Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Obama--Just another American War Criminal

Been reading about a coverup of a massacre of Afghanistan prisoners that just came to light recently.

First, Obama says he's going to look into it...

"(CNN) — President Barack Obama has ordered national security officials to look into allegations that the Bush administration resisted efforts to investigate a CIA-backed Afghan warlord over the killings of hundreds of Taliban prisoners in 2001."

Now, it appears the Obama administration has already decided that the US has no "grounds to probe" the crimes even though the guy who was in charge of the prisoners was on the US payroll.

Obama has now snuffed several attempts at prosecution of war criminals. At what point does a president's ability to subvert the law make him complicit in the original crimes?

That point has come and gone. Obama is a co-conspirator. We now have just another war criminal in the white house.

So, what's changed?

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With the bureaucracy of Empire in place, how could it be otherwise?

Published on Thursday, September 2, 2004 by the Globe and Mail / Canada
Another Case of Mass Deception?
by Lawrence Martin
Where are the bodies? Was the other big war of the last decade, Kosovo in 1999, triggered by bogus allegations as well? Another case of mass deception?
In Iraq, it's the missing mass weapons of destruction. In Kosovo, it's the missing mass graves.

In alleged ethnic cleansing exercises by Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, as many as 100,000 to 200,000 civilians were said to have gone missing or been killed in Kosovo, many of them buried in mass graves. Members of a Canadian forensic team to the Serbian province have come forward to label the numbers nonsense. No mass graves, they say, and, on both the Albanian and Serb sides, only a few thousand dead. A mockery of the numbers used to justify the war.

Us, the British, complicit too. The war machine trundles on.
"Where are the bodies?"

Suspect some were cremated but alas, I too assume the numbers were grosely exaggerated.

The day Slobodan Milošević was hauled off to Den Hague, I knew the ICC was a sham. The day Slobodan Milošević was found dead in his cell, in Den Hague, I was convinced he was not guilty as charged. His death was too convenient for some. What could this man have said to incriminate persons of authority in the empire?
Buncha people got their uns in a wad over the "Obama" appointment of science adviser JP Holdren... especially the Alex Jones fans and PJ Watson.

What I find strange... is that Holdren has been a recognized die-off voice for the past 30 years. This more or less confirms that the PTB know full-well about the die-off... which may explain why the "media" is Jacko, fluff and status-quo as hard as possible. Get ready for a lot of slag in the blathersphere about how "global warming" is a "government hoax" to "steal your freedoms" and "get your money." all true... except for the "hoax" part... and the "government" part... because there IS NO "government."

I can hear the Fats saying, "die-off, schmie-off... whatever. We are setting up our fiefdoms now. Don't fuck with us." So the sock-puppets who think they're the "government" absolutely will NOT fuck with the Fats. They're going to fuck with US. All-war-all-the-time is just another scam for the Fats to get rich(er)... and they got plenty more. It also keeps the peasants distracted and kills them off in a fine Malthusian way. The Fats and their puppets have ALWAYS been war criminals.

The scientific die-off bureaucrat appointment is a sign that the Fats are done running scams. Now they're about to take the pie... the whole pie... and they don't have time for excuses or pretexts- nor the need for any.
It's too late for any solutions to the over-population problem. Probably better to appoint PeeWee Herman to science advisor. Keep da peeps entertained until the end comes. Actually, another Jim Jones would be even better. At least then we could time our own end--drink the Kool aid and say goodbye.

Thought maybe Obama might be forced to follow through on the Afghan thing. But, I should know better by now. None of these crimes is ever going to stick. It's not because the info isn't there, it's because Americans are too apathetic or willfully ignorant to keep the pressure on. Again, it's too late anyway. Too many Americans have been assimilated into the hologram. And once in, there's no getting out.

Not sure what 'the fats' are going to do with the pie. They may think they're immune to all this shit...but they aren't. No steel gate is going to protect them from the barbarian hoards. Or whatever is right around the corner. And who...besides a whacked-out fundy...would want to stick around for the aftermath anyway? They can have it.

Wish that judgement day thing would happen. It'd be nice to watch 90% of the population ascend up into the heavens. With all the deluded-ones gone, we could get back to business.
"So, what's changed?"

The face?

It really is too late. The only way out is full speed ahead. More war crimes, more killing, more invasions, more more more. As if these people know of an escape door that is slowly shutting. I would expect that door to be a very ugly one that, once jarred open would result in justice (as we know it) becoming irrelevant. Meanwhile, "The war machine trundles on." Apparently, it cannot be reprogrammed. So we change face. Fascist faces.
So's, I'm on a camping trip with me 11yo son, and I'm playing some old Joe Walsh music, and he says, "dad, is that that Rage Against the Machine song that's in your itunes?" Damn, how'd he find that?

Well. guess where I got it? Das Curt!

So Curt, why so glum? Your influence is international!


Relax, prosecutors in Nuremberg have launched an investigation into all these Nazi saluting gnomes. Thought crimes about war crimes will be taken seriously.
Mr. international influence here. No generation is safe from da trufe. Rage against da ma sheeeeeeeennnnnn, jah.

Been researching WTCs 1&2 computer rooms, data centers, tenants, suite assignments etc. for the better part of the day. Came to the conclusion there were computer rooms all over da place, as I expected.

AA11 hit WTC1 (north) at an angle (need be determined) between floors 93rd to 98th. Marsh USA Inc. Insurance Agencies occupied 93th to 100th floors. Supposedly.

UA175 hit WTC2 (south) at an angle (need be determined but was quite similar to AA11's angle) between floors 78 to 84. Euro Brokers had a data center on the 84th floor. Fiduciary Trust had a major data center on the 79th floor ( google Scott Forbes DBA).

Came across a very interesting site. One page in particular is full of 9/11 goodies, enough to call for a new investigation. But Obama will not call for a new investigation. If he does, he will die sooner than he plans.
One of the dozens of letters and petitions I sign every day must have been asking my Senators about the prisoners in Guantanamo, because I got this form letter from Senator Diane Feinstein's office:

Dear Mr. Smith:

I want to thank you for contacting me to share your concerns about indefinite detention and the U.S. policy for holding suspected terrorists.

President Obama has ordered that the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba be closed within a year. He has also established task forces to review U.S. interrogation and detention policies and evaluate how individuals currently held at Guantánamo should be handled - whether to prosecute them, transfer them to the custody of other nations, or continue to detain them in other circumstances.

I support the President's efforts and, as Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, believe there are sufficient and secure alternatives to holding detainees at Guantánamo. For example, individuals could be tried in civil or military justice systems and held in maximum security and super-max prison facilities. Federal courts are capable of prosecuting individuals who have violated U.S. criminal laws and have successfully handled international terrorism prosecutions in the past. The President has also indicated that a fair and reformed military commission system, consistent with due process laws, may allow the U.S. to prosecute individuals who have violated the laws of war.

The Administration has signaled that the U.S. may consider prolonged detention as an option for detainees who are determined to be too dangerous to release. According to the Administration, any such system would be required to have Congressional authorization and would include periodic reviews to evaluate the national security threat posed by detained individuals.

I am following this review process closely, and I am committed to working with the President to carefully evaluate these alternatives and what changes in law may be needed. Please do not hesitate to be in touch with my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841 if you have any questions or additional input. Warm regards.

Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

So I went to her website and sent this email response:

Dear Senator Feinstein:

Thank you for responding to my concerns about the prisoners in Guantanamo. As you mentioned, those guilty of crimes can be tried and detained elsewhere.

The problem is that there are many whom we know to be innocent of all crimes.

Because they were kidnapped (we call it extraordinary rendition when we do it, but terrorism when anyone else does it), imprisoned without trial, and subjected to many years of torture, many of them have been driven insane or become hostile towards us because of the unjust way in which we treated them, and therefore could easily be determined to be "too dangerous to release."

But that is not due to anything that they did. It is due solely to illegal actions on our part.

Punishing innocent victims of crimes against humanity, because they are not happy and grateful to have been victims of crimes against humanity, is even more insane than committing crimes against humanity against innocent people.

They need to be released immediately, and they and their families need to be granted apologies and restitution sufficient to ensure that they can obtain the conditions of life and therapy needed in order for torture victims to recover.

I realize that I'm wasting my time writing to an intern or volunteer whose job is to select the proper form letter to return on behalf of a member of the Washington bureaucracy that has renounced the Nuremberg Principles and authorized torture and wars of aggression. But I'm a senior citizen so I have nothing to lose by emulating the White Rose Society and speaking out against fascism anyway.


Mark E. Smith

Soon I will get another "thank you for your input" form letter. Fuckin' fascists.
That's strange. I've seen you post about many fascists and I've never seen you call Obama or any other male fascist in D.C. or local government or the mainstream media a cunt. Is it something to do with their gender?

I've known people who used the n-word and several of them explained, when I called them on it, that they weren't referring to blacks, that they used the word to refer to anyone they held in contempt. Funny, but I never saw them use it to refer to whites. Must be just coincidence. Sexist and racist bigots wouldn't lie, would they? Not even to themselves?

If you hadn't added the bullshit, your post probably would have bone unnoticed, Pan. I'm sure Feinstein believes that being deemed "too dangerous to be released" from Git'mo, has nothing to do with the fact that the prisoners are Moslem. So what makes you less of a hypocrite than she is?
"bone unnoticed"???

I agree. It's hard not to notice Pan's 'bone' every time I look at his avatar.

Good for you Mark, for your efforts. Personally, I've been following the Afghan massacre story with great interest to see if Obama follows through on that one. It's such an obvious war crime that if he ignores it, in my mind, everything else becomes moot. It's probably all moot anyway, but it's the one issue that represents the biggest affront to my own principles.

Had a confrontation with an Obamabot yesterday regarding Obama's lack of followthrough. Happened to be a client, and I think I might have lost some work because of it. Seems the fascists are busy on both sides of the isle. When people ask me what my political affiliation is, I just answer that I've become an anarchist. They usually laugh...they don't know I'm dead serious.

They're all fucking cunts.


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