Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

The U.S. has the highest prison population in the world, even more than the more populous China. Incarceration Incorporated is the biggest growth industry in the service economy. Indentured Servitude is profitable benefit to this industry.

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Gotta love the Veterans complaining about being stereotyped......wonder if it upsets them that Arab looking men are stereotyped.

This guy who refuses to answer questions and then demands that the border agents know who he is is a bit of a douche bag.
Cop pulls gun at McDonalds because he thought he was being ignored by drive-thru minimum wagers.

Testimony on our militarized police forces.

1968 Chicago police set to celebrate their riot.
“When [police] gather to celebrate one of the largest mass beatings in Chicago history they are also meeting to celebrate the savagery of that generation of the CPD. This is a celebration not only for the police who beat down DNC protesters, but also the ones who attacked the Puerto Rican community during 1966 Division Street Uprising, and assassinated Black Panther Party leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. This reunion will be bringing together cops from this era with those who are currently oppressing our marches, occupying our communities, brutalizing, and mudering young people across the city.”
Brutalizing Kids: Painful Lessons in the Pedagogy of School Violence

In a society in which young people are increasingly the victims of adult abuse, maligned as dangerous and undeserving of investment, it is not surprising, given how little money or time is spent on them, that they are treated as a threat, and their behavior endlessly monitored, controlled and subject to harsh disciplinary measures. Schools, especially for poor kids, are largely viewed as either testing centers where young people are simply bored into passivity or submission, or they are modeled after prisons - subject to punishing zero-tolerance policies, lock-downs, constant surveillance, humiliating security measures and intimidated and sometimes assaulted by security and police who are often armed and roam the corridors. In short, if you are a poor black, brown or white kid, you are not considered a student or a productive citizen, but a potential criminal. Schools now form partnerships with the police and private security agencies. Teachers, once the heroes in this coming-of-age narrative, are now a sideshow, most are deskilled, reduced to technicians teaching for the high-stake testing machine and often forced to share their responsibilities with armed security forces. Administrators now confuse management with leadership and become the pawns of corporate and punishing forces they can no longer control. Instead of investing in disadvantaged youth, American society now punishes them, and instead of preparing them for a productive life in the larger society, too many young people are pushed and shoved into a criminal justice system. They move from the schools directly to the juvenile detention centers, if not adult prisons.

Michael Moore highlighted this crime in his latest movie...

Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal

As scandals from Wall Street to Washington roil the public trust, the justice system in Luzerne County, in the heart of Pennsylvania's struggling coal country, has also fallen prey to corruption. The county has been rocked by a kickback scandal involving two elected judges who essentially jailed kids for cash. Many of the children had appeared before judges without a lawyer.


I'll bet the two judges claimed to be good christians.

Personally, we pulled our kid out of a private catholic school and put him in a public school this year because of the school's propensity for punishing rather than teaching. Most of the kids in the catholic school were from rich families and were there in order to be guaranteed a direct route to the best colleges. The principles of elitism and bigotry were taught from the very beginning when it became obvious that certain kids were selected for success very early on, while the rest were left to flounder.

While our own kid was doing fine, we simply couldn't justify his existence there anymore, and he's much happier now.
A statutory instrument made and laid before Parliament earlier this year will allow draconian police powers intended to catch out crime barons to be delegated to councils, quangos and agencies so that they may seize assets from members of the public. The powers will allow councils and financial investigators for organisations as diverse as Royal Mail, the Rural Payments Agency and Transport for London to freeze assets, search homes, seize cash, confiscate property and obtain private financial records. The new measures come into force this week and will allow these dangerous powers, intended to be used by Police for serious criminal investigation, to be used against fare dodgers, families unable to pay their council tax and other ‘dangerous criminals’. Up until now, the confiscation powers have been accessible to councils and other agencies only through the police. They will now be directly accessible without any police involvement. The statutory instrument, made on 2nd April and laid before Parliament on 14th April came into force on 12th May 2009, although it wasn’t until this week that the powers were delegated. Perhaps just as worrying as the new measures is the fact that there has been so little media coverage of them.
This is how we do things here:

