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Life in the Empire

Israel is our Friend, The Holocaust is Justification for Everything they Do.

Apparently the German F.M. Steinmeier and the U.S. State Department have coordinated their talking points and claim that any criticism of Israel is disguised anti-semitism.

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went ubuntu last month, haven't regretted the move at all, but really don't need Windoze at all for any special App or game. Heck, even if I did need Revista or Ex Pee, I could always boot to that partition instead. I likes ubuntu. Nice and stabil.
Poor Waldo. Making him use a PeeCee is like making Rembrandt use crayons. It's so medieval.

That said, I've got windows loaded into a partition on my Mac that I can fire up when need be. I use it to check my web work for cross-platform incompatibilities. Pretty easy to boot into either. Just hold down the option key at start-up and're presented with a choice of operating systems. One elegant, one evil.

Ubuntu looks interesting. I should try it some time.
by all means, do try it. Just pop in an ubuntu CD or a copy on a USB stick and voila. No need to install it to try it out. I fingered you had Windoze there for a good reason.
"Israel" is not now... nor has it ever been... anything more to the US Oligarchy than an an excuse to park tanks on top of the Oil Fields. A Fort Apache outpost... nothing more.

Now that the Stupids have attached some kind of mythical significance to Fort Apache, the US Oligarchs see this as a cool way to manipulate the Stupids. Trouble is... inside Fort Apache and the pigs who collect US Oilcorp money... a real NATION has been born. We hear little about the Refuseniks... and others- who just want to live their lives without being pawns on the pig-map.

I cannot hate the Israeli people... they are tools just like we are. The difference is- they really ARE threatened with violence from outside every day. The US marshmallows have to make it up. The pigs play us both like a cheap fiddle. I can see why the average Israeli is a violent Xenophobe. We (USAns) have no such excuse...

...other than being the stupidest fucking people on earth.
Damn. That was good Waldo.
I can see why the average Israeli is a violent Xenophobe

From what I see, the average Israeli has been hit with propaganda 24/7 from cradle to grave. The actual events aren't nearly as important as the simulacra that has been carefully created based upon those events.

More than a little paradox in xenophobia from a group of people who have only recently immigrated from many different countries.

I do believe there is more open dissent about Israel's imperialism coming from inside of Israel than there is coming from USans.


and to be honest, it must be hell. I think it's safe for me to say that we have no real idea what it's like to live in Israel. We can guess and we can research, interview and travel but to really get the feeling for it, you have to be there.

Breaking The Silence
What do you think of this then: "Israel Lobby think Hillary too pro-Palestinian" ?

A friend of mine who had lots of videos about Gaza and such (including that one immediately above) on her site, has had all her youtube players in "error- try again later" for the last 5 days.
Dis-info. To be able to pull off another false flag attack, the Govt. (and all involved agencies & allies + their agencies) have to be able to put the people to sleep. So Obama = change. Obama = good. Hillary, as we all know, is no good. So Hillary, and Rahmbo would have to say and do a few goody goody things so people will think "hey, this really is good". So when Hillary says or does good, dis-info agents kick in and charge Hillary of being bad for doing good. Your average man on the street will buy the crap. I don't.
I'm just a gullible idiot. That confused me for a day or two. Wishful thinking. Oh well.
Israel lobby commits major blunder in France: tries to silence a co...
tries to silence a comedian.

Amazing stuff is happening in France. It all began with a relatively well-known French-Cameroonian comedian, Dieudonné M'bala M'bala was invited to participate on a TV show on the channel France 3. The show also featured a Maghrebian artist and Dieudonne decided to impersonate an extremist Israeli settled infuriated by the presence of an Arab on a French show (for those of you who understand French, you can see an excerpt of his appearance that day here).

Dieudonne who, in the past, had always enjoyed ridiculing pretty much every segment of French society clearly had never expected the hysterical uproar that his humor would trigger that day: the huge constellation of French Zionists organizations lead by the notorious CRIF ("Representative Committee of Jewish organization in France" - the French version of AIPAC) immediately attacked Dieudonne, suing him for racists comments and suing him for "anti-Semitism" (a criminal offense in France). This was hardly the first time that the French Zionist mob had decided to crush an outspoken critic of its role in French politics or its unconditional support for the last racist state on the planet: Israel. But this time, the Ziomob miscalculated, badly.
His logic was simple: if I cannot use my freedom of speech as a comedian, why not use it as a politician?

Dieudo had already tried one to run for office a couple of times, but he never achieved any measure of success. This time, however, he came up with a stunning argument. Basically, Dieudo claims that the Left-Right chasm is an artificial and meaningless chasm in French politics and that the real issue which separates the parties in France is their attitude towards the Zionist ideology, the state of Israel, and the role of the Israel Lobby in France.
Within minutes, however, a group of settler children clad in white tsitsis assembled on the hill high above the valley, rolling tires down the hill and chanting in a single, piercing cry, “Death to Arabs!” The children were residents of Bet Ayn, one of the most fanatical Jewish settlements on the West Bank and home to a terrorist underground that planned to bomb a Palestinian girls’ school in Jerusalem. Recently a Palestinian resident of Safa killed a 13-year-old boy from Bet Ayn, setting off a series of violent reprisals that culminated when a masked mob of 30 settlers attacked two elderly farmers with clubs, breaking one man’s skull and seriously wounding the other. Since then, the farmers of Safa have been reluctant to work their fields without international and Israeli activists present.


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