Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

The U.S. has the highest prison population in the world, even more than the more populous China. Incarceration Incorporated is the biggest growth industry in the service economy. Indentured Servitude is profitable benefit to this industry.

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Oh where are you Waldo? Are you alright?

The impression I get in my dealings with people now is that they are seriously keen that I should not speak to them. Many take evasive action.
It makes going out pretty frightening if I have an encounter that fires up my emotions, because the level of intensity, barely expressed, troubles people.

I still do it you see, still talk, still try to speak my mind a little. Pass on important news that is ignored by the media. It seems to me to be my duty as living being upon this earth, to share important matters. As a bird would call out warning to others nesting in the woods. It is the natural thing to do.
Those who I encounter again who have looked at my site or otherwise considered things, don't meet my gaze.
No, they are gone. So.
This social isolation is close to madness, and would be madness I suppose if it were not for the wind and the sky and all the beautiful things and someone who is five and really nice to have around, bright as a button.

Mind you, something that has changed for the better is that drivers are generally more thoughtful in regard to my presence on the road as a cyclist, as though they were more softly inclined towards the concept of cycling. I've noticed that lately. Perhaps they are thinking that it could be them in future.
Also it is very pleasant to receive the fond looks of strangers in passing when I go out, as I shall again today, with my granddaughter seated loftily on my bike, declaiming and singing, her arms waving; while I push the bike steadily along. Sometimes she runs and I follow riding. We usually stop at a playground for a while.
She is so intent in her playing wherever we go, unless I am talking to someone, she is very contented, and pleasant too in her dealings with people. She does me the world of good, as we say, here in reality.

It is the belief of NaturalNews that the FDA is being run as a system of organized crime, using the exact same extortion tactics as the Mob. Through intimidation, censorship and threats of imprisonment, the FDA is right now extorting tens of millions of dollars from the very same health supplement companies you depend on to bring you lifesaving, disease-reversing products.

Even worse, the FDA is getting away with it. Backed by the threat of imprisonment and the ability to conduct armed raids against health product companies (see the history of armed FDA raids against vitamin companies here: ), the FDA is able to overpower health product companies when they stand alone.
Funny you should mention the FDA. Us Washingtonians get to vote on a 'right to die with dignity' initiative on November 4th. As you can imagine, the drug companies are out in force lobbying against it since they make most of their bucks keeping old people alive. So, we get to hear ads making claims that people will be put to sleep just because they're depressed. In reality, Oregon has already passed the law without any of the drug company fear tactics coming true.

Can you imagine the inherent nature of people who can sit in a room formulating fear-based ad campaigns so their company can maintain profits without any regard to life's most important ethical issues? Issues that really can cause untold misery for millions of people. The mentality is no different from that which would prompt a country to obliterate another country for its oil and call it good for them.

Personally, I don't know what is worse--the act itself, or the cleverness of the lies generated to create a veil around the act. Our whole culture is now based on enabling evil acts with layers of folks more than willing to compromise any ethic in order to maintain the veil. That veil represents every conceivable act of violence against humanity. It's beyond business. It's the business of killing anything with inherent value and replacing it with a hologram. The business of self-destruction.
You know what it's like when you're in a with a group of people and one says something about not liking the latest changes to the US port of entry restrictions and how he's thinking about going somewhere else for vacation next year and you grab your soap box because it's almost always there when you need it as if it's your hunchback and you're Quasimoto up in Notre Damme looking down at the crowd and you just know the roof is gonna cave in any second ...........and even if you're out alone and none of us here are there to listen to you or to help you get upon your box but you somehow make it alone so you get up and you speak your mind and say as much as you can as powerfully as you can and you keep it under one hundred words because you know their attention span and on your way down from your box .....they chastise you for being so damned negative and for talkin poli-tics when it aint got shit to do with what it's all about.

Well, fuck me in the ear.

It was in German so it won't do any good if I paste it in here but I have it in writing. The venue was the harley forum I belong to. One guy said politics has jack to do with bikes, bikers and biking. On the train home from work I thought about it and this is what came to me......

to try to keep a conversation about bikes and gas prices and road conditions and motel prices etc. seperated from politics is like two guys going fishing and the one tells his buddy not to talk about the weather. Totally bananas. Feh and Puh.
I have the same problem with a sailboat list that I'm on. They'll discuss for days how to preserve their outboard gas over the winter, but could care less about the fact that puget sound is dying. In fact, if you bring up a topic that smacks of politics--in even a small way, you'll get hoards of emails telling you to STFU. No one wants to see or discuss the 'big picture', they'd rather point it out--like a five year old--and totter off.