Starting with Maurice Kirk article

October 22, 2009 11:01 AM
Dear Maurice, I have made an application to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourgh on your behalf ten days ago. I have all the documents at home and pleaded with Norman Enscarth to give me a fax number for you so that you can help yourself. Norman refused to give me the fax number and I tried to find your family and the Creswell Clinic and could not. You need to go on the internet and go onto the ECoHR Website, and download the requette. Then you simply need to fill in that the UK Government is subjecting you to arbitrary arrest and wrongful imprisonment. I have officially already charged them with arbitrary arrest and unlawful imprisonment in proper legal format. You can fax the papers to them or send them in the post recorded delivery. I am arguing on your behalf that you are not insame. Sadly, doing this has now got me arrested under the Mental Health Act and I am now detained under S2 and getting constant forced injections. Not good as I was just discharged from hospital up here in West Yorkshire after a blodd transfusion. Unlike you I have nobody who cares for me, so I am stuck in this prison whole until I am dead. So, I have made the application claiming that you are not of unsound mind, if you get the requette off the net and fax it back you are on your way out of there. I also run my own case against the UK Government in the ECoHR, but I keep getting arrested and forcefully injected and my heart is not up to it anymore. Suffered Angino Pectoris and they left me on the floor all night with no doctor. Never seen a doctor or spoken to a doctor since the police dragged me in. Only have the clothes I stood up in nothing else. Norman Enscarth would not help me when I tried to get the ECoHR application to you by the way. Kindest regards Susanne Kellner-Johnson, Dissident, Human Rights and Mental Health law student.

22nd October 2009
[i]Maurice, you need to ask for an IMHA. Independent Mental Health Advocate, you are entitled to one, do it urgently, you need someone to present you. Need to go they dragging me off again for another forced injections. Lots of love and light Dear Maurice, now locked into secure PICU unit, no access to phone, mobile or net for days. First on-line access in days now, but not long. Safe in PICU from forced injections, but I was violated so much they nearly wrenched my arms out of my sockets and nearly broke my neck. Hell, who cares, I am a psychic, healer and Shaman, if I live, I live, if not, I die. All info is out on net. Maurice, I have today managed to get a letter off the ward to the ECoHR, and which I mention you also (I have my own application with them agains the UK in my own right) and I am asking them to send you the requette and papers via Cardiff Crown Court, Cardiff, Wales, as I have no other address for you. Whatever you do, do not take any forced injections, hit them back. YOU ARE allowed to defend yourself!!!!! I have started to now and it feels a lot better after all that violence and agression against me to actually be able to fight back. Studying law is not good enough in this country, it appears to be for the priviledged few. If they go for you, you hit them back! Good luck, and one word of advice, you only harm yourself if you are on hunger strike, they don't care one bit, believe me, I have tried that years ago. All they do is put you on a Section 3 and force feed you with a tube, hang on in there, I am working as fast as I can to get evidence out to France, but am restricted as I have no access to a fax on the high secure unit, and unlike you, no support from anyone at all. However, be aware as to the dirty tricks campaign of the police! I have found out today that North Yorkshire Police arrested me with a West Yorkshire S135 Warrant in North Yorkshire! Believe it or not, they did. I reside in North Yorkshire, and they arrested me with a warrant which gives every constable in West Yorkshire the right to enter my home in my North Yorkshire Premises!!!!!! Thus beware please, if you have any access to the net, go straight onto the IPCC website and report every single incident involving the police on-line on their form. It keeps them busy and you have the evidence out there. They send you a form confirming everything you said in due course. So please, hang on in there, I am working as fast as I can to get my evidence out of the country, gods permitting. Lots of love and light Susanne [/i]
UK Abuse of Power
From: "" •
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 02:48:16 +0100•

