Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

This video contain frank language that some people may find offensive. If you are one of those people, don't listen. When people say "support the troops" but...

Comment by waldopaper on June 3, 2011 at 6:51pm

i did not bother to edit the "frank language" disclaimer... it came with the imbed.  and i hates to comment on videos because it comes with a big honkin picture off to the left.  this naughty noo-noo "language" shit annoys the fuck outta me when our whole ass-drip existence on the planet is fucking obscene.  i just went to the store for mom which always depresses the piss outta me cos i gotta deal with the peeps... a buncha piggy-eyed fat-ass stupid nasty starch-fed peasants... it's like living in fucking outer-elbonia or something.... except they're driving shiny fat-ass fucking vehicles with fat-ass horns... which they blast on when something displeases them... and i'm too fucking lazy to smash thru their rolled-up windows and cut their fat fucking throats.  

i just got over being fucking annoyed at their fat-ass pigmobiles being festooned with chinese-made flags and yellow-ribbon magnets.  not too many of those any more of those these days... (gee, porky, do you spoze that might have something remotely to do with... "gummint spending?")... but lots more bumper-stickers farting about  some offspring in the military.  

yes- they actually feel pride that they stuffed their offspring into Mammon's gaping maw so they could put a fucking sticker on their turbo petrol-suck hover-round.  yeah, that and fucking "Colts" signs/ flags/ clothes/ hats and all the other landfill-bloating crap that gives them some kind of fucking dime-store fucking "identity."    That's IT??? you're a fucking "Colts fan???"  "It's a way of life," some student told me once in a heartfelt essay about his late-beloved daddy.  I tell ya, kids... it was a tragedy that eclipsed Macbeth, although I don't think it was meant to be... but it was. 

Remember, this was the "team" that won the stoopid-bowl according to Teek Tonker (or whatever the stoopid fucking "quarterback's" name is/was) because "God" wanted them to "win."  Because, evidently, they took great pains to kiss "God's" ass more than the "other team" did.  So here I am, surrounded by Homo Habilis, who somehow got their hands on two-ton machines that go faster than walking speed (MUCH faster)... and lemme tell ya... it takes courage to try to ride a bicycle among the gerbils in high-speed crushers. 

I had hoped they were actually right about Rupture, and that a fair percentage of them would be sucked up to wherever-it-is they think they go and vacate some space for the rest of us sentient creatures.  But noooo.  Until my own Rupture, I must deal with these button-eyed blobs with their waddling bellies and peanut-brains.  It is my Karma.  I must accept it. 



Comment by BO on June 3, 2011 at 9:12pm

It's your karma?? 

It's not your fault you were born with acute hyper-perception, motorcycle boy.

But, you gotta wonder what we did in our past lives to have to re-live this hell again. Hope I haven't fucked-up too big so I don't have to return.

Comment by BO on June 4, 2011 at 2:25am

BTW, the motorcycle boy reference was from Rumble Fish. Was hoping you'd remember it...

Comment by BO on June 4, 2011 at 2:44am
Nice little overview of the our current reality. But you know?.. all the information is so ingrained in my psychi by now, that I could write the script from memory. Had the same reaction when I saw 'Inside Job.' Kind of had a, "that's it?" reaction. I think they tried to be provocative to the point where they wouldn't lose too much of their audience, and then stopped digging deeper, where all the juicy shit is. I was left disappointed. Guess I've turned into a truth junky. And I need way more now then I used to. Means that I'm down to just a few folks who can actually teach me something new.


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