Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

“Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.”
Steven Weinberg

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I wonder if I would be hung in effigy... drawn, quartered... or just "contract-expired" if I showed these two Dawkins videos to students. May as well. There are a whole lot of "well-DUH" things that need to be aired in just that manner. Like eating shit with a spoon... you are STILL eating shit... well DUH. Like the guy who threw his boots at preznut botch today. Botch is an asshole. Well-DUH.

Now religion has become one of those things like your tonsils when they go over and join the other side. Instead of preventing infection, they're causing infection. Gotta remove em. Well-DUH. O course that would leave a lotta folk in the Church Industry "without jobs." They could still help the afflicted... but they would have to figure out a way to do it without relying totally on their very bad construct of Literature. You know, it IS quite possible to show the significance of a story like, say Catcher in the Rye... and an actual Holden Caufield never had to really exist and we don't need to have thousands of years of wars to determine who has fence-post-pissing rights in the Holden land.

Just like nationalizing General Motors... well-DUH. As weissman said in corp. focus digest:

First, one must note the awesome disparity in treatment for the auto
industry and Wall Street.

Second, the costs of inaction to support the auto industry dwarf the
cost of a bailout -- even if much more than the requested $25 billion is

Third, the idea that United Auto Worker members are receiving exorbitant
wages putting the U.S. auto companies at competitive disadvantage is a lie.

Fourth, manufacturing wages and salaries don’t contribute much to the
cost of a car.

Fifth, although the Big Three have done just about everything possible
over the last decades to undermine their strength -- including making
disastrous long-term product mix choices, and fighting against fuel
efficiency standards -- but the proximate cause of their desperate
status is the economic crisis.

Sixth, bankruptcy is no answer for fixing what ails the industry.

Is a true nationalization the best option? Maybe, maybe not.

But the public would be a lot better off if there could be a serious
discussion of the reasonable policy choices, and a lot less breath
wasted on overt and disguised attacks on unionized blue-collar workers.

Well-DUH. Capitalism and religion... like the favorite old family pet that needs to be put down. It would be a much harder decision if Fido weren't in excruciating pain, no longer able to walk, dragging himself about leaving a trail of festering dog-pudding wherever he went and biting anyone who comes close enough to try and clean him up. Fido would thank you, if he could, for aiding his course into what may be sweet oblivion. He could remain happily in your memories as the little happy fuzzy-ball Christmas puppy instead of the reeking old dog-shit streak. When it's time to go, it's fucking time to go.

And maybe it's necessary to remember reeking shit-streak as soon as you see fuzzy puppy and vice versa. But most of us would rather skip the reeking shit-streak stage ourselves and not impose it on others... and Nature herself seems equally ruthless on both transitional stages, for all we- her creatures- are able to discern is that beginnings and endings are different... according to our ability to see through time as we know it. Well-DUH.

The idea that we would all be running madly about corn-holing hamsters and crapping on birthday cakes without the sky-daddy business is like saying strangers would be crawling over your bed at night if it were not for General Motors. Why would they crawl? Why over your bed at night? Why is corn-holing hamsters and crapping on cakes so bloody much fun that it takes a badly-constructed business scam to stop it? Could it be the small percentage of crawlers and crappers would do so regardless of the elephant repellent?

LOL. Hadn't seen the shoe incident....beautiful. A cherry to top off a shitpile presidency.

A very entertaining post, Waldo. You're in fine form today.
The Jeebus thing.....the Benedictionoftheinauguration is droning on the tv in the other room....gawd, God, god, Israel, god bless, god, great googly moogly. flying pasta monster in the can we, with straight face, look at any other nation and claim that their beliefs are tied to scripture and superstition and we are the rational, reasonable force?
Well I was watching and listening and I heard something that made me think this fellow might be ready to fight the whole machine. I think he's still on our side darlings. Oh what a thought, the scale of the deceit to battle, intoxicated with anticipation of derring-do, daring do and all sorts of darings.

Now dreaming, that's something I can do. Leads to all kinds of beautiful things.
The poop was a show-stopper for me. Other than that, I say, bravo.
Been there (pants full of it), done that (shit all over myself). No biggy. My shit don't stank! ;-)

A well executed public statement. Thanks for posting!
That test is going to come in handy the next time those damn holy rollers come to my door.
Landover Baptist Church Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome!

parody site.
LOL. Thank God all those lies secularists spread can now be debunked all in one place!

(Damnation. How'd I not know about that one.)


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