From: susannekj@xxxxxxxxxx
To: rapsonj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; shazad.malik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Ref.: Abuse of police power and sinister attempt to stop me
[i]Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 09:56:44 +0000
Susanne Kellner−Johnson
27 Victoria Street
North Yorkshire
BD20 7HY
The Rt Hon David Curry MP
House of Commons
23 July 2009
Dear Mr Curry
Ref.: Police was trying to stop my phone/fax/e−mail access on 16 June 2009
UK Abuse of Power
UK Abuse of Power 1
It has just come to my attention that the police, according to TalkTalk my
telephone service provider, had instructed them to cease supplying me with
their services. This apparently happened on 16 June and I recently received
a bill from TalkTalk demanding a £70.00 cessation fee. I had been ringing
them for a week to find out what was going on as I had not cancelled
anything at all and was completely unaware as to what was happening.
I was now told over the phone on 21 July by TalkTalk that the police had
instructed them to stop my service provision. TalkTalk refused to give me
any further information on this issue and told me to contact the police. I
have now written to TalkTalk to demand a full explanation in writing so that
I can take the matter further.
What right has the police in the UK got to interrupt the only line of
communication of a foreign individual who relies on her phone to maintain
contact with her family in Austria, her friends, clients and professional
contacts? What sinister game are they playing, and who gives them the right
to simply instruct a telephone service provider to cease supply to
individuals? And why does the individual concerned not get any notification
of this happening at all, and why on earth should the individual concerned
be made to pay a cessation fee to the service provider if the police cancel
their service in the first place?
It is blatantly clear to me that there are no civil liberties and no human
rights in this country. The police can do what they want and get away with
it. I also just received a so called 'police investigation report', which
once again is full of serious flaws. North Yorkshire Police is once again
covering up a forced entry into my premises in March, and once again
claiming a S136 arrest in the street, when in fact, they had stormed into my
house, both front and back simultaneously and are lying about it.
Unfortunately for them I actually have a witness who saw them do it.
I trust that you may be able to shed some light on the clandestine
activities of the local police force and their sinister attempts to prevent
me from contacting anyone at all, as well as their attempts to constantly
hide the fact that they are acting against the law. It is also clear that
they are constantly trying to provoke, terrorise and threaten me behind the
scenes in order to get me to react to it, but I simply will not rise to the
challenge. If I as much as make one angry phone call to them demanding an
explanation about their attempts to cut off my phone, I will immediately be
sectioned under the Mental Health Act again.
UK Abuse of Power
UK Abuse of Power 2
There is total abuse and misuse of power going on here and I will not be
intimidated by the local authority any longer.
Yours sincerely
Susanne Kellner−Johnson
Maurice Kellett
UK Abuse of Power [/i]

To:; Subject: Urgent
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 15:39:42 +0000
Dear All, need urgent info on the side-effects of forced injections of Olanzapine and Piportil. Went to GP twice last week as I had a severe period, which would not stop. It got worse and worse and lasted three weeks by the time I got to GP last Tuesday. They would not listen, just said it was the change.

I already had all the symptoms of severe anaemia. No blood pressure was taken, no pulse was taken and my heart was not listened to either. I kept asking for blood pressure to be taken, and she did eventually. She said it was OK. I asked what it was and she told me. That is far too low for me I said. She argued, checked on computer and admitted that it was. Did not check pulse or listen to heart. I asked if she was going to do blood test as I was losing at least 1/4 pint of blood a day, and she did not respond. Asked me to make appointment to see other GP with Gynae training for double appointment and prescribed me tablets to stop period. Went to reception and asked for double appointment on Friday of last week, they refused. You have to ring on Friday, I insisted over and over again and refused to leave without an appointment.

Went to Health Food Shop and the girls said straight away, you look awful, are you anaemic? I knew I was that's why I had gone with a shopping list for Vitamin K and liquid iron supplement (this was Thursday). One always gets more sense and help out of the local Health Food Shop staff....

Went to GP on Friday, tablets were not really working, did internal, listened to me telling her that I was sick, dizzy, nauseas, could not stand up properly, could not bend down, that the floor was getting very close etc., but she did not check blood pressure, pulse or listen to my heart. Nor did she prescribe iron tablets, ask if I was taken any or ask about my diet!!!!!

She did give me a form to go for a blood test and did refer me for an appointment for an ultrasound scan though and gave me a script for hormone tablets. As it was late Friday afternoon, everywhere locally was closed for blood tests, except the local hospital, which was on my way home. I legged it to the bus in as far as I was capable of fast movement at that stage and went to the phlebotomists. Who said straight away that this was not my normal skin colour and that I did not look as if I had enough blood. Sure enough, they could not find any veins or get any out of me. It took several attempts and the supervisor to extract some. However, they also were very sensible: drink stout, Guinness, eat plenty of broccoli etc....

Monday morning I was extremely ill, the bleeding was getting worse, so I started the hormone tablets as instructed and rang the surgery to see if the blood results had come back. Yes they have, but Dr has not looked at them yet. You need to ring tomorrow I got told. On Monday night I had palpitations, my limbs were numb and I simply resigned myself to the fact that I would bleed to death. Which to me, was a far superior option to die in my own bed than to die on a mental ward bleeding to death or even worse, to die from a heart attack in handcuffs in the back of a police prison van, all of which quite likely of course, based on past experiences.

