Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

'Little Bunny Foo Foo

I don't wanna see you
Scoopin' up the field mice

Bop 'em on the head!

--The Good Fairy

This is huge news where I live in dominionist krakkkerland: Rep. Mark (the Chicken-Hawk)
Souder gets caught with lipstick on his dipstick.
Big deal. Even better: you can watch a
video where his alleged kanoodle cookie “interviews” him about “abstinence education.
(whoops- “removed…”) Too funny. And while this may be the most Schadenfreude fun this neighborhood had
since WJ Bryant fell in the canal, I’m saying: Not. So. Fast. While it is high hoot to see the deflation of
this proselytizing douche bag, he looks like the guy who woke up with the horse’s head. And who the hell is “Tracy Jackson?” Go ahead. YOU try to find out. “Part time,” $12k per year… still “on staff.” “Married” to whom?

It ain’t the money. Who does the doo in DC (or even here in
Duckberg) for $12k a year? Nobody… except maybe spooks… and operatives. Check
out these videos here:
same line of horse-plop, same row of books, same lighting, same outfit. If she’s “…in her mid-40s,” I’m Grandma Moses. And in the other direction, if Souder is “59,” I’m a teeny-bopper sk8ter boi. I’ll be 63 this Fall, folks… and Marko was a year ahead of me in school. Yep, I knew
him “back in the day” when IPFW (aka “Highway High”) was one building. He was a YAFfer… I was a “green-bagger.” A staunch war supporter, he could not go himself for “religious reasons.”

He was also high tweets on “Christian morals,” even back then when it wasn’t so chi-chi.
What was funny back then is dough-boy had the same chance of getting laid as Sherman’s
necktie. Look, I’ve been sick of salami politics since long-before bubba and his stinky cigars. What grown-ups do with their doodles is their business… even if the book-smackers have made it their drooling tool. It’s darker, deeper and more dangerous than bobbing-butt hypocrisy. It’s about global omnicide, neo-feudalism and murder most foul. The people who actually run this husk of a “country” know that, and they don’t care how many billions die. They are busy setting up private fiefdoms all over the world.

Whatever Mark Souder is, he is not stupid. And, he has demonstrated that he is a master
at “compartmentalization.” That’s why he showed no incredulity whatsoever at being a “chicken-hawk.” That makes him a pure ideologue, and that makes him dangerous. He actually believes his own shit. He got too close to the source, and he might get some kind of “message from God” or something. He had to go. This was too quick, too clean and too heavy (like “9/11”). The polished Trojan Mare has probably been dunking doughnut-boy since 2004, the year of the rigged election when
Mordechai Vanunu was released from prison. This was no time to risk some loose creationist canon (pun intended) spilling the soup.

To me, this has set-up written all over it. They need a more cynical car-salesman or
lobbyist to pop the fundamentalist mice. Hare today, goon tomorrow. The Good Fairy has spoken.

We are all going to die.

Views: 941

Comment by BO on May 26, 2010 at 1:35am
Evil never knows it's evil. But yeah, the real problem is that we, as a culture allow it to persist. We'd rather define it within a social construct than call it what it is. Instead of calling Hitler an evil fucking psychopath, we focus on his ideology. Fact is...if the fucker wasn't sick, he would have had a different ideology.

We are what we think. In the US, we're taught to be predators from day one. Our identities are formed around competition -- for grades, for jobs, for sex, for god. And while you and I would wallow in guilt over committing adultery and getting caught, Sauder thinks he's won something. The rules of the commons don't apply to him. His bullshit about god is a cover.

Most americans can't describe mental disease because they aren't trained to. And as we all know, any scientific discourse regarding the subject certainly won't be read--even if it does get published. So we resort to simple platitudes to describe our foes--they're in the wrong party, they're greedy, they're hypocritical. All good observations....but they don't define the underlying disease. Or better yet, why does this culture spawn so many sick individuals?

Maybe it's because we think that winning is everything, and it surely doesn't matter how you play the game anymore. Isn't that what Harvard Law teaches now? Morality, what's that? The question is: what came first...this new zeitgeist, or the psychopaths?
Comment by pan on May 26, 2010 at 8:16am
"Christian morality" is an absurd notion for those who think that the only sections of the bible that are important are the ones that tell them to "accept Jesus in your heart" so you can be saved from the shit storm that is coming from the hallucinations recorded as Revelations. The bumper sticker Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven. is succinct when declaring their understanding.

The Old Testament fire deity is the one they really want to cling to - that angry god that fucks up all of your enemies, wants blood sacrifice and gets pissed when you show the slightest mercy to your enemies, or their wives, children, animal or crops.

Uncle Bill Burroughs shares a Randian interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount
Comment by BO on May 26, 2010 at 11:31am
Interesting...the US has the highest prevalence of mental disorders within the western world. And that doesn't include character or bipolar disorders. It's not only possible to say that this country is insane, now it can be backed up with facts.

So what's driving us all insane? It's a sure bet that our belief in false gods has something to do with it. But, I'll bet cognitive dissonance is the more likely culprit. Hard to stay sane when you're stuck in 1984. Only a sociopath can survive in this place.
Comment by pan on May 26, 2010 at 11:58am
26.4% of USans reported some sort of mental disorder in the past year.......

