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Life in the Empire

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Comment by waldopaper on June 24, 2012 at 11:48am

ms. medusa, pan and me... at their place in the high desert. 

the sibs and i split up what the folks left us over 10 years ago... not much friction... but not a lotta dough.  had it been more, mebbe we woulda squabbled a bit... but i doubt it.  we have generally remained in the same place-- so mebbe we aint prone to squabble like other sibs do... i dunno.  i whined a bit briefly... but only because my math was wrong. 

it will cost about 15 grand to conjure the slipcraft... may as well be 15 million... but i will come up with the bread somehow.  it may just be a toy for an old man in his anecdotage... or it could change the world.  or it could be a fart in a hot skillet.  who knows? 

Still i have been fascinated with vehicles all my life... from aircraft to watercraft... but mostly stuff with wheels.  the feets is reliable, but oh they is slow.  they got all-terrain capability tho.  Still need a vehicle to get to Merry England or Afrika.  Gonna go by ship next time.  Refuse to fly in them high-altitude beer cans... specially when the nazis gotta look all up yer ass an shit.  Ships could accommodate the Slipcraft. 

It is a kinetic sculpture that embodies the principle.  

Saw some small oil rigs on the fields in Kansas.  Hannah sez it is worth pumpin it again.  Same deal in N Dakota prolly.  Dunno if it will reach the scale that now creates urban sprawl-centers-- some of the nastiest things on the planet.  The scale and speed of those things is batshit insane.  Somehow i think the paradigm shift involves speed... going from a 40-80mph world to a 20-40.  Smaller-scale localization.  None of the nattering heads is talking about that... so few of the guppies on the freeway can even imagine it.  Thanks to the fuckheads it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.  But it is getting better right now in a lot of isolated local spots.  That is where we gotta tell the fuckheads to go off and jigger themselves and come home after they grow up. 

Which gets into a lot of that "preppie" bullshit... and the Mormons make it part of their religion.  Luckily, I speak fluent firearm, and that came in mighty handy in Utah where everybody cept the hippies seem to be gun freaks... so mebbe it's some kinda code for "species recognition."  Being a former avid shooter... in me old age eye sez, "fuck a buncha guns." 

Dunno how i got into Nevada or Wyoming, but i did.  Out the cockpit window were all the backdrops from the bad cowboy movies we all watched as kids when the teevee wasn't running recycled WWII propaganda.  the ones where the shooters had endless ammunition and the targets did not shriek or barf blood and shit themselves.  well i remembered they did keep those places somewhere out here next to the mountains you always saw in the background as the actors chased each other on horses with pistols popping.  mebbe those movies is why so many of us turned out to be fuckheads. 

Fuckhead chatter dominates broadcast media.  After hours of extreme boredom, i would pop on the radio... and about 5 minutes was all i could stand.  the wind noise was much easier to listen to.  it would end with fuckheads... who gives a fuck... and hit the off-button.  does not seem like anybody real even gives a crap about the punch and judy show "election." 

Comment by hannah j on June 24, 2012 at 12:21pm

"I'm not really a rural kind of guy. I need community, water and hills. Still looking for the right place. Still might go for Hawaii if we can afford it. But, we've also been looking at Sedona, AZ."  we have hills water and community, but you go on with the attitude most of the seattle area has.  water and sedona?  good luck. 

Comment by waldopaper on June 24, 2012 at 1:14pm

HAW!  Hannah is kinda jaded. 

There's gotta be an American counterpart to the Brit who was born within the sound of Big Ben.  Hannah grew up within sight of the HOLLYWOOD sign out there in cali-fahhn-ya in the san whateverthefuck valley where they keep that thing.  Like watching greenhorn Indiana cob-roller go the wrong way up the street while he was circling the patch trying to squirt the bird with his gps. 

Comment by hannah j on June 24, 2012 at 1:54pm

actually, that was later, i grew up in friggin' orange county when it was an assemblage of smallish towns and orange groves and walnut groves.  later i rode horseback in griffith park where the hollywood sign is, when my parents moved to the pasadena area.  i was born near there though and my grandparents lived in south pas when i was little.  people from the puget sound area were so quick to judge where i was moving, and waldo has seen how beautiful it is here.  but best wishes bo, sedona or hawaii.  been both places, but i chose here.  but you do know there is very little water in sedona, right?  maybe we'll just keep the virtues of moline to ourselves, waldo, lol!  i was just looking at an older motorhome in good shape i was thinking would be instant housing here,  or an older airstream, but it needs some interior work.  we just harvested our first hot pepper and are making black beans to sacrifice it to!

Comment by pan on June 24, 2012 at 2:11pm

The worst part about where I live from a survival standpoint is so little water (15 inches per year).  But then, no rain means no humidity in summer and no mosquitoes.

Don't think I could stand living in the city anymore - though there are definite advantages including good markets and art.  Ms Medusa had a 6 figure job interview in Long Beach doing something she would be really good at and something she would enjoy doing - and then they showed her the cubicles inside of cubicles inside of cubicles where she would be working.  That sealed the deal.  Didn't really want to live in LaLaLand again but ....inside a cube wasn't definitely not the ticket.

Comment by hannah j on June 24, 2012 at 2:24pm

I can visit a city such as Portland, Or. but most cities just get boring.  I enjoyed visiting my dad, because of him, and the joy he got taking us to museums, restaurants, and riding in griffith park.  But we mostly enjoyed hanging at his house, which could have happened anywhere.  Long Beach was kind of nice, for a city, when I was growing up in the 50s - my dad worked in LB.  I love where I live now. All seasons, a little less when it is really hot out, but we do have this pool now!

Comment by BO on June 24, 2012 at 3:55pm

Yeah, I know Sedona is 'light' on water and I recognize the anomaly in my statement. I think what this old guy meant was he needed sun, but I've got water on the forgive the freudian slip. Basically, I'm tired of ten months worth of rain a year. Wasn't so bad when I working, but now it just depresses the hell out of me. As you say, I'd rather have a pool.

But most important, is to live in a liberal community. I can barely stand Americans as it is and it's becoming harder to find places that might be tolerable in a cultural sense. I have no interest in living in Jesus land.

Comment by waldopaper on June 24, 2012 at 7:24pm

Out the front door... we are the neighborhood's token white trash. 

Out the back door... the kids have been busy.

Some of the kids... and my bicycle.  Sorry didn't flip these.  Don't have image-processing on me now. 

Comment by waldopaper on June 24, 2012 at 7:40pm

I learned on an acid trip a long time ago:  " matter where  you go... there you are."  we got no mountains... we got humidity and bugs aplenty... but when the bugs get us down-- we just go to da UP where the fuckers will eat you ALIVE.  den dey dont seem so bad here, eh. 

the hardest part-- as BO sez-- are the fuckheads. 

Comment by hannah j on June 24, 2012 at 8:03pm

well, here in moline, churches get hit by lightning!  at any rate here is not really very jesusy, and wherever you go there you are is right.  we are accepted by the locals and they know our liberal ways.  i found a lot of hypocrisy and smugness in the nw,  maybe this is speaking as a woman, but i didn't find it the most liberal place on earth.  and we have lots of sun, which i missed too!


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