Hell, even if someone has to sell their boat because they lost their job or are sick due to lack of health care, they still won't discuss politics. I guess that's what makes a sheep a sheep. There are no external forces at work... ever, other than the great sheep-shearer in the sky. Outside of him/her, we's all on our own. So what if we live in herds.

Willful ignoramuses. It's what's for dinner.
If a weapon producing silent infrasound is targeted at a victim for months, or even years, how long will it take for it to cause the victims’ death through deadly health complications? That appears to be a key question currently being researched by Federal / Military covert testing of infrasound weapons on innocent American Citizens.
A Hot-Cold-Silent War False Flag Alert by Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer, Maj. William B. Fox, Dr. James H. Fetzer, Capt. Eric H. May and SFC Donald R. Buswell.
The most dangerous voices of all are those from false friends who have infiltrated us to confuse us until the traitors who carried out 9/11 can repeat their performance.
Bush cabal neo-cons are committing ever more reckless acts as they see their time of formalized power drawing to a close...They may even use a false flag attack to suspend the Constitution while claiming that only they are capable of coping with a major crisis. Every one of us is obligated to resist by every means possible any efforts in this direction.
Shitbirds and brick turds. Here we are in the very buttcrack of the US Constitution-free Zone, and what are they talking about? Abortions and gay marriage nacherly... and how the LIBRULS are gonna take yer hard-earned munny (what hard earned...) shaddap- and give it to the yoo-no-hoos for dope and terrists... violating the conste-tooshun with librul arab Osama wot aint even a sitizzen!! Jello-beans in da bum. I swear this place is to fekkin stoopid to live. They wanna vote for Sam the Scab and Sarabimbo cos... theys reglar dumfolk an ya kin truss em. Ga-hyukk.

Ms. Waldo sez the smart people will come out of the woodwork on suction day. I dont see nuthin in here but turd-mites.
"Here we are in the very buttcrack of the US Constitution-free Zone,"

LOL. It's worse than that. Looks like FW might just be the chocolately center.

"smart people will come out of the woodwork on suction day."

Suction day. Yep.

Man, I live in a solid blue state, and the peeps still seem like turd-mites. I can't imagine how bad it must be in the heartland. Better than the south I guess.

Nice to hear from you Waldo. Good to hear you're keeping busy grading papers. My work has dried up. Which really does suck when you've gotten used to a few extra grand a month. At the same time, my monthly stipend from the 401k has been cut by a third because of the 'market.' Imagine the millions boomers who have lost half their retirement savings just in time for retirement. All due to fucking fraud. Well, that's me.

Thank goodness we both have hardworking spouses. Bless their hearts.

The collapse is becoming palpable around here. Many more people at intersections panhandling. Houses going to shit. People driving junkers. More druggies. Sirens blaring all night long. People seem much more angry. And, we're just getting started.

At the same time, the wealthy/media are attacking Obama (the redistributer) for wanting to make the tax laws more equitable. And the poor buy into it because I guess they think they're gonna have more than two cents to rub together someday. Stupid schmucks.

Flabbergasted is the only word I have to describe my state of mind during these times.
It's socialism! he's the spawn of Marx, Ayers trained him! The Democrats are socialists (if only!) This is the madness I am reading on the Tacoma News Tribune site - and Tacoma is a "blue area" of Washington.

meanwhile, in Pocatello, I see no yard signs for either presidential candidate. A few for the other races but other than the occasional bumper sticker or window decal there is no evidence that there is a presidential race going on at all. I'm thinking the less conservative folks here know they are a minority so they keep their heads down and the Republican voters don't see the need - maybe it's a Mormon thing....
"maybe it's a Mormon thing...."

Probably so. All Mormons are Republicans? Not quite, according to that website, but a whole bunch are. This reminds me of our Baha'i neighbors out in Az.

What is the Baha'i view regarding politics?

Baha'is take their civic responsibilities seriously and uphold the authority of established governments through loyalty and obedience to the laws of their country. While participating in elections for their government, they abstain from partisanship, and so do not join political parties or factions. Baha'is may serve their government in administrative posts but do not accept political appointments or run for elected office. Such service reflects the practice within the Baha'i community, which holds elections for its administrative councils that are entirely without nominations or campaigning.

