Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Seems the peeps might have had enough. The evidence is in the number of increasing violent attacks against the system that the prez likes to call violent outbursts--as if to say they might be random and perpetrated by nut cases.

But, what if they aren't.

Seems recent events might actually be understandable given the desperation and limited alternatives some of these 'violent' individuals were faced with...

Like the guy from Florida who shot his previous employer....

"ORLANDO, Fla. - Jason Rodriguez's marriage long ago went sour, his home taken in foreclosure, his job lost to incompetence, his finances sunk in bankruptcy. It was a "stress overload" for the man accused of a deadly shooting rampage at his former office, his lawyer said Saturday.
The 40-year-old man whose life seemed to just keep getting worse was charged Saturday with first-degree murder, accused of killing one and wounding five Friday at his former office. He said nothing in his brief court appearance Saturday, but his attorney portrayed him as a mentally ill man who fell victim to countless problems."

Then, there is the couple who have been charged with 'torturing' a couple of loan modification scammers...

"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - As Los Angeles housing advocates launched a campaign warning of mortgage rescue scams, a couple hit by foreclosure are charged with torturing two loan-modification agents they suspected of fraud, authorities said on Monday."

And we all know what happened when the army asked a muslim to go to his 'homeland' and kill his own people. Too bad they couldn't hear his objections.


Here's a good article on the reason we'll be seeing a lot more those violent outbursts in the future.

As Foreclosure Nightmares Increase, Will More Homeowners Pay Off Th...

"The economic crisis revealed late-capitalism's central offense: Human beings are being transparently treated if they were mere transactions. And they're going postal over it."

Or maybe they're beginning to see the entire government as the criminal enterprise it has become, and realize that that's why there's no justice for them. Maybe they now realize that the only way they'll ever experience justice is to take it by force. As Bush once said..."freedom isn't pretty." Maybe the 'war for freedom', has finally come home.

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It's 2002 again. That's when World Corp had already decided to invade Iraq the following March. And when most of us found the Smirking Chimp and thus began our blogging careers -- in order to express our discust. Now we are facing the exact same scenario with Iran. So, what do these fucking  judo-christian neo-feudalist fascist bankers want? It better not be about oil. Because what were all likely to get is WW3. 

Happy birthday, Mouse. We hear ya.

Not only can't I spell disgust, but I can't remember jack shit no mo. 

It could go either way... but I don't think Iran-o-rama is gonna happen cos shit is coming unglued too fast.  Granted, the stone-hedz is a one-trick-pony... and ginning up a nice honkin war has always worked to distract the proles from how badly they is gettin focked... but eye donna think it gonna woik dis time- because dey done fooked the "money" system. 

Fancy that shit- the Money Party- crapped in their own skillet.  inflation-deflation-stagflation-obfuscation... whateverthefuck... people gonna be cold and hungry... add in a few natural and/or artificial catastrophes... grid flickers- it's ZOMBIE TIME.  the porks are well-aware of ZT- and that's why they's passin laws like crazy to paper over smashing "civil disorder" wid a quickness.  i gotta few modest proposals (contained in the links above posted) wot eye is gonna try and present in about 15 minutes to a panel discussion this weekend.  we'll see how that goes. 

clean- water, food, energy, information... and all that.  let's go down- down to the river to pray.  oh yer bay-bee has gone down the plug.  the porks knew it wuz coming... but were so bizzy rooting they schnoozles- they cunnt help theyselves from helpin theyselves to mo and mo an mo- they done popped like Mr. Creosote.  and o course y'all saw on the Chump how krakkkerland is turnin into tweekerland.  wooden ya like to be a pepper too?  I know that neighborhood QUITE well. 

Eye Knife Raven Doll Coffin...

more bullshit on the Chump about lolly-loo celebrity political sock-puppets,,, the remaining Chumpster apparatchiks seem freaked-out that the "political system" is fucking IRRELEVANT... and it does not matter one bit if the portly pepper-shaker lady "votes" for J Fred fucking Muggs. 

Just took a break to dash over to the strip-mall gas station to get some cigs (yeah- they gonna kill me- can't get outta here fast enuff).  The Duckburgers here just topped a buncha recent surveys for being fattest, dummest and happiest in the land-o-da-flea.  Typical Duckburger jumped outta his Chevy pickup (leaving engine running, heater blasting)... on the same mission... wearing T-shirt.  It's 30 F (0C) outside.  Between the tweekers out here and the gangstas downtown, these people will be toast.  Yeh- there be gun-head militia types too, but not too many wot I call REAL rednecks.  Most is just squishy office-butts.  Teeparty Publicans, o course. 

They yammerin constantly about "their" munny.  Unaware of financial collapse.  Only the ones who no longer have "j-o-b-z" are aware of the current commercial collapse, and the political collapse may as well be on the moon.  Eye guess they will rolly-polly right through social collapse by staying inside... and then when cultural collapse happens, either the tweekers or gangstas will eat them. 

oh we are soooo fucked. 

edit:  if you are into any of that shit, Lakoff nails it here.  sorta. 

