Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

They keep coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. They eat away at the foundation of civilization. They lie, cheat and steal. They think the world owes them something they don't deserve. They get away with murder.

Who are they?

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Good grief - it's only seeing the story here that I am realized it happened in the USA.  It blipped onto my screen at work under new headlines but went undetected by my radar as just 'another crazy day in africa'.


Well I am going to have a bath with bicarbonate of soda and see if that helps.  Have run out of Beeple juice.  The council is putting double glazing in along our road and mine will be next week.  Today they were injecting metal lintels and the poor old brickwork is bruised and broken.  I do like my home very much.

We are all a little raspish and worn because of the cold draughts and the wet rain falling.

That imagined tradition in a fabricated age,

it was the broken oath I was thinking of.

Now that the United Kingdom is  ruled by an unelected president in Brussels, that business the other day seems a perverse charade.   Well, we are also an American colony it seems, with truly resonant matter being Disneyfied, scrubbed and sanded; it's soul expunged and cast out upon the radioactive wind.

Aren't we all owned by the Bank of England and the Rothschilds? I have no doubt of it.

I figure they owe us a 'good show' now and then.

Apparently Tiedrich expunged that thread because he was annoyed with Waldo - who had invested a lot of time and energy into that thread - if anyone knows it would be him. Waldo is picking up his new human powered transportation this week so I'm thinking he has limited web access right now.

Hey Stones... mebbe will get you in on next road trip... or are you in Hawai'i'  or something? 

Well that page was nucking futz.  You can read the "more content" bullets at the bottom and it will make you want to put a bullet in your brain. 

Yeah-right- it's doooooope!!!  Certainly not A senseless disorientating menacing complexity. 

Could be that this is it! 

Indiana's 'Right to Resist' Endangers Police Officers.  Remember the good old days when we just called them "pigs?"

No disrespect to the good cops who just want to help people.  We were talking about the thugs who joined the farce because they wanted to drive fast and shoot people.  Shit.  Who doesn't?  But most of us realize it's a fucked up way to make a "living" by the time we are ... what... thirteen? 

I'm waiting for it to become 'open season' on bankers. But alas, we can also add 'pedophile priests' to the list.  Yippee ki-yay! We need a little more prairie justice 'round these parts.

A jury finally held one of the Church cover-up folks guilty

Perhaps there is some justice in some courts.

Seems there's still some justice left in the lower courts where judges still have a bit of autonomy. But the MIC/US government has become a lawless enterprise -- totally immune from scrutiny and punishment for their crimes. I'm guessing that 1/3 of Americans see their government as crooked now.

We've been saying it for years - the plutocrats are dumbing down education to create unquestioning workers - but now the Texas GOP have put it in their Party platform

With regard to critical thinking, the Republican Party of Texas document states: "Knowledge-Based Education - We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority." (page 20, Republican Party of Texas, 2012).


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