Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

everyone see this about Ning??

An Update from Ning

Posted by Jason Rosenthal on April 16, 2010 – 3:13 pm

Hi Everyone,

As many of you know, we made a decision yesterday to focus 100% of the company on enhancing the features and services we offer to paying Ning Creators. The tens of thousands of you who already use our paid
service represent over 75% of our traffic, and we’ve heard repeatedly
from you ways that we can deliver a killer service to help make your
Ning Network more effective. Some examples of things we are working on
that you’ve asked for include new APIs, a new mobile experience and new
advertising and revenue opportunities.

As part of this change, we’ll be phasing out our free service.  On May 4, 2010, we will share with you all of the details of our new offering, including features and price points, through a series of blog
posts, emails, and conference calls. We recognize that there are many
active Ning Networks for teachers, small non-profits, and individuals
and its our goal to have a set of product and pricing options that will
make sense for all of them. For Ning Creators using our free service
who choose to move to another service, we will offer a migration path
and time to make that change. We will still continue to allow free
trials and test networks on the Ning Platform.

We look forward to talking to you further on May 4th.

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I probably should have seen that one coming. So now what... maybe start a fucking facebook page? Methinks I hear a dying goose... in- getting all the eggs out at once to save on goose food.
otoh... it would save time signing on to delete the fucking spammers...
i heard about this on etsy of all places. i guess some of their groups use ning....
The spammers have been in full force lately - deleted at least one a day for the past week.

Haven't joined Facebook - not thrilled about their data mining operation - but, if that is the only option.....
oh dear, I don't want to join Facebook. Far too in-your-face for me.

Besides which mustn't disturb current sense of cohesion, have been pruning and all illusions of things being as they were are grabbed and clung to, till the new growth has filled in the huge gaps where the hideous sheds jostle and leer.

Oh, and there's the world headquarters of the world's largest arms manufacturer a few miles the other side of that bay tree with legs.

I want to feel safe, at home, and cosy. Uneasy conscience. Suggested Cal tell your dogs rumours of change. No, don't do it.
Since we're here and we've left our coats lying in the corner so long they've got mildew it would be a shame to up sticks.
Problem with Facebook is that it's just one giant garden party/popularity contest. It's really not conducive to these types of discussions. Not that we're all that intellectual here.

Maybe we should start posting at Mr. Stonefruit's site. I appreciate his efforts. Maybe he'd allow for some guest commentary.

Too bad the COTO folks are so whacky. But, I s'pose that's another option. Nah. I'd have a hard time being serious.

Interesting that Mark seems to have found his niche on the Smirking Chimp as Senior Citizen.

I dunno. I'm a fan of you all, so I'll just tag along where ever -- if'n you let me.
Oh dear ... only just read this. I'm on Facebook and I enjoy it for keeping in touch with folk I know, but I don't think it's the right kind of platform. Maybe I just don't know how to use it properly, but if you post a comment in a group there all your 'friends' get to see it on your newsfeed. Some of my 'friends' are work colleagues as that is the site where I use my real name. Nothing to stop me setting up a second 'incognito' profile I suppose which is just linked to you guys. Maybe we should give it a try. I've been quiet of late ... been through a bit of a long, hard downer ... but I would really miss this group if it were to disperse without a trace.
Mouse - I haven't told the dogs, but they can tell something is afoot from all the tears and despondency. What exactly is afoot I don't know - can't afford to emigrate - will have to leave that up to the ever reliable(?) kindness of the universe. I am drifting very much off the thread topic, but I have spent the best part of the last month wishing I had turned out more 'normal' so that the things that bother me didn't bother me anymore. I think if I found a pill to do the trick I would drink it without hesitation.

Anyone feel up to experimenting of Facebook to see what can be done there? Tribe is still going ... nothing to stop us going back there. I still go there for my doggy friend group.
Feeling pretty despondent too -- seeing as the civil war seems to be getting started here in the US. We USA'ns would rather fight each other than the true enemy--the corporatists. Stupidity reigns supreme.

That said, I hope we don't lose touch. Maybe we should de-ning and re-tribe.
Yes, they really ARE that STUPID. They couldn't see the Truth if it crapped on their heads. Oh wait... it already HAS. Maybe that's why they wear funny hats.

They don't even know when they're being mocked.
well, i should be home before may 4, but if i space this out, someone email me if we have to meet elsewhere!
Does someone have your email?

If all else fails please leave breadcrumb trail on tribe for me to follow.


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