That means your chances of dealing with someone with/recovering from a mental disorder are greater than 1 in 4......
Comment by hannah j on May 26, 2010 at 1:28pm
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~ J Krishnamurti
Comment by BO on May 26, 2010 at 2:48pm
And here are the sorriest little bunnies of all... The Wounded Platoon. An example of american culture in concentrated form.
Comment by waldopaper on May 27, 2010 at 12:47pm
Here's a capper for that allegory... directly from Herman Melville:

absolutely worth the time it takes to watch!
Comment by waldopaper on June 8, 2010 at 11:28am
Finally... some more thoughtful commentary on this greasy shit. I sure as hell couldn't do it... swept up as I was (and still am) in me own Schadenfreude orgy. Michael Gerson makes "the case for grace."

"Moral conservatives need to admit that political character is more complex than marital fidelity and that less sensual vices also can be disturbing." Yeah, really disturbing... like genocide and ecocide... heading full-tilt boogie toward omnicide.

"Yet moral liberals have something to learn as well. The failure of human beings to meet their own ideals does not disprove or discredit those ideals." Welcome to rhetoric 101... and this is the button soodie and the kartoon-brains are pushing the hardest. It's true. But soodie's fucked-up kartoon "religion" applied to complex political policy was fucked up from the git. It ain't bad policy... it's bad religion. Methinks the problem might be dissociation. More on that later.

I found E.J Dionne Jr.'s commentary much more useful.

"Why does it even have to be said that a devotion to family has nothing to do with ideology?" Slam-dunk bingo... even bats can do that (not to disparage bats)... and they probably don't have a lot of kartoon-ass "ideology" running around in their little batty brains. Maybe it's because we like to think things are already doing are the greatest virtues... well... until we stop doing them. "Capitalism" is a good example of this.

"How many more scandals will it take for people who call themselves Christian to rediscover the virtues of humility and solidarity?" No finite amount of "scandals" will do that... because dissociation kicks in. Because they are not prone to "humility and solidarity," therefore they can't be very great virtues. Like so many Israelis: they can't possibly be the perpetrators... they're the victims. We ALL dissociate... it's a defense mechanism... how could we even be a part of this evil fucking empire if we did not?

"Either I am a Christian or I am not." This is "granular" dissociation at it's worst. What fucking bullshit. And here in krakkkerland, we're getting bumper-sticker "theology" aplenty: "Christians aren't perfect... just forgiven." What a pile of stinking reeking pigshit. No, dipwad... when you lie, cheat, steal, murder... or do whatever the fuck it is to somebody else that you would NOT want done to you... then you are NOT a "Christian." I am always on the horse... even when I am not on the horse.

Such is the "permanent" state of "grace." I have been told that you can not "fall from grace." The fuck you can't. I've done it hundreds of times. What makes Grace so amazing is that you can climb back on the horse. You have to be truly sorry for the shit you've done... no... not just because you "got caught," or as bat-head said, God "outed" you. No, soodie ain't sorry. Even now, he's engaging in more back-biting political manipulation... not "renewing his walk with..." oh fuck it. It makes me sick.

When Gerson pontificates, "Whenever we mock moral shoddiness, laziness and frailty, we mock into a mirror," well no-shit-sherlock. I do it every fucking day. Don't YOU?
Comment by waldopaper on June 11, 2010 at 1:29pm
Well... peep this if you have the stomach for it:

"I prayed multiple times a day, sang hymns with emotion and tears, felt each time that it wouldn't happen again, read the Bible every morning. . . . So how in the world did I have a 'torrid' (which is an accurate word) many-year affair? How could I compartmentalize it so much?"

(World Magazine claims to report the news "...from a perspective committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.")

That would make it rather hard to get a biographical critical perspective on the Literature, wouldn't it? As civilization and our former "nation" collapses upon our toiny heeds, I'm hearing the same old blow in krakkkerland about "god, guns and gays" ... the standard pablum for the past 40 years. No serious discussion about energy, environment, economy or peace. You can repeat the magic words with "emotion and tears" until your cracked underwear falls off... but it won't help you understand the process of enzymes interacting on biomass to produce ethanol... so you can use switchgrass... or even (gasp!) hemp... instead of food-plants.

If the "Holy Spirit" were indeed present, it would inspire a oneness with nature and humanity... it would produce a more acute understanding of the clash between tribalism and globalism instead of a freshman-level coloring-book analysis of ancient Literature. As the Great Teachers have tried to explain, the literal interpretation of the parable will mask its meaning. "The letter killeth and the spirit giveth life."

These book-smackers need to take a few Literature classes.
Comment by hannah j on June 11, 2010 at 3:01pm
'It's only getting harder'

straight from that christian mag! i love that the whole quote was "It's only getting harder on family life," says some rev....

broken man my ass, he has been broken his whole life more like!

a line going around facebook recently is 'if going to church makes you a christian, then standing in your garage could make you a car' or some such pearl of wisdom.


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