Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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oh crap... another post wiped out by hinkety Ning/ Windowze combo... along with links and everything.

How durable is "the web?" If it goes dark, how do we gather the RBC in our own local/ physical area? "Local land-grabbers" are king-shits of turd-mountain here in krakkkerland... the "Real Estate Developers" and their "growth-model" strip-mall concrete toilets. Everybody's "pro-growth" when anti-growth is where it's at.
hm... noticed the quick reference to "Illuminati" and the "End of Days." Buggers are everywhere!

Just stop feeding the cats... they'll catch mice... but only after they bug the hell out of YOU... and try nibbling your toes at night. I found it easier to just trap the mice inside and throw the cats outside.
....noticed the quick reference to "Illuminati" and the "End of Days."

Yeah, it certainly does point out the influence of religious mythology on US modern day culture. Alternatively, It would seem the most advanced countries of the world are better off without it.
But US's slide into third-world status guarantees its population will become less educated and more prone to medieval period belief systems.

Our physical well-being is next to be sacrificed. I imagine a lotta folk have already returned to bleeding each other to cure their diseases due to a lack of health care insurance.

In Missouri we were getting bids for taking out a tree that was being undercut by erosion. When specified that we wanted to be sure that none of the Dogwoods would be accidentally harmed by one guy's plan to let a large part of the tree fall to the ground uncontrolled he reassured us that he would never hurt a Dogwood because "Christ was killed on a Dogwood". Which was especially interesting, considering that Dogwoods don't grow in the Middle East.
Do ya ever go back? ... to the old site, that is, the first RBC and think about what's transpired in the past three years or so? You can still log on there... can't post anything.

Ever wonder what happened to yoduhh?
I think she was assimilated by the Galatic Empire.
You mean the "other side" or just day-to-day? I also wonder about ol Double hisself... and Stones was there... and occasionally shows up here... and I still got Deer's e-mail address... but don't know if it still works. Yoduuhh never responded to my persistent emails... so I'm thinkin' "other side."

I often think of the story of her daughter... the pissed-off complicated 13-yr.-old..."too good for this earth." I wish the story could be told... and read. All along our Underground Railway... I wonder who fell off forever... and who arrived at their destination. Curt is out there somewhere- on our particular land-mass... doin wot he gotta do. He'll probably check back when he get home to Hesse.

It wuz Curt who led me to that OEN side-spur... and then COTO who aint buyiin into the publicrums-demicreeps paradigm... but see a Joo or a NWO Freemason under every fig.... and "Conspiracies R Us" does a pretty good job of sticking-a-toe in THAT booyah. "The numerous conspiracy theories however usually fall into the category of exceedingly NOT obvious." stated by cwilly... who many have accused of being a "plant."

Plant- schmant. Y'know what? I no longer GIVE A FUCK. "Paranoia strikes deep," eh? Should we divert to woodsy "survival skills?" Or try to reconcile the wash-tub back-40 basics with "Spiritual Awakening" a-la Carolyn Baker? I dunno. In my own day-to-day deedle, I just wanna pass on something useful to the "Spiders." Baker seems to be the most palatable so far, But it lacks the zip-gun head-crack I feel is necessary-- but don't wanna get into the Ropegun Minuteman "Weather-underground" bullshit mistake we did before.

Mebbe I should just keep me toe-nails trimmed and shut-the-fuck up.
Da COTO folks give me the 'Willys'...if you know what I mean. They're a bit too cultish to look at issues outside of their own peephole. Smart folk, but a bit paranoid me thinks. My own references to absurdism and criticisms of religion went over like a lead ballon. They jumped on me like a pack of rabid dogs--mainly because I think the pud is a christian warrior.

Oh well, fuck 'em. I do enjoy the rifts you get into with them, though. And amazingly, Willy seems able to imitate the trademarked Waldo writing style when he wants to duel with you. You guys kind of remind me of a couple of rappers when yer going at it. It's pretty cool actually. But, since I ain't no eminem, I'm hesitant to get involved in one of those...yo!, your-mother's-a-ho type arguments. I just don't have the chops for that. Hoping someday the pebble will get stolen.
It just ate my words. And I had said that despite the cowardice of all the little mice in the wainscot the plain obvious lies of 9.11
those 3 collapsing buildings with the 2 planes and the nanothermite
leave such a strong impression that living with it leads to plufplufpluf

The Dance of the Conspiracy Theorists, including a tasteful selection of definitions,
define cowboy, I was usually the Indian being shot. So I invented my own game, and I was King until they tied me to a tree and went to lunch.
I'm kinda fond of our small group here. No ones opinions get shoved to the wayside. It's much more personal.
Conspiracy theory or no, I agree our gov blew those buildings.
Maybe "end of days" is coming, but not in the religious sense, in an economic sense.
There are no jobs to be had, and the price of a loaf of bread is astounding.
How can a wee bit of flour, some water, eggs, salt and yeast cost $3.00........?
The back woods cultists may survive, but really, why would you want to.
Haven't read the Becker piece yet, I'll have to go take a look.

The problem I have with some conspiracy theorist is that they will attribute almost anything that happens as being part of a new world order plot to take over the world. Granted, our feudal lords are gaining more control every day, but I think that has more to do with corporations and rich folk winning favor in increments through various court actions and Government influence than through the execution of conspiracies.

For instance...another oil rig blew in the gulf today. The CT's over on COTO instantly attributed it to another pre-planned action by the new world order in order to destroy the gulf for some Machiavellian reason. I attribute the event to weak regulation because corporations have had far too much influence in Washington. Simple as that. I can't imagine that destroying the gulf could actually benefit anyone outside of Kevin Costner.

It is possible that some of the bad shit that happens is because of good ole fashion greed, and the disregard for other inhabitants of the earth that comes from it. Not because everything that happens has been pre-ordained. That sort of belief system is common in paranoid schizophrenics.
The wife and I use the term "CT" to refer to a word that made Mark rather upset at me...

"Restoring Honor" and defending White Privilege


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