Funny how some answers fly into your face this this. Last sunday, I drove a new neighbor here over to the Baha'i election place in a nearby township. He's new here and his bicycle was broke. I never would've given the guy a ride, seeing as I wasn't goin' anywhere myself but when he said he was a Baha'i, I decided to help him get to his destination. I was just a teeny over in Az. when our neighbor explained it to me like this. He said something about Baha'is not getting involved in or letting politics have any real effect on them but that they always accept the Govt. that is put in place. He made it sound as if politics is a joke and the Baha'i look far beyond that. Last sunday, in the car on the way to the Baha'i election place (the shit I sometimes get into, eh?) this guy and me were wrappin about how there aint no money gonna save us and when the shit hits the fan, it's gonna be your basic skills that keep ya alive. I think I'll interview the bugger the next time he shows up at my front door. And no, I aint joinin them. Didn't in 74 and won't in 09. I just thought their stance on politics is interesting.

Speakin of socialism, and there are a shitload of em over here....if Obama is a socialist, I'm the King of Siam. But that's not what I wanted to share with yaz. You may remember me telling you about a trend here where the political parties are gonna have to move more to the left if they wanna stay alive. Well, it's happening. Slowly but surely. I feel real comfy with the thought because a lot of my older friends and ex-colleagues are communists & socialists. One has joined die Linke, meanwhile. We used to bang some good music together, may again some day. I subscribe to a couple of monthlies from die Linke so my mailbox outside the house and here in the pc are calling cards. I get plastered with the mailman a few times a year and he knows I'm a lefty. He just can't figure out how I can be a lefty and know members of the local Hell's Angels at the same time. Hell, I can't even figure that one out. Shit happens! One of these days, says my better half, "one of these days, someone is gonna shoot your ass". I wear a red & white kurdish scarf around my neck, pretty often, especially when out on the softail. The guys at work are now calling me Arafat cause everybody EXCEPT the Kurd think the scarf is PLO material. Our eldest tells me Marburg is way the fuck left. Boss-of-the-house and me were up there this past sunday to take Sohneman (son) back the easy way (the ICE trains are all screwed) and we had dinner at a lebanese place in Marburg. I guess you could call the place a socialists Hochburg. I wouldn't wanna be a neo-Nazi in that town. No way José !! What do the people over here think about the (s)Election ? Well, I did interview one of my communist friends. She was impressed with Obama. I was shocked with that so we spoke for a good hour or so about it. The moral of this entry; we're all nuts. No, but really, I think these people here are being fed some well filtered horse radish. Very few get to hear the kind of things we here might say. Very very few. I guess it's a language thing. Not my problem.
You're right there, we are completely bananas.
Spoke briefly on the phone to a major truth campaigner here the other day, very busy fellow, gave brief outline of frustrated encounters in places where I'd expected to be able to talk freely, he told me this was typical, he heard such stories all the time.

Having terrible difficulty writing. My fear and fifty years of subjugation leave traces on my psychobiological landscape
that enchain the truth, causing disruption within my inner self when I make such connections as these.
You can see why it is so difficult. Have such good ideas. Just need a little help, technical side impossible with all the other stuff and I can do so much. No help. No encouragement either. Health just a little in the wrong direction, last two weeks ill effects upon my heart.
Just need a little help.
I can talk on the telephone. I know its not private. Not much is private any more, what the hell, somehow we have to live louder.
I learn freedom from a child.
Now I feel ashamed of asking for help like that. Lousy at organisation these days, so much to do. Scared of computer breaking. Get into impossible tizz trying to read instructions for computer stuff. It all takes so long and the time to do things is now. Where's a bee sting when you need one?

Here we have a campaign for a new workers' party.
Two of my great grandfathers were miners. One died in the mine, the other died of his injuries following an accident down the mine.

Someone said to me today that we do still have free speech here.
Everyone is too busy dealing with lives that have little opportunity to be still and think.

The insurance arm of the bank that my daughter works for has changed the way it notifies clients of the nasty little clause that means they won't help with the funeral expenses of whatever family tragedy it was.
Instead of sending a letter the staff have to phone the client now and break the news personally. This has been my daughter's job for the last two weeks and she's 8 months pregnant. She's doing this awful job between Braxton Hicks contractions, and her colleagues are bursting into tears and running out of the office. There have been six resignations so far. It looks as though the bank has chosen this method to avoid having to make people redundant.

I'm trying to get people to go to this Blueprint for Truth, Richard Gage in London.

Ignore my moaning. Had a pretty good time in the last few days. It was half term and someone small was doing all sorts of things in my house. She spent hours over a book of numbers in Italian, asking me to ask her to add numbers. And she helped me tidy up the most difficult space. We ate a lot of pancakes and danced. And she sewed two collages of her own entirely, idea, speed, method. I was summoned to knot the thread and help with cutting. Not bad for five. She even threaded the needle most times.


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