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Life in the Empire

What’s left of us… where we’re coming from… and where do we go? Post it under here. Did you just think of underwear?

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Cal, any Comet fits any Fred. Fred, Comet. Comet, Fred. Pleased to meet you. We cull it fleadom off impression. Walk together sounds good.

(had to scroogle MPhil, thought it was the south side fo SillyDelpfia, phili me)

It is time for all the heroes to go home
if they have any, time for all of us common ones
to locate ourselves by the real things
we live by.

Far to the north, or indeed in any direction,
strange mountains and creatures have always lurked-
elves, goblins, trolls, and spiders:-we
encounter them in dread and wonder,

But once we have tasted far streams, touched the gold,
found some limit beyond the waterfall,
a season changes, and we come back, changed
but safe, quiet, grateful.

Suppose an insane wind holds all the hills
while strange beliefs whine at the traveler's ears,
we ordinary beings can cling to the earth and love
where we are, sturdy for common things.

William Stafford
Learning can be an embarrassing experience. I had a tattoo slapped on me back in '79. The guy asked me what I wanted and I said I wanted the Zig-Zag Man in a kind of collage with a rattlesnake. He said that if I could draw the collage, he would ink it to me, er, my arm. And so we did. 1979, people. A long time ago.

Today, I learned a new word. Read the following and you just might learn it too. That is, only if you don't know it yet.

"Le Zouave Story

In the 19th Century, during the battle of Sevastopol, a French soldier (also known as a “Zouave”) had his clay pipe broken by a bullet. He had the brilliant idea of rolling his tobacco in a piece of paper torn from a bag of gunpowder.

In 1894, the Braunstein Brothers perfected the process of interleaving papers in a zig-zag manner and introduced a cigarette paper booklet under the name Zig-Zag®. In 1900, Zig-Zag gained international recognition when they were awarded a gold medal at the Universal Exposition in Paris.

For over 100 years the image of Le Zouave has been part of all Zig-Zag cigarette papers as a tribute to that creative soldier. Today, Le Zouave and Zig-Zag are known throughout the world as a premium cigarette paper."

Le Zouave. All along, I called him Monsieur Le Zig Zag, The Zig-Zag Man.

This is a must see historical video of a film shot from the front of a street car in San Francisco in 1906--just four days before the big earthquake. It's an interesting look at what american culture was like 100 years ago.

"This film was "lost" for many years. It was supposedly the first 35 mm film ever? It was taken by camera mounted on the front of a cable car. The number of automobiles is staggering for 1906. Absolutely amazing!
The clock tower at the end of Market Street at the Embarcadero wharf is still there.

This film, originally thought to be from 1905 until David Kiehn with the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum figured out exactly when it was shot.
From New York trade papers announcing the film showing, to the wet streets from recent heavy rainfall & shadows indicating time of year & actual weather and conditions on historical record, even when the cars were registered (he even knows who owned them and when the plates were issued!).
It was filmed just four days before the earthquake and shipped by train to NY for processing.
Some Zouave gets the Medal of Honor for shooting an innkeeper. Some comfort, i spoze, that mass-hysteria is not unique to our time at all. The ride down Market Street today does not look much different to me... people on bicycles,,, trolleys... except today there are trees. Here in Duckburg, dominionist krakkkerland, it is frozen in the '50s like a fly in amber.

Ride a bicycle in the street here, and you are seriously risking getting run down by some fat fuck in a Cadillac on his way to a teabagger party. I got a morbid fascination with those fuckers... the teabaggers i mean. The pundips dismiss them as "insignificant," a tiny fraction... mostly consisting of Paulitos instead of Palinoids.... never mind that everybody ON that list is a fucking whak-job. The fact that Dr. Free-market Fishsticks is the sanest one of 'em aint no comfort to me AT ALL.

I got the fucking Reaper's hand on my shoulder all the time... " finished with that paragraph, boy?" awww geee mister reeper... lemme just get these two books i been working on for the last 20 years... "...awright boy... eyes off ter sharpen mah lickin stick... and yall best be done when i gits back." fucka nut... even our own Governor Comb-over- our man privatization- is on that list... also elected twice by the Caddy-fats. And you know what? Two or three times this year, I've done something i never did before... flipped other drivers the digit. That's right,,, not just flipped them off... but said it LOUD so they could READ MY LIPS... looking them straight in the eyeball... FUCK YOOOOOOUUU ASSSS-HOOOOLE. All of them- fat fucks in Cadillacs or Linkums... blowin they fat horns.

That's the kinda childish bullshit that's gonna buy me lotsa toilet-cookie karma when i git to the pearlies and uncle Pete;s readin me rap-sheet dats long as da stilt's willie. Good thing i dont buy inta ennya that shit. I'll look down on Earth one day and see it...

oh an hey hey hey... ol Camp FEMA aint far away... it aint no distant jive... hr 645.
Here's an eye-popper for ya by Don Paul: ...a synopsis of an article by Kevin Ryan.
God TV interview with David Ray Griffin on Apocalypse and the End Times
This is absolutely wonderful.

I guess if you're waiting for the end times, you might as well do it from a comfortable couch. I can get behind that. But it seems a little incongruent to watch extremists deriding extremists in such an extreme manner. "Apocalypse & the End Times with Rory & Wendy"???. Am I crazy or is this a joke?

OK, feel free to tell me to STFU.
Of course it's a fucking joke. Trouble is, it aint "The Onion" kind of joke... it's the cruel kind of joke like "Life of Brian" happening for real. The reason the Xian clucks are targeted by armchair hustlers is because... they'll believe fucking anything.

Poor Fuckin Earth.

Actually, the program on GOD TV (don't understand how they don't see their station's name as a violation of the whole "taking the Lord's name in vain" bit) was informative about 9/11 and had little to no xian slant.

I've seen bits with proponents of organic food or vitamin supplements on the Televangelist stations.....

Essentially these stations focus upon death and ways to try to deny it - either through afterlife or healthy eating.....
"Blair, very close to being indicted for war crimes." Not likely. Further evidence that Nuremberg was also a joke.


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