Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

They keep coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. They eat away at the foundation of civilization. They lie, cheat and steal. They think the world owes them something they don't deserve. They get away with murder.

Who are they?

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"If the government can do this, what else can it not do?"  -- Scalia meditating on the outrage of "mandated" health insurance...

bbblb...spltt... WTF???  Nary a mumblin bumble nor a pumblin piddle over the years about... lesse;;; USA PATRIOT... Military Commissions... NDAA 12... etc. etc. etc. ... and Judge Scabbo gets his robes in a wad about THIS???  Must be another kinda brain virus... like "religion." 

That's right... Kieth Henson... a big fokkin hole in my "academic rigor" that nobody (thankfully) noticed.  But I did.  Just now. And (thankfully) I might have time to plug it before I come under any kind of intellectual scrutiny... which I shouldn't... until I am long (thankfully) past dead. 

Y'see... I think the memeplex alters the physical structure in a measurable way (even with the technology we have NOW) due to nerurplasticity and... (this is important) does so in a way that has a "Lemarkian" way that affects the chemical composition of your genes... and therefore heredity.  There.  I said it. 

And I'm glad I did. 

Or....could it be we've simply stopped evolving, and in fact, are now devolving. "Are we not men?" You know the answer to that one.

BTW, I thought Henson's stunt was hilarious...

"When asked to fill in a form that required him to disclose his religious affiliations he wrote Druid. His prank was soon noticed by other students and before long almost 20% of the student body had registered themselves as Reform Druids, Orthodox Druids, Members of the Church of the nth Druid, Zen Druids, Latter-Day Druids and so on. The university was forced to remove the religious affiliation question, breaking the chain of replication and variation.

Mitt the prep.  yep.  I knew some "Crannies."  Preps, jocks and frat-boys generally ran in the same circles.  This story brought back some weird memories... most of them bad.  Bush was a frat-boy... and I hated them most of all.  Preps generally left you alone if you could dress like them... and if you didn't, you were beneath their notice.    Jocks usually did not pick on smaller guys.  Frat-boys were a whole other deal.

Kicking, gouging and biting were the first order.  Blunt instruments and sharp objects came after that.  Nothing fancy like a switch-blade.  Usually a pencil would do.  The look of surprise on a frat-boy's fat face was priceless.  I got to be kind of a connoisseur of that.  Sort of a cross between deer-in-the-headlights, trapped rodent, and baby-with-poopy-diapers.  

Of course I never could have gotten into Cranbrook... even if my parents would have paid for it... even if they could have afforded it... although they briefly considered Howe Military School.  I would probably be getting out of jail about now for assaulting the governor's son. 

Metaphor schmetafor -- it's real, baby. Symptoms of the highly predictable social disintegration that comes with economic/moral collapse and our descent into neo-feudalism.

In other words, this is just the beginning of this horror movie.

Trying to explain the difference between the "manic" state and the "depressive" state-- an obsolete psychological term that is now "bipolar disorder" (last time i checked-- the word "disorder" is telling)... when i get in my "manic" state, i tend to get obsessed with something (like a "project")-- get more energy-- get "engaged," so i tend to be more "likeable" in the manic state.  i also tend to be much more dangerous... which nobody cares about... unless they fuck with me. 

anyway... the 911-inside-job has kept me extremely depressive for the past 10 years or so because it makes me feel like Moshe the Beadle.  So here's an hour-long video:  with Susan Lindauer where she explains "Extreme Prejudice.".  Anybody who watches this and cannot see the inside job... it's because they do not WANT to see it.  (shit- who DOES)  Preaching to the choir... everybody here knows this shit. 

American Sociopaths:  think about how incredibly fucked up everybody involved with this operation had to be... then consider the fairyland state of denial that explains all the batshit crazy "conservative" rhetoric that almost half the US population is gobbling up now.  They don't WANT to believe "capitalism" (whatever that is) has collapsed... or that the energy/ environmental implosion is rushing at us like a speeding train. 

Looks like it's getting nucking futz in BO's neighborhood as well. 

What a rainy day it's been.


I really wanted to show you the book that had me waking startled in the night every hour or so, very disturbing.  Though the pincushion is a major distraction I know.  Tried to weeks ago, so quiet.

This morning I watched this quite early:

Today, 3rd June 2012, more than a million people ignored the rain and kept to their plans to celebrate the Queen's 60th year in the part. So those who kept to their imagined tradition in a fabricated age may have been thoroughly dosed in alpha particles.  That's what I've been thinking about while it's been bucketting ddown.

But of course it was yesterday already and soon the dawn chorus will be off again.

It's pretty much nucking futz everywhere. The zombie apocalypse is here. Bath salts for the peeps. Let's get this party started.

Isn't this pretty much the way we thought the collapse would play out? Well, OK. In truth, I didn't count on the zombies -- but everything else seems to be falling into place.

Be careful out there. And don't forget to 'double tap.'

Bravo. Very clever.

Yep. Smoking Gun had the same story...

I had to borrow their artwork for my new avatar.

After bath salts, I wonder what the next household product will be that provides fuel for the Zombie Apocalypse. I'll bet Drano could really pack a punch. How about shooting up liquified Cheetos? We really need to keep this thing going.

Ah c'mon guys....they just wanna be like Mike!


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