they loved the group, but couldn't stand the mestré's bullshit. The disciples used this to insinuate that we were going to create a splinter group and "steal" the mestré's students. Eventually it got to be too much and we left the group. We still teach Capoeira and respect our former mestré but we are very clear in our non-affiliated status. Let us do our stuff and keep all the political/territorial/power crap for yourselves.
Comment by waldopaper on August 23, 2009 at 2:45pm
Man I miss my Sporty... just too dangerous to ride any more. Jee-bozza, it was fast. Out-dragged everything until it got into the top-end. They'd usually catch me at about 85mph, and I wasn't willing to go over 110. Do you guys do those shenanigans on the Autobahn? Loved seeing these guys in Deutschland... where most ride Blau-mit-Weisse.

Hey Curt! Whaddya know about the Pirate Partei? Arrrrr-beit! Cracked my ass up! Seems pretty cool.
Comment by Mark on August 23, 2009 at 2:55pm
I did some googling myself, Curt. If some Serb gets in your face and you want to make an example of him, please make sure you're not setting off another World War. The Angels are relatively new to the feud(al) system.


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