Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

The U.S. has the highest prison population in the world, even more than the more populous China. Incarceration Incorporated is the biggest growth industry in the service economy. Indentured Servitude is profitable benefit to this industry.

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Suicide prevention by Aussie Police Stop killing yourself or I'll shoot!

The United Kingdom is unusual amongst members of the Council of Europe in
permitting the total severance of family ties without parental
consent. (Professor Triseliotis thought that only Portugal and
perhaps one other European country allowed this.) It is, of course,
the most draconian interference with family life possible.
Well, that's certainly on par with the US's 'Jailing Kids for Cash' scandal.

I just can't fathom the depth of sociopathy that makes people do such things. When power is used to abuse kids, it's the worst of crimes. I'd have no problem seeing the perps hung.
Whoops, just looking at that story again and see the link has wriggled around a bit, so you might find out about Common Purpose instead, which I really wasn't up to telling you about, it's such a frightful fixture in our new European society.

Try this, which is the story Bo originally responded to:
A serving Borough Councillor who is prepared to raise her own grandchildren, is being denied , so the state can generate money from Forced Adoption. Make and explore Freedom of Information requests.
The Thin Blue Whine, Pt. I: Petulant Police Demand Impunity
Post 9/11 Christmas in America

Wow, that was fantastic. I missed that on Christmas Day. Hah.

Here is a little task to share about and pass on to others with some urgency and a big fat "NO!!!"
Linda Andre, author of the book "Doctors of Deception: What They Don't Want You to Know About Shock Treatment" said: "For 30 years, FDA has been on record stating that ECT is a risky procedure which can cause brain damage and permanent amnesia, and the agency could have taken action at any time to protect patients, but it did not. A generation of patients has been subjected to an untested, unsafe procedure. It is far past time for the FDA to require that ECT be investigated for safety, and that means clinical trials, not selective literature reviews."

News: Two Week Countdown for Public to Speak Out Against Reclassifying Electroshock Device

Only two weeks are left for the public to demand oversight of the electroshock device. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that for a short time they will allow public comment about their controversial proposal to approve devices used for electroshock -- also known as electroconvulsive therapy or ECT -- without any testing for safety and effectiveness. Ever. It takes just a moment to comment via the web. The Deadline: 8 January 2010!
A psychologist friend of mine told me of a colleague of his 'Dr. Shock' who, as is obvious by his nickname, was a fan of electroconvulsive therapy. A student who suffered from test anxiety went to the Dr. who promptly prescribed shock therapy to rid the student of anxiety. The ect did the trick, got rid of the anxiety in the short term but the student was still failing all of her tests because one of the well known side effects of shock therapy is the erasing of short term memory.
Feeling too far out here, no support in situ. My little grand daughter told me her mummy tells all her friends that I am mad, whatever she says to my face. Haven't been out since the accident except to daughter's, who does not want me visiting tonight (I've been ill and alone for a week) because she is having her friends round and I "won't like it".

Marooned. I should have made an appointment at the doctor's. The thing on my nose is still there, like a small blood blister or a mole. Don't want to see a professional, feeling too different, and having spirit antagonises professionals as does knowing about anything.

Perhaps if I could write it down and publish it I might be safer. I feel as though my thoughts are incendiary. They illuminate a world that is not supposed to exist. There are wars all around us in places far away. The people I meet don't talk about it. I'm like a bad smell wherever I go, upsetting people by saying things about what's going on. YOU know what that's like, don't you?

There is no help. There is no organisation. There are only individuals working alone, driving themselves on and waving at each other over vast distances.

There are huge numbers running on automatic. They think we're in the end times too on this side of the Atlantic, I'm sorry to say. There's been huge influence from you lot over there. Shall I go on or shall I erase this.

It's madness. People are afraid to express opinions of any kind, I think. Opinions seem to have become terribly dangerous things to have. Perhaps I meet the wrong people. I've been so frightened by my encounters that I daren't write about it in case someone comes to the door and I don't want anyone other than a friend at my door.

I could tell you about doors. This door. I could tell you about a face at the window and a rag in the wind. And I have told as many people as I can about what happened. I suppose essentially we need to know who's who, in relation to who is prepared to sacrifice all our children in order to carry on regardless, whatever the course.

I want peace. These Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity give me some hope, I might drop them a line. Hey, there are some interesting people out there.

I could do so much more if I had some help.

Perhaps it is good news after all, that Interpol's powers have increased lately. Perhaps they are after war criminals and the designers and profiteers of our world's misfortunes.
And where the hell is Curt?
These chaps want peace too. They will tell you the latest about cashless banking and interpol and things.

I'm giving up politics tomorrow and taking up well-nigh full-time childcare on Monday. Smallest. That might keep me out of trouble.
Of course, madness is relative to whoever is making the diagnosis. Funny thing mother is a schizophrenic--no doubt about it. Before drugs, she claimed to have a direct line to God and would have daily conversations about which she would write about extensively. Pretty nutty stuff. But she would also include observations about society at large which were usually right on the mark.

Truth is, we're all crazy to some extent. There is no dividing line between what is and what ain't. And even the craziest among us can produce valuable insights.

The problem with most crazy people isn't that they're crazy, but you can't conform them. They don't believe the shit they're told because they're appropriately paranoid and distrusting. A natural reaction to being sidelined.

I remember that for many years my mom used to say that a black man was going to come along and people would think that he was the second Messiah. Came true. She also predicted that he would turn out to be a false messiah and would hasten our demise. Also true.

Crazy like a fox. To quote Brenda Lee, 'Who's Crazy Now?'


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