Words, words, words.....Lakoff labels words in the mythologies of progressive and conservative (words that are meaningless to me - wot the fok is a progressive?).  It is all wrestling  anyway - and the crowd don't care that the match is fixed....and will get mighty pissed if you spoil their fun by trying to point it out to them.  And, like Barthes says, they got their mythologies and it don't matter what words you use - the know what they believe and that is that.

In junior high I used to sing along with Cream (may have misremembered some words):

A mother was washing her baybe one night

The youngest of ten

and a delicate mite

The mother turned round

for the soap off the rack

She was only a moment

but when she turned back

her baby was gone

and in anguish she cried

O where has my baby gone

The angels replied

Your baby has gone down the gutter

Your baby has gone down the plug

The poor little thing

was so skinny and thin

he should have been washed in a jug (in a jug)

Your baby is perfectly happy

He won't need a bath anymore

He's romping about

With the angels above

Not lost

but no longer will be found.

Just saw an exhibit created by Class Warfare inspired by Guy Debord's Game of War.  

It was free museum night and there were a lot of people there so I didn't listen to the whole presentation but it had a lot of very exciting things......including ways to avoid becoming mini-Lenins in the Situationists struggle.   There was also an interesting exhibit electronically analyzing Eisenhower's farewell speech.  J was very excited - planning on her (our?) next work based upon the speech, informed by the Corner House and, of course, current events.

"Not lost but gone before.

Last night's dream is definitely one of the worst I ever had.  Worse than a "nightmare," it was in a class by itself. 

The ingredients: A couple of books on "ghosts" at Gettysburg.  Movies: The Flaw and Edges of The Lord.  Two local items about union busting and zombies.  Weather:  a big honking thunderstorm.  Put them together and what have you got?  Bibbitty bobitty boo. 

I have had terror dreams before.  Those are the kind that can kill you.  Woke them all up with a terrible scream... skip a rope.  This dream was vivid and real... the kind you can not believe on awaking... that was really a dream.  If I ever have this dream again I will seriously consider jumping off a bridge. 

It was some kind of Hell Halloween.  Remember saying (to no one in particular), "...the creatures from Hell are attacking the neighbors."  Nobody seemed to mind.  They joined right in.  It was a party.  It was an Opera.  With a capital bowling pin.  Gettysburg is not Nuremberg.  Oder Birkenau  Stinken selbe. Wo bist du? 

Leider Lizzie,"  laugh the Angels..Elizabeth Masser Thorn, it sucks to be you.  All the Angels hiked their robes up.  It was naught but an skeleton, covered with skin.  Harvest moons rimming heaven with farty laughter at the joke.  Four score and seven cum eleven jokey Germans burn a million skid-marks on the veil between worlds. 

Maybe I have seen a ghost and maybe I have not.  Sense it like a real dream. You would have to be thick as a brick to go to a place like Flanders or Verdun without hear souls' blood crying aloud from the stained atmosphere.  But do not blame me for four score and seven.  Lincoln wrote the libretto from heaven. 

Zombies start their murmuration "Home Sexual.  Abort Ton Baby Murder.  Bible cons too shun.  Benghazi!  Benghazi!" The soul of Greenspan's flaw is assuming Zombies want brains because they have none.  Supply and demand.  Markets are efficient.  Limitless growth is normal.  We want to believe. 

Limited government and lower taxes cause freedom strikes your grout at the old bawl game.  Disunion under clods shawl inhabit a knew burp off fiefdom.  Hail sees her.  We who are about to die salute too.  Santa strains dear and hollow wean punk inns sell chap cigar blue and grey kepis to kids over and over again. 

Free mark it cap pistol schism. 

Depressing times, eh, Herr Waldo?

I suggest ant-depressants. Everyone I know with more than two brain cells has to take 'em to deal with the obvious shit be goin' down. Or pick up a perscription for Christianity and wait for rapture to set in.

Got a call from the ACLU the other day asking why I don't donate no more. Told 'em we've lost. It's over. Why waste money just to tickle the funny bone of the oligarchy? They said, well, we understand....but please keep voting democratic, OK? Hopeless.

Frankly, I don't give a damn anymore. But when I do, I try to eradicate it with hedonism and addiction. Anything that allows escape from clear thinking. Because, bliss is better than the alternative.

Doing the medieval.

Speaking of escapism and medeival history. One of my favorite pastimes is to watch "Time team" on Acorn TV. It's about a bunch of archeologists who roam the UK and dig up past civilizations. Good therapy. Makes one realize how temporary human constructs are. Both social and physical.

Here today. Gone tomorrow. 

Speaking of medieval times, the transitory nature of human endeavors, and whether to be, or not to be

So, the hams playing Hamlet were hamming it up?

Saw Henry Five in Ashland, Oregon a couple of years back. Left at halftime because I couldn't hear a damn thing. Totally frustrating. But then, I'm old so my hearing is going along with my eyesight.

I remember my dad saying that he lost his hearing prematurely because of the engine drone from flying B-24's. He had a gift for turning even the most common old age ailments into an adventure. He was the ultimate ham. Wish he was still around.
Well my dad is still around and no-one expects that he will ever want to see me.

not that I could get there

Went out to vote, massively difficult
, didn't turn out well. Ha.

fookin wit da fone



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