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Life in the Empire

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I still gotta take that road trip and visit Mystic Prairie Eco-Farmto buy an Austrian Scythe. Check out his deal about Welsh Harlequin Ducks... and them gooses he got. Hope I can get there before the buses start to roll.

Once again, getting the "crazy talk" reaction to peak oil (wull look- gaz prices is goin down). While Obo's initial actions (closing Gitmo etc) are encouraging... it's pissing against a tsunami. Others just don't want to hear that gosh diddly-ding-dang "negativity." Check out the blather on Snarking Chump. Oh... NOW it's (slightly) OK to talk about 911/ Israeli aggression etc... same thing: too little, too late. Even NPR was nattering today about black Obama's Afrikan black race blackness. Yelled at the radio... that's the LEAST of our worries- fukking TWITS. An o course the MSM airheads are starting to natter about the fekkin stupid bowl.

eeeerrrghhh... caint hardly stand it.
Copied from a recent email...a comment from me own bro regarding Obama:

I'm still holding back a little. The unkindest thing I can say about the guy so far is that his bipartisan reaching-across-the-aisle goody-two-shoes crap is offensively naive. But if he puts an end to torture and Guantanamo, restores habeus corpus, creates a health care system accessible to everyone, restores regulations on Wall Street and banking, ends the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I'll be very pleasantly surprised and happy. Meanwhile, I can definitely do without all the sentimental "I cry every time I see him" shit.

I miss Malcolm X.

And Abby Hoffman.

IMO, NPR is dead. PBS is on life support. It's clear that all the mainstream media has left to try and resurrect the US is false sentimentality. Long live the net.
Yes indeed.

I cried at the inauguration because when he talked about baby killers I thought he was talking about the Israelis, and I still hope that's what he meant. Then of course both (US/UK) our armies are leaving dead families in their wake, some more accidentally than others.

Meanwhile I'm trying to get used to having a telephone that clicks and echoes as it was not wont to do before.

And since Wednesday a new carbon monoxide detector above my head (installed by my landlord, the borough council) has just gone off for the second time. This time managed to stop it. The day it was installed it was screeching for an hour in the evening, and I went a bit barmy the next day.
Ah, poor Mouse, our smoke detector used to do that till the hubby ripped it off the wall and put in a new one. They did check to make sure there wasn't a high CM reading before they stopped it didn't they?
Hope so, they'll be no dead meeces.
As for O-dream-on-a, he sides with Israel the same as all the rest. Dead Arabian babies don't count. The only thing that counts is Israel and the chosen by god who live there.
Being a bit barmy is acceptable, I'm a bit barmy every day, lol.
I shouldn't be here, I should be in London with all the important things happening there. Didn't tell you before, I have Aspergers Syndrome, and I've been doing this life and times page that started all the trouble. Oh dear. Pan knows.

And now the BBC is refusing to air the the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal for the people of Gaza.
It's unprecedented.

And the Palestine Solidarity Campaign is at my old college across the road from the BBC, today. I was planning to go, but I don't have the money and everything is so difficult. Also had to wait in for the men, one who tested for monosodium glutamate poisoning, or whatever, oh yes, carbon monoxide.

It's best I don't go, it always goes terribly wrong when I go somewhere, and I get terribly upset. Angina too, from the stress with the idiotic thing in the ceiling which has been dismembered by an electrician and left inert and naked on the ceiling, waiting for further negotiations to determine its fate.

I think I shall lie down and have a little sleep. Beautiful wool on the table, just knitting nonsense and making little ribbon roses very slowly for slide show, everything emerging terribly slowly the way things often do.

Live mices here, sniffing the air. hmm.

The BBC has lost its clothes entirely, talk of Zionist infiltration going mainstream. OOh.

Me to beeb "The BBC's position with the Disasters Emergency Committee is extraordinary and absolutely indefensible.
My growing doubts about the integrity of the BBC have now become a complete loss of trust.
I regard the BBC now a traitor to truth and decency."

"People will die because of the BBC. It is capitulating to Israeli pressure." Tony Benn.
ITV and Sky are also refusing to air the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal for the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

Update, the other broadcasters have capitulated to public pressure, The BBC is still siding with the Nazis by refusing to air the calls for aid. Astonishing that they have shown themselves so foul in broad daylight.
Well, if I had doubted the Zionist hold on the media, now I am inclined to suspend that doubt entirely.

An Appeal to all Citizens of the World
"Angina too, from the stress with the idiotic thing in the ceiling which has been dismembered by an electrician and left inert and naked on the ceiling, waiting for further negotiations to determine its fate."

Too funny. The way you described it--not the stress.

And, yes. It's so very sad when our fellow humans are left to suffer when their plight doesn't mesh with the desires of the rich and powerful. So, they shuffle the poor bastards under the carpet and hope that the problem isn't noticed. Tis the nature of evil when all policy revolves around profitability and selfishness. I'm beginning to despise all jews.
The person who woke me up from the pro-Zionist training I had been indoctrinated from birth with was an Israeli. She was an artist in San Francisco who did billboard alterations as her political activism/art. There is an active anti-zionist movement within Israel. is source for quite a bit of Jewish/Israeli dissent. I'm thinking there is more open discussion in Israel than there is in America.
Truth be told, I have a hard time disliking people because they just happen to be from a particular race or culture. But nature has taught us how to recognize patterns. And certain cultures seem to vibrate in a consistent manner.

Some of the smartest and most creative people on earth are Jewish. I've had personal relationships with several that I cherish to this day. But, when you take a macro view of things, certain races/cultures take on a very distinguishable identity. Personally, I dislike being associated with American culture--which on most days, I abhor.

Guess we'll always be stuck being identified by the doings of the worst among our peers. Seems Jews are becoming the new Nazi's--with our help, of course. And as always is the case, it simply comes down to religious righteousness. Christianity and Judaism working hand-in hand to annihilate Muslims.

Maybe it's just all religion I abhor.
an open letter to Obama
that Jewish Voice for Peace and Just Foreign Policy are asking Americans to sign, as many as can be before February 23rd.
Do so wish I had told you about what was going on here, afraid to in case of consequences, and so we all become more silent than ever before.

Was trying to persuade family member not to return to his teaching job in occupied territory. I succeeded till he had left, and diverted his path back to the children who so need good and ordinary things like beauty and music.

And Bo, I could make you laugh so much more if it weren't for the hand of my mind over my mouth.

Seem to have lost the knack of lighting a fire.
The Rich Fatties sort of rent these political insects to make us think jerking on he unconnected lever does anything at all. In this case: Professor Chomski tells it like it is... we really ARE "voting" for the lessor of two weevils...


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