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Life in the Empire

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our advantage..............been there, tasted that.

Lani shall soon return.
They all want money. It's really the only reason they exist. Power and Money.
Do you really think if Jesus really existed, and did, and said, everything he's suppose to have, that he would look at what his "Church" has become, and be happy with the result?
Yeah, right.
When congressman Newt Gingrich was a graduate student at Tulane
University I baptized him by immersion into the membership of the St.
Charles Avenue Baptist Church. Perhaps I didn't hold him under long
-- Rev. G. Avery Lee

haven't snopes-checked it yet, but i would still post it if it wasn't true.
Contaminated Manure
Gardeners across Britain are reaping a bitter harvest of rotten potatoes, withered salads and deformed tomatoes after an industrial herbicide tainted their soil.
man- after all that bagged humus and cow poop. hope there aint no chemtrails in me spuds. Curt's right out there with the batso element of collapse... and who knows what's what with CIA internet fakes. You can't even trust bullshit to be bullshit. Still thinking of approaching the Amish.
Pretty sure the Amish are gonna be the only ones to come through this thing looking like heroes. Even if you've honed your survival techniques to a T, you're still gonna need to be part of a community. The Amish are ready-made for the collapse. As long as the rest of us leave them alone.

If I were single, I'd be looking for an Amish wife.

BTW, the collapse sure is picking up steam. Probably gonna need a thread soon for 'signs of the collapse'.
Wonder how long after the shit hits the fan, we'll still be able to talk.
Telecomms (companies) can go broke almost overnight. WorldCom did and the shit didn't even come close to the proverbial fan. Still not quite sure who triggered the fall of my former CEO and I'll never forget our last conf call where he did his damndest to reassure us he had done nothing wrong and everything would be okay. Well, everything IS okay. He's in a sort of a prison now, may be for the rest of his natural life (though I would wager on an early pardon/out)....but the company, lives on ...under a new name. The internet backbone never went down. The internet's heart never skipped a beat. We were reminded countless times to keep a) our chins up and b) keep the services running no matter what. Guess which services were *primarily* being referred to there? Yip, smart kids in this class : the US Military, Govt., Agencies, White House connections....Bank-to-Bank connections, Bloomberg Propaganda Centralo el Fantastico numero uno (and Reuters of course) and a few more "gold" Customers. So when the shit really does hit the fan, "a" version of the internet backbone will be kept alive, fought for and even defended. Plans to do so already exist of course. Of course they do. One such plan was accidentally delivered to my inbox at work last year. It detailed the retention plans in the event of an all out outbreak of the ....what was it called ???......avian flu. The dude on the panel over in the states shares a last name with me. So where do WE come in? Well, we don't. Not really. Unless we can find a comms line that has been kept up and use it. Comms is a two way thingamajig. It will be nearly impossible to tap one for our "non-authorized" usage. What I'm saying is, we need to get used to the fact that we're gonna be catapulted back into the stone age of telecommunications where one dude walks from fire to fire to spread the word, verbally.....IF he survives the wolves. But that's all part of nature, din ya know? That, Virginia, is why we are talking NOW.

Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings or ruined any illusions. I'm not a negative one, the sky is not falling. I see it all as a natural development. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, go back to writing letters on paper, we must, we must.

your curt
That is bad news Curt. I had a kind of Alice-in-wonderland hope that the internet had taken on a life of its own and the contact with the outside world it brings in a place like this would help to cushion the blows. It's been sort of comforting to 'know' all you guys even if only virtually. The real world around here seems full of people who think everything is fine & that the current recession/inflation is just a short cyclical thing or people who seem quite happy with the state of things because everything is happening just like it says in the bible signalling the immanent 'second coming'. The last guy I heard that from has a PhD in science.
The recent flare up of xenophobic violence we've had here has given some people a wake up call to the fact that the tensions in the lowest socio-economic classes has reached breaking point ... but not that many people have connected the dots far enough to realize that it's the tip of the proverbial iceberg we're dealing with.
Anyone know a good Amish man looking for a wife in her early 50's?
Cal, the message is, when the shit hits the fan, anywhere and at any time, a certain portion of....i.e. certain "paths" of communication will be protected. The way the web is today, those "special" paths are already protected and running redundant and on completely diverse fibres. The whole web (talking about the real mother backbone here and not the internet as we know it) has been "made redundant" by sat comms networks. Hell, is it all melts down to a heap of plastic, comms will still be up ...for the military, the gov. and a few selected agencies.

On the other hand, the web is very fragile, is built on sand, runs very long stretches under water (undersea cables) and is prone to being severed at a bat of an eye....happened just a few months ago. Remember ? I do. They've outsourced so many jobs to India, the now RELY on India and the AVAILABILITY of India. The severed undersea cable shut comms in, to and around most of India, Singapore, Malaysia and half of the Middle East down to a snail's pace. Did it hit the MSM news ? Very briefly, yes. Did YOU hear about it ? Perhaps, but only if you are comms saavy and wide awake. Our new comms engine (the web, the www and the internet which is actually virtual) is a very extensive yet fragile experiment...or cancer. More of a cancer in the eyes of those in power. One cannot imagine the amount of monies being put into building newer, more stable paths...on the revamping of complete virtual networks and the mass effort being made toward achieving the nearly unachievable : total diversity, fail-safe redundancy of all "critical" connections.

Bottom line ; they want us off their channels. They want to be able to keep us from tapping in and most of all, from interrupting their comms. Still, the possibilities are limited. While they work at their comms game (I feed off it to pay my bills btw), others are working at dumbing us down to the level of those I met and spoke with a couple of weeks ago. Sorry to have to say it but it's true. Get up, smoke a dube and go to work. Come home, smoke a dube and throw back a bud lite while grabbing the "news" -they want us to be aware of- and go to bed. Making ends meet., talking about the (s)election on end ....even though it doesn't make a rat's ass of a diff who moves in to the white house next year. We run to Walmart to get that blanket we need cause Walmart is close by. Where the hell did the other stores go ?

On educational levels, PhDs, college degrees, scholars and brains bursting out from far too small skulls........

common sense aint nuddin you can buy or borrow. Dumbasses with degrees are all over the friggin place. Look around and you'll see. Oops, you already did.....

Timing is another thing. We say, shits gonna hit it. They (others) ask when. I say, soon. They soon. Soon. Not tomorrow, not next year. Maybe not in this decade. It's gonna happen, no doubt. It's part of the natural course of events but the powers in place are working their asses of trying to prevent a worldwide financial meltdown as we speak. Truth. Word. AND, they hate us for our ability to reason and to communicate .......over their web. We aint sposed to be talkin this stuff! Weze sposed to be workin on it.

I am such a low life slave and whore. Maybe there's a reason for me being one.
Well, if they take the internets away from us, my address is pob 38 moline ks. We could have a circular letter going from person to person, like a chain letter but only one, and when it gets too heavy for first class you just drop off the oldest part.

You say we go to walmart to buy a blanket cause it's close. I worry that no one mentions making anything. Obviously you can't make a circular saw, but so many other things are able to be made. Even if you can't weave, you can get discarded wool clothing and sew them together in a quilt.

There are a lot of college degrees floating around, but I think, because of the prestige which they used to imply, plus the increased salary, trades were marginalized, working people marginalized, living within one's means was looked at as 'old fashioned'.

OMG, they are eulogizing jesse helms.......throw up.


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