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Life in the Empire

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Hoolah!  how close are you to hana's neighborhood?  

Don't know yet.

Revising an article about a project we did that has been accepted to a peer-reviewed academic journal conditional upon a rewrite that takes the recommendations of the reviewers.  They want us to move it from a more anecdotal accounting of the project into something more academic that ventures into theorizing.  I really don't want to just regurgitate quotes from actual theorists as citations that somehow justify my actions and thoughts.

Thinking about postmodernism that uses deconstruction to breaks down the metanarratives as opposed to the modernist impulse I still cling onto that is informed by postmodern analysis and Waldo's use of compost modern makes complete sense.  Composting breaks down existent forms into base nutritional elements that are used to fertilize the growth of new forms.  Compost Modern realizes that postmodern analysis is only tool that is rather useless if you don't take the next step to fecundize the soil and plant new seeds.

Some conspiracy theorists attempt to debunk everything by using snippets of evidence they have picked up from the internet and "analyzing"  it from their homes.  Then they use one thing that seems a tiny bit odd to try to claim the entire thing was staged.

Until, and unless there is far more than a video that repeats a two second sequence of a shooting, I have to conclude that the only staging going on here is by the person who posted the video.

It staggers the imagination that a staged shooting of a cop as a false flag would have the "faked" victim be a Muslim.

Here's the wikipedia article:  

"We have to carry on until Islam has been rendered as banal as Catholicism."

And my "career" is probably done at the uni.  

"Adjunctification is the first stage of privatization: adjunctification, corporatization, privatization. The end."  

I have been denounced by anonymous sources saying my "political agenda" interferes with my teaching writing.   Yeah.  They did this in Germany... and the yokels think I'm being polemic.  My agenda is the green future.  It isn't an agenda.  It's physics.  Like evolution.  It's not a belief system.  It's chemistry.

We all have belief systems... some have systems beyond belief.  

They crossed that line... the volk in der department.  Jawohl.  Rhetorical analysis of scholarly peer-reviewed journals.  That's like a gourmet analysis of Bunny Bread.  That's what I said.  I don't belong there any more.  All the smart people here I used to shoot the shit with are dead, retired or driven underground.  That's where I thought I was... but not underground enough.  

Oh, but there's "academic freedom."  Really.  Where does it say that in my contract?  Nowhere.  So fuck me, I'm out of here. But before I go, gonna put on a show.  Full tilt boogie.  Every damn trick I knows to get them wee spiders to write like pros.  The oceans are dying, man, and we are supposed to circle-jerk clusterfuck rough drafts and peer reviews.  Oh- and counting pages.  Best believe we gonna Schweik this one.  

Then I got to get to Deutschland so I can die among civilized people.   

You can't write cutting-edge shit like " banal as catholicism" and expect it to get through peers  who are dunces, crazies, or both:  nazis.  

None of my classes filled.  I'm going on unemployment.

I have been denounced by anonymous sources. Boy does that sound familiar. Protected by a guarantee of anonymity, the slander against Jo continues even though it is just piling on at this point.  The program/department/school/college is racing as fast as possible to anti-intellectual/anti-art/lowest possible level led by the delusional Dean who keeps saying she is going to save us with her business sense and by making connections with the Mormon community and Rotary club.

I'm in a better place than Jo because I have a job offer and have had a few more nibbles.  She is feeling very attacked, very rejected and not wanted.  It is amazing how depraved these fucks are in their desire to destroy her/us. I keep being surprised at how low the average person can be when they are fueled by fear/jealousy and a love for gossip.

Nothing worse than to have your reputation attacked and not be told who the originator of the attack was or for what reason. In my experience, management loved that shit. Problem of the prime tenants of law is to be able to confront your accuser. Without that element, the person that uses hearsay to disparage someone's reputation is simply being a pernicious totalitarian asshole. Par for the course. 

Hey! Obama has a new CC education thingy. Because if you still don't know how to read after graduating high school, how are you going know which button to push at MacDonald's? Of course an Associates' degree today is the equivalent of a high school degree from 30 years ago. Anyone who graduated high school in the sixties should automatically be awarded a bachelors' degree.

Tenets, not tenants. 

We are seeing the degree inflation - PhDs are being required for entry-level, generalist positions that, once were content with a BA, then an MA, then an MFA.

I wanted to do da doc thang at Antioch.  Was accepted.  Then the graduate school closed.  Oh... they still PhDs in "international leadership" and other such korporat krap.  

Yeah well that tenant of the law was just renting.  They evicted that shit with USA PATRIOT and other such slag.  

"What baffles so many of them, though, is how ordinary Americans in startling numbers have been persuaded to dislike “big government” and yet support its new representatives, bought and paid for by the rich."  


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