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Life in the Empire

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Hey kids!  Wonkette is back!  She was getting pretty ragged and predictable... but peep the hot new design.  Woo woo.  And the first cut read made me laff so hard asp to pee meself.  Really.  This is good shit.  My favorite nasty vile little snark mob is back!  

How can any publication tell the news today, without snark? Seems the only sites that have any actual news value are drenched in it.

I was adding my own little snarky commentary to this news story when this latest mass murder story broke.

Ain't enough snark in the world to keep up with the mass insanity that now defines the USA. Or as my brother likes to say, 'The United Stooges of Dystopia.'

My pet Black Dog has got me good today.  Makes it much easier to deal with it with a good helping of snark.  Makes me wonder the kids at Onion manage to do satire... but they do.  Sort of.  But often you can't tell if it's "real" news unless you know The Onion... and headline writers will add "NOT The Onion."  

Betcha that's why the kids got most of their "news" from Jon Stewart.  Maybe that's why fluffy and flappy read Action McNews on teevee.  Nobody else could read it with a straight face.  "Fair and balanced" is kinda an oxymoron... or maybe an anachronism.  Or a turkey.  

Had another mini-stroke a coupla months ago and couldn't write.  That was fun.  But this time didn't tell anybody about and am doing just fine.  Staying the hell away from the hospital was also good.  But now when the computer gets glitchy I can't tell if it's the computer or my brain.  

go to the local fishwrap for a quick game of "Mock the Dummy"... and get trolled by my baby sister!  

Snark makes it all worthwhile.  

Oh my friend....I know it is a bit useless for me to plead with you to take better care of yourself...

Still want to remount DBS AND, I would love to do a performance-based version of your Gettysburg project sometime.

This is the sort of thing that pleases me, a Russian lady with her small friend making a foot mould for slippers

a dark dog might be mollified by the smile of the child

Sorry about the depression, Waldo. I know black dog well as he frequently bites my own ass.

I'm enjoying reading the Wonkette today, as I can finally read it again without it crashing my computer. Glad they got their platform fixed as it would be a shame for all that great snark to go to waste. Although in reality, snark is just a humorous approach to telling the truth. And if we can't read about all this insanity with humor, might as well blow our own brains out 'cause the pain would be too much otherwise.

Speaking of glitchy computers...Had to install an ad blocker yesterday because so many sites were freezing my browser with their fucking advertising malware. They keep trying to 'socialize' me. But I don't want to be socialized...I prefer to remain anonymoose (fuck you very much). It was getting to the point where my computer -- based on advertising prompts -- knew more about me than I did.

Yellow duct-tape shoes!  Wonder if they come in black or if you can get them on ebay...

I would be totally insane now if it weren't for ad-blocker.  Got Firefox set up so almost nothing gets in... but it's slooowwww... 

When i get settled in winter quarters downtown will start Gberg wit a madness.  Henry Repeter appears in dreams... but cant see his face.  Gotta rest the brain awhile before getting back into it... but Rosa is waiting... 

Gonna have Jubal Early in there too!  

that was a duct tape mould for making felt slippers most probably. Felt making with moulds need not be tiresome or take long.
what I like about it is to feel the wool beneath your fingers alter its nature and move from unformed to real thing. Surface that notices not the wind nor the rain, having lived upon a sheep upon a hill being impervious to such fripperies.
Just soap and water and wool.

of course there are many different approaches

Sometimes you write lines that make you cry. Like,"Not for old Henry.  That war will never be over for me."  The reasons are deep and personal and nobody's goddam business.  Especially the fucking "audience."  Maybe if they were 20 years old in 1968... or 2001.  Not important.  Henry and Elizabeth were very young when the Revolutions of '48 swept continental Europe. The Brits had to mop up that mess 200 years earlier, so they had read the transcript in advance.  Brits couldn't get the plot either.  

Chasing the Scream will lead you to Cemetery Hill.  The boys of 1863 were the clowns spilling out of a tiny car to scoop up elephant exhaust.  Imperialists to the left.  Nazis to the right.  Here I am.  I just want get paid and get the hell out of here.  But no.  Schurz says to kill a man with my fine Sharps rifle.  Never killed a man with a rifle.  A pistol, ja sure... but pistols are toys.  Rifles are fine instruments.  Schurz says I must throw with one side or other.  Another good dutch cannon boy falls.  And French rifle man say he can fix.  

Not to go all Gleiwitz incident or anything, but this "threat of terrorism" stuff is right off the stable floor. Horrible reactionary simulacra happening today: HRSHT. Give it a name like "Mandela Effect," and we can talk about it. Giving a name is not calling a name. Are memes real? Are words real?

A lot of us are radical about something... it's whatever gets you off the couch. Authoritarian? Sometimes *somebody's* gotta be in charge. Nationalism? Learned this one the sad way: you can take the boy out of the country... but you can never take the country out of the boy.

According to Shermer at "The “Many Worlds” interpretation of quantum physics is a legitimate theory, even if it is unproven and probably unprovable." What makes it legitimate is faith. I believe that thoughts are alive... and ideas have their own agency. Like the mojo: seen it. Don't know what it is. Yet.

Mix radical authoritarian nationalism in the word-salad cauldron and heat it up with carny-barker for-profit corporate media and whaddya got: fascism. It is not a pejorative. It is not an epithet. It is a diagnosis. Like measles, mumps, chickenpox. Mom knew long before the doctor did.

You can't cure it until you know you got it.

have been immersing senses in the surface of this teapot from time to time, by way of being temporarily topsy turvey.

thinking of how lucky I am to be in the same spot here for 27 years, and how much I love the scars and grazes and rubbed dark patches where some loved creatures dwelt.


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