Well, Tuesday morning I was a walking corpse, only capable of sitting on my sofa and washing the blood stained carpet in my lounge and bathroom, as well as all the soaked clothing, bath towels and clothes. Then I get phone call from GP at lunchtime to say that I should get a taxi immediately to A&E and report to reception. My blood results were back and my blood count was only 7. She was trying to find me a bed on a gynae ward (much to my amazement as I anticipated the holding cell at the mental health unit again). Arrived there and was sent straight to the gynae ward, immediate bloods taken, tucked up in bed, and amazingly enough, for the first time in 12 years (!!!!) treated with kindness, genuine concern for my health, and given proper nursing care. Drs came to inform me, told me exactly what was going on, explained it all to me very professionally, listened to me, and gave me options! This was a totally new experience, with the thought of being stuck on a mental ward always at the forefront of my mind of course. And the thought of the usual treatment (nurses surrounding my bed and holding me down and injecting me) in my mind's eye.

It did not happen! I was put on a drip, and once they cross matched my blood given 2 pints of blood via a transfusion. The Consultant was very worried and stated that I had given them all a scare. Well, it was not me that scared them, was it? I bet that GP was crapping herself at that stage. Negligence is not even the right word.

Got home from hospital last night, look like death warmed up, but still standing. The Drs could not work out why the lining of my uterus was so extremely thick. I have a very good idea as to how that came about though.

These forced injections, which are supposed to cure my views, opinions and ideas about the medical profession around here and the local police force, have caused amongst other things: central nervous system damage, massive weight gain, blurred vision, oedema, breast milk, massive rise in Prolactin levels to name but a few. Being a health care professional I have known for years, that what they were basically doing, were inducing my brain to think that I was permanently pregnant, with all the physical changes thrown on. That naturally messed up all my hormones.

I am back home now and desperately trying to get my hands on info re after effects of blood transfusion, possible effects of organ damage already done due to not enough blood going around my system for days (Dr admitted that I had no iron left, hardly any red blood cells and that my heart had to work very hard to pump too little blood around my system). So, clearly, there could be some serious after effects.

Do I get any aftercare? Follow up blood checks? Regular blood pressure taken???? No, of course not. All I got when I was sent home, was a packet of iron tablets, some hormone tablets with instructions on when to take them and put on the waiting list to remove the lining of my uterus, which may or may not work.

So, I would really appreciate if there is anyone out there who can possibly get their hands on any info at all about the potential development of abnormal uterine lining or other epithelial tissue for that matter on forced anti-psychotic drug treatment.

Also, when I was arrested by the police in March and dragged in a prison van onto a mental ward and given forced injection and drugs, they never, not once did any medical checks at all. I never, not once, saw even one Dr. Nurse from Assertive Outreach Team kindly came to see me in hospital on Wednesday after transfusion and she had tried to check the blood results from March to see what was going on, only there weren't any!

Told her that I knew exactly why she could not find them, - they had not taken any that's why. No blood pressure taken, no weight checked, not the most basic of medical attention given. Just police arrest forced injection written up - even the nurses did not know who had done that! Just a scribble on the med sheet.

If I complain about any of this of course, I get sectioned and they will give me the forced drugs which have made me so ill, all over again. There are no nurses on these mental wards from hell, nor are there any decent Dr's or medical staff in this country.

The NHS sucks, but at least I now know that at least for once, I was actually treated like a human being on a ward and properly cared for. An entirely new experience after all the violence, threats, intimidation and torture and human rights violations I have had over the last 12 years....

Yours still alive, also only capable of sitting, texting and typing
Susanne Kellner-Johnson

Help Sussanne Johnson-Kilner As A Matter of Urgency

From the Telegraph & Argus, first published Saturday 12th Sep 1998.

The complaint was found to have substance and the lady was still left with unanswered questions.

Can't get her out of my mind.
Mouse's posts have convinced me that the U.K. is in as bad a situation as the U.S.

Convicted for "possessing" a found gun he carried to the police sta...
Amazing. And the Judge says...

"This is an unusual case, but in law there is no dispute that Mr Clarke has no defence to this charge. The intention of anybody possessing a firearm is irrelevant."

Of course 'intention' is everything in english law because it explains the motive behind the act. Without considering 'intent', justice can't exist. Which, BTW, I've experienced first hand here in the US.

Also note...

"- Comments on this story have been disabled for legal reasons"

Not surprising. Surely they don't want the peeps discussing what a sham their court system is.


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