Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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Maybe will nail these theses up somewhere as soon as an appropriate door is found!  

Wooo you guys have been quiet.  Betcha you're struck dumb with abject horror as I am at the churlish stupidity masquerading as discourse.  Been offering nice hot cups of STFU to the geese in krakkerland while shoveling chicken shit off the front porch... and you know what?  You could a fill a supertanker with STFU, force feed it with a fire hose down one gander and the honkies just get louder and louder.  Can't stand it.  Giving up.  

Preparing to be homeless and live out of my car.  Done it before.  It's easy.  And anything is better than this.  

Maybe I'll come to YOUR house.  Hope you got something to eat.  I got my own thermos of STFU... so I'll be nice and quiet.  


Yip ... quiet.  Been missing the company I think ... quite a bit actually.

Looking for work has been dismal - man oh man is this world full of bozos & do I manage to find all of them .... have given up.  Almost finished my studies so I can call myself a Data Scientist - just the capstone graduation project to do which starts Monday.  If I can just keep my spirits up enough to get through the two months that will take.  Avaeraged 92% over the modules so far so apparently I still have an intellect.  But emotionally I am a husk.  Busy clearing my house & sending my remaining money to my sister who has undertaken to take care of me for the rest of my life if I do her admin for her (she's a lawyer, husband a doctor & they run a B&B) .... hard to cope with adjustment .... so currently not coping.  Wish someone could drop by for tea ....

What's STFU?

it's a touch rude, Cal, shut the flim flam floo, do, do, do.

have got used to silence, the threat of speech. propaganda deafening, so fearful of the american nightmare and the threat of first strike out in the air again. all my life I never wanted bombing of anyone anywhere and it never seems to stop.

tea would be so nice.

STFU = shut the fuck up.

Had a wheel fall off our car carrier in Kansas.  Fortunately it happened when we exited to re-fuel.  Budget's emergency road service.......3 hours to wait for a tow truck to retrieve the thing and 5 hours for them to find a replacement in Kansas City - after we had already passed it.  So Jo drove the car and I drove the truck the last two days.

Arrived for the walk-through and the sellers and many of their friends were still frantically packing.  The wife assured us that the house was clean which, even by my lower-than-Jo's-standards, was a complete lie. They pulled all of the window treatments and some other things out of the wall without patching and painting the holes.  Based upon when we were house-hunting, we thought that the house was going to be move-in-ready.  Apparently, once we signed the contract they just stopped caring or cleaning.  If this were a rental property they would have lost their entire security deposit - as it is they agreed to pay us $500 to help with the clean-up.  Our realtor felt so bad about it she hired her cousin to clean for over four hours - which improved our outlook considerably. 

We will like this house once we get it set-up.  Took a little walk to the local lake last night, sat and listened to frogs, cicadas, and other chirpy things.  We had a massive storm that took down several trees in our development, fortunately the damage was fairly localized and missed our neighborhood.  High humidity fills the clothes with perspiration very quickly.

Jo started work on Monday.  Her office is massive, with a full conference table. She is still not quite understanding how she has been put in this high status/responsibility.  I tell her it is exactly for the same reason why we were driven out of ISU.  Like all programs there are limited resources - faculty are not guaranteed a chance to produce their work during the season and the priority is to provide opportunities for the grad students - for tenure/promotion nothing produced at FSU counts (which is exactly opposite from ISU THD which didn't count anything Jo did off-campus). So she/we are going to have to actively produce work, at KSU I am being commissioned to choreograph a ballet repertory piece which is not going to fulfill my artistic urge......Callous projects will continue!

We stopped in Manhattan, KS during the trip (before the wheel fell off).  The town feels very comfortable, I will like it.  I think I like Tallahassee more though.  I am moving at the beginning of August.  That makes the time to set up the house rather limited.  There are things I want to build/re-model but I don't think I will be able to get to them.  Jo might have to hire some help.

Got sick of the hours of set-up talking to multiple people at Comcast....switched to CenturyLink, just spent hours trying to get telephone and internet.  Still don't have it but, once Jo cancelled Comcast we somehow got online so we aren't cut off.

Been breathing in insulation dust, cobwebs and rat droppings as I wire a couple of new circuits in my crawlspace. Stupid? That's me. Wearing a mask now. So much shit got stuck in my gullet, that I took to dry heaving. 

Waldo, you need a van. Gotta be some equity in that medieval mansion of yours. Being a fan of tiny living, I wouldn't mind living in a van myself.

Pan, sounds like things are going well for you guys. I'm happy for you. Think it's cool that you gave your old uni the heave ho. Nice to be able to say fuck it and mean it. My heroes.

Hi Cal and Mouse and Hannah and lurkers.'s in the 90's here and I'm rooting around in my crawl space. Wife's outta town and the kids at work. I'm gonna die down there and they probably won't find me til I start smelling.

leave a note ...
how nice to have something to laugh at so long.
one of the older chaps in the road making team was hobbling along with one hip replaced and couldn't take time off work to have the other done.
my dad died.
the fellow next door sands something sharp without a mask
and doesn't care in clouds of fibreglass.

try seasalt in hot water to inhale and help clear the lungs.

whoah woah wait minute.  something happened to your oldman?  maybe i don't understand.  

As Gertrude Stein once said of her hometown of Oakland, "there is no there"

I guess I can't go home again....

What you hear in krakkerland:  Obama.  Socialism.  Obamacare is socialism.  Mooslum terrists and ISIS.  Obama.  Hillary.  Christian this and that and God and Jebuzz.  You get the idea.  And how do you "argue"  with climate deniers?  You can't.  So...   

Image result for stfu

So I'm outta here.  I plan to give power of attorney to my sister and disappear.  My writing is shit... but I'm going to keep doing it anyway because that's all I know how to do.  That and rubbertramping.  I did that for at least a year when I was a young fella... and found it is just as easy now... except for taking a dump-- which I must do as soon as I stand up in the morning.  So truck stops-- rest stops-- anyplace with a potty.  If I'm out in the boonies, dig my cat-hole the night before with the e-tool.  (sorry about that-- but it's life and you can talk about it).  

The house has "good bones," but it's probably gonna take a couple grand to get it "straight-people ready" (as my sis says).  Vans: snark.  I am small enough to sleep comfortably in the Prius.  Both Sams (the Note 3 and Ultrabook) work just dandy with very little juice.  Park near a place with wi-fi, and I can get all over the world.  

Wife gone.  Kids gone.  Outta here... and when I die on the road, they can just sweep me up with the rest of the debris.  


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