Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Yet another false flag operation, the Oklahoma City bombing. Was Timothy McVeigh a patsy, or as Fred Burks suggests, a Manchurian candidate?

You can always spot a government coverup. Tapes are erased, stories change, black boxes disappear, films are confiscated, and on and on.....

Oklahoma City bombing tapes erased

So the truck bomb alone couldn't have done it and there were other explosives planted in the building that apparently didn't go off. I guess the Murrah Building bombing wasn't as well thought out as Operation Northwoods. There wasn't enough evidence pointing to foreign terrorists to justify a war. Of course there wasn't with 9/11 either. Some blurry photos at the wrong airport, a miraculously unsinged passport, some supposedly fanatical Moslems who were drinking and womanizing, names of alleged hijackers who turned out to be still alive, no black boxes from the planes at the WTC, all the film confiscated at the Pentagon, and on and on.....

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Bad news.  Joe Bageant has cancer.  Stick around, Joe... we need you. 

Maybe somebody already posted this.  My memory isn't so good.  Besides that, my memory isn't so good... 

"The agency allows you to go overseas and violate the laws of another country" says the retired CIA chappie, in a proud tone, having recommended that the Israelis destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon and set the Middle East on fire, if I heard him right, which I rather think I did.  Let us hope that lots of sane people were listening last week.  

BBC Radio 4: Tom Mangold joins a spy-themed cruise around the Caribbean.
Outward appearances suggest it’s just a regular cruise. But as the MS Eurodam sets sail from Fort Lauderdale in Florida, this vast ship is carrying two men who’ve been at the very heart of the US intelligence services. Former CIA directors Porter Goss and Michael Hayden are on board for the SpyCruise®, a seven day trip devoted to issues of national security.
Passengers have paid to hear and mingle with these senior ex-spooks, as well as a range of other former intelligence and military officers. Whilst other passengers on the ship gamble in the casino, play pool games and try their hand at line-dancing, the spy cruisers are locked into a lecture theatre worrying about the state of global security.
Tom Mangold discovers that the cruise is part of an attempt to repair the damaged reputation of the CIA after a string of controversies. In wide-ranging and rigorous interviews, he grills the two ex CIA bosses on extraordinary renditions, enhanced interrogations, water-boarding, and targeted assassinations.
SpyCruise® is a SpyTrek® event run by the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI CENTRE). The CI CENTRE is an Alexandria, Virginia based company offering over 50 training courses and briefings in counterintelligence, security and counterterrorism training. For more information:SpyTrek®CI CENTRE®
SpyCruise® 2010 set sail from Ft. Lauderdale to the Eastern Caribbean aboard Holland America's MS Eurodam for a week's cruise on November 13-20, 2010 with exclusive top intelligence experts providing fascinating lectures, an opportunity to meet others with an interest in the world of intelligence and to enjoy beautiful ports of call.
Keep up with the latest news on this blog. For cruise details, go to the SpyCruise® website.

SpyCruise. Cool. Of course they're slime bags--but what else is new?

Been watching the BBC series "MI-5" (or Spooks) on Netflix. Great fun, although all terrorists are always portrayed as having slipped their wigs. Nice to see British spooks hating Americans (CIA) though -- American spooks are usually portrayed as greasy whores. Haven't caught up to current shows, I'm still watching shows produced about 2003. I expect the politics of the show to shift once I'm past the ones produced during Bush/Blair era.

I loves British TV. So much better than the crap over here.


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