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Life in the Empire

A thread dedicated towards possible solutions rather than the rather pessimistic fare we engage in with much of our other communication.

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On the radio now:
The Secret Science of Pee

using your own waste for fuel..
"mining urine has far greater value than mining gold or oil"
It's the culture, stupid. Americans would rather live in poverty than adopt some socialistic ideology that would give them a much higher standard of living. The only real solution is to leave.

Why Germany Has It So Good -- and Why America Is Going Down the Drain

Link to article
GREAT find, BO. Thanks. I'm definitely going to use it.

Ten Things the Dems Can Do To Win. Why aint they doin it? Maybe it's WAY too complicated for the Dummies.

I had a chance to discuss "the American Model" with several Germans. They thought it looked good (at the time) because it was "so profitable."
"That's WRONG," I told them. "The 'profit' is not real. It's only on paper." Schroder said the same thing (albeit more diplomatically). I hope he feels vindicated. I know I do.
1. Do something for your base.

2. Do something for your base.

3. Do something for your base.

I guess the basics aren't being taught anymore.......
It's gotten far worse than doing 'something for your base'. The dems are just as complicit in ignoring the rule of law as the repubs. From a recent Krugman article:

"The accounting scandals at Enron and WorldCom dispelled the myth of effective corporate governance. These days, the idea that our banks were well capitalized and supervised sounds like a sick joke. And now the mortgage mess is making nonsense of claims that we have effective contract enforcement — in fact, the question is whether our economy is governed by any kind of rule of law."

Granted, the dems are probably lesser crooks than republican crooks...but they're crooks just the same. They could care less about their base at this point--they'll do anything to fool the peeps into voting for them. But, it's too late in the game for throwing bones to their base. The change that never came assures their defeat.

Too bad. Now, the worst of the two crooked parties will be running the country while the peeps blame, and kill each other.
That pocket veto was one of the few things I can point to that Obama has (not) done that was completely sensible.

The fact that the Dems put forward the bill in the first place pretty much ends any thought that they are "libruls", "progressives", or shudder "socialist/marxist Commucrats". Too bad the Dems aren't what the Teabaggers are claiming they are.
Hey, I just caught this...

Merkel says the multicultural movement hasn't worked.

That's gonna piss the globalistas off big time. Will we ever hear one of 'leaders' say that here in the US? Fuck no.
Angel-pants is Germany's version of Ronzo Ray-gun. Wow... a whopping 30%... but I betcha can guess which 30% (of the rich fatties) THOSE are. But Curt should weigh in on this one... where the hell IS that reprobate?

I got the strong impression that the Turks are their messicans. "Als Turkei" and all that. But worse... they's MUZZLIMS. Not that bein cat-licks cuts the browners any slack at all here... And the frequent complaint I heard there was their "horrible German." And then I would say, "well... I speak horrible German."

"Ja," they would say, but you don't LIVE here. But make no mistake... my last name cut me LOTS of slack... not to mention being of a less-swarthy color. Granted- not blondi-blue like you Swede-boys... but I looked like many Hessians on account o me gene-pool. But the last name really did the doo. It was THEN that I understood why the Irish could not figger out wothefok I was DOING there. Prolly woulda been much different if me name were O'Walldighan or somethin.

I would guess Angel's multi-spew was for domestic consumption.
"my last name cut me LOTS of slack...",.....paper?'d that work?

Sorry couldn't help meself.... lol
One big difference is that Germany is importing skilled labor. America is importing construction, meat-packing, lawn mowing, child care and stoop labor while exporting our skilled labor jobs to India.
  • Peugeot Citroen invents technology for air car ready for the market by 2016
  • 'Hybrid Air' engine system runs on petrol and air, instead of electricity
  • Company predicts 'Hybrid Air' to achieve 117 miles per gallon by 2020

wal boo-howdy, eye be down wit dat.  wha... 3 years?  7 years?  There IS NO TIME.  The technology is available and viable to build 100 mpg. vehicles NOW.  The usual beezle-bazzle of "market solutions" is trapping us in the Catch-22 shit of more-then-cheaper/ cheaper-then-more egg-chicken booyah.  I could have bought my '05 Prius 20 years earlier... if the "marketing" wonks were not caught in the same egg-chicken soup skrood decades earlier. 

This is not fucking rocket science.  "Nationalize" the grid and roads.  "Subsidize" the manufacture of clean economic transport.  Then "nationalize" the "insurance industry" (especially health "insurance.")  It's high time to offer those who threap about "socialism" a nice hot cup of STFU.  Few of them have any idea what "socialism" actually means anyway.  These same folk seem to think a fascist (authoritarian) police state is just ducky-doo. 

Lots of answers in Lincoln's bourouche. 


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