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Life in the Empire

Dan Folgelberg dies of prostrate cancer. 56 years old.

I loved this guy--sappy music and all.

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I meant it was Lynne who died. who's the idiot...slowly raises hand and smiles lol,
I swear they had a pic of Vanessa, not Lynne, I'm losing my wee tiny mind!
You probably half heard the announcement and it would meet expectations if the elder actress were to have taken that little step into the dark first.

My mind frequently staggers.
My mind frequently staggers and sits down suddenly,

Jazz singer Abbey Lincoln dies at age 80 in NY
My ballet students oftentimes request we do plies to this song:

The confirmation that the holdall containing his body was padlocked shut effectively rules out the possibility that Mr Williams killed himself.

A sad end for a mathematical protege who used to wander over to the USA in his work as an intelligence professional.

R&B pioneer King Coleman dies in Miami; was 78
Didn't know this song - cracks me up!

Ari Up, lead singer of the Slits. They only put out two albums but....they were something.

Having recently moved from Iowa to Oakland,CA, I decided to drive up to Berkeley and check out the birthplace of the free speech movement. I was completely underwhelmed after realizing that the People's Park was just an untended vacant lot with a plaque but, as soon as I walked onto Telegraph Ave. something magical occurred.

A street fair was going on and, on the portable stage that I walked past, were this very obscure, very cool band, The Slits. I think I was the only person in my home town in Iowa that knew about them, much less knew all the lyrics to their songs. The record store where I worked received one copy of "Cut" with the pseudo National Geographic picture of the band mates in loin cloths, topless smeared with a coat of mud - it still is in my collection. I didn't realize that the street fair was not an everyday occurrence - because Berkeley was a mythical place - it just seemed like the city had arranged this as a sign for me, this was going to be my home.
Now that's really neat. Right place, right time, kinda thing.
He was playing on the sidewalk
For passing change
When something strange happened
Glory train passed through him
So he buried the coins he made
In People's Park

And went looking for a woman
To court and spark

How befitting Pan's post of People's Park in "Passings." Free Speech has turned to decay. As the Smoking Man said, "Sorry to break it to you Dude, but "America" -... is dead and buried. They stuck the fork in that turkey decades ago." Yes. "Those who were paying attention held memorial services for the poor deceased corpse way back in the early 80s."

Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention that closely. I missed the scene on the West Coast back in the late 60s deliberately. I knew what it meant when the Diggers buried the "Hippie" in 1969. But I had no clue that St. Ronzo indicated no "passing phase," and even bought into that embryonic "libertarian" shite because I thought we could "give peace a chance" through "the market."

I don't want to preach to the choir, so I did not post MOCK THE DUMMY here. These days I want to carry a shovel to strike smartly any fool who uses the words "socialism" or "communism" who does not have a copy of Das Kapital with them. Here in krakkkerland, all that's left is sorting the puppets out from the dummies.

At the nearest big-box, the peeps were crawling. It's where the lot was packed when Shrieking Cow came to sign Mein Rogue. They abandon their carts in the parking lot... annoys the fuck out of me. I usually push one or two the 60 feet or so that it takes to get it to the cart rack. This big-box is only a mile from War-Mart... and I've never been in one... but I would guess that's the one favored by the puppets.

I believe a Glory Train has passed through you, brother Pan... I hope to one day visit you in Berserkeley. Altho Ms. Medusa is obviously your muse's avitar... I believe you are looking for one of the granddaughters for a performance and a play... a dance and a description. Aw fuckit... I'll confess... the brown-eyed girl playing the Mitchell cover made me cry. Again- stfu- I'm an old man- I cry easily. Too many fucking heartbreaks and dreams deferred.

The data show that fully 1/2 of the ONE section I have at a certain Uni are going to fail... and that will probably end my 10-year stint at the place. It isn't that I have asked them to do "too much work." They are walking dead at age 18... idling to be drawn into a conflict they can neither see nor understand. It's fucking heartbreaking to see so many young people with their lights extinguished. I see the ghosts of Hitler Jugend every fucking week. In my darkest dreams, I walk upon their unmarked graves at Stalingrad and Verdun. I drop tears on their rare earth that I had not the talent to awaken nor save them.

The conflict is clear and all-too evident. The rhetoric and "public discourse" of the Free Speech Movement's corrupt flesh stings in the nostrils and points a finger-bone at Scrooge's yet-to-be headstone. Several generations of counter-revolutionary propaganda have sealed their fate. With souls sodomized and stripped by "competition" and careerism, their salt has not the savor of the European youth who have joined the striking workers in solidarity.

Oh sure, they are "anti-government," just like the German youth of 1930... or our own Southron youth of 1860, tools of the Junkers and the Planters. They "write" like they are filling in the blanks on "worksheets," interchangeable parts of a great dancing Manitou beyond their comprehension. They welcome the whirling danse-macabre as a relief from their "boredom." I seem to have been weighed and found wanting.

I cleared myself
I sacrificed my blues
And you could complete me
I'd